Why Shouldn't Men Hit Women?

Originally Posted by juggy4805

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What the hell does Sunday have to do with anything
. is my brain supposed to shutdown today or something

I'm not saying that but you seem to have a hatred towards women. I don't know you in real life but based on this board you seem that way.
Understandable, but that is definitely not the case. I just don't like the social injustices/benefits women get in this world if anything.

Definitely don't hate them. Nowhere near HATE. Just don't believe they should be worshiped like we are told to do.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

I know personally that I'm the type of person that is laid back and doesn't cause trouble, so if I ever hit a woman there would be a damn good reason for it.

I don't believe in hitting a woman that you're in a relationship with because if you truly cared for that person then you wouldn't want to hurt them. But, if some random chick gets out of the pocket and does way too much, I honestly would see no problem putting her in her place if she hit me first.

Society can say this and that, but all females are not the same. If you wish to be treated like a lady act like one. When you begin to act in a manner that is not lady like, you don't deserve those protections. In todays society you have to be responsible for your own actions. If your a female stepping to a man in an aggressive manner then you best be prepared to defend yourself if it comes to blows.

Truth. The people who preach that "Never hit a woman" motto religiously are either women or dudes that don't deal with certain types of chicks. For the strong majority of females, it's pretty logical. They aren't going to come at you sideways to even provoke you to hit them.

But there is a subsection of the female population (i.e hoodrats) that either thinks they can act any kind of way towards a dude and not get punished for it, or expect the punishment and choose to be disrespectful anyway. I honestly don't care if they provoke a dude into knocking them out. Will I be that dude? Hellz no, not worth the domestic violence charge. But at the same time I'm not going talk down on the guy that does. She earned that right uppercut.  
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Because men generally are more stronger than women.

So why shouldn't men be taught to not hit people they are stronger than

Ok let me put it like this, if you find a girl that's the same size as you (muscle mass, height...etc), then some people may give you the benefit of the doubt. And if a girl is bigger than you, you will get even more sympanthy. But almost always, if you clock a girl smaller than you, you well get ridiculed immediately. Although my response doesn't answer your question, I just wanted to give you more insight to my comment put into a more situational aspect.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The world says men shouldn't hit women, but then they want men to look at women as their equal. Yea. If they are our equals, why shouldn't we be allowed to hit them and why should we give up our seats to them and open doors for them (off topic I know). It is just confusing (not for ME per-say but I can see how a stupid dude would be).
Double standards, thats just how it is.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

The people who preach that "Never hit a woman" motto religiously are either women or dudes that don't deal with certain types of chicks. For the strong majority of females, it's pretty logical. They aren't going to come at you sideways to even provoke you to hit them.

But there is a subsection of the female population (i.e hoodrats) that either thinks they can act any kind of way towards a dude and not get punished for it, or expect the punishment and choose to be disrespectful anyway. I honestly don't care if they provoke a dude into knocking them out. Will I be that dude? Hellz no, not worth the domestic violence charge. But at the same time I'm not going talk down on the guy that does. She earned that right uppercut.  
Great response man

Dudes shouldn't deal with the type of female that would get out of pocket like that NOR she he give a female confidence to get out of pocket with him. I blame it on so many dudes being trainined by their mothers to be suckers and take any abuse a female dishes out to them because their ultimate goal is to always please women.

if more dudes were strong, leaders, and handled their business the way they were supposed to, less women would be out of pocket. Females only do what you ALLOW (yes allow) them to do. If they respected you, they wouldn't give you a reason to hit them. Simple as that.

I feel for you dudes that deal with females that constantly test you.
So he has a "hatred" of women because he questions the double standards of society?
DC imo men shouldn't be hitting women for the same reason men shouldn't be hitting other men. Like someone said ideally, no one should be hitting anyone else. But that's ideally.
there's no real logical answer, but if you were raised right then you would know better than to hit a female.

There are many other ways (when in a confrontation) with a female to get your point across without having to actually punch them.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

there's no real logical answer, but if you were raised right then you would know better than to hit a female.

There are many other ways (when in a confrontation) with a female to get your point across without having to actually punch them.
Right? Right by which standards? A woman's standards? Why is that RIGHT? Because that rule only benefits females.
So he has a "hatred" of women because he questions the double standards of society?
DC imo men shouldn't be hitting women for the same reason men shouldn'tbe hitting other men. Like someone said ideally, no one should behitting anyone else. But that's ideally.
I know man, some won't get it.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

there's no real logical answer, but if you were raised right then you would know better than to hit a female.

There are many other ways (when in a confrontation) with a female to get your point across without having to actually punch them.
Right? Right by which standards? A woman's standards? Why is that RIGHT? Because that rule only benefits females.
So he has a "hatred" of women because he questions the double standards of society?
DC imo men shouldn't be hitting women for the same reason men shouldn'tbe hitting other men. Like someone said ideally, no one should behitting anyone else. But that's ideally.
I know man, some won't get it.

DC...I don't even know how to explain it...but honestly if you were raised right, you'd know better.  That's all. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

But if I whoop Queen Latifa and Jermaine Dupree, who do you think I will get more heat for demolishing?
. That weight class mess only matters in organized fighting. On the streets, nobody considers that. I think they SHOULD do that instead of looking at the sexual organs of a person.

THAT is what should matter, not whether or not someone is male or female.

"weight class mess?"  you are just ignoring the concept of picking on somebody your own size.  do you agree that you would look like a punk for beating up somebody who is 50+ lbs under you? if yes then weight class does matter. i brought it up because it speaks of size in the strictest sense--the professional world.

on the streets? what is the streets?  is this hood talk? streets is too general.  but i think you mean everywhere outside?  i consider my suburbs the streets then.  you still think people wouldn't say anything if i beat up a person who is clearly not formidable(like a bum) in my down town?  

its clear that we don't hit women because women are just naturally weaker. it is science.  on top of that they are traditionally the person men take care of.  the mother figure, the bosom in which we lay our heads upon etc.  its not that big of a deal and not worth discussing because it is common sense.
If it is RIGHT, then you have to be able to explain it.

Just because the majority of people were raised on a theory doesn't make it RIGHT.

The majority of people are raised on religion in this nation, again, that doesn't make it RIGHT.

So it is safe to assume you don't have a logical, non-biased based on how I was raised, reason as to why it is right, correct?
Originally Posted by bangtcg

"weight class mess?"  you are just ignoring the concept of picking on somebody your own size.  do you agree that you would look like a punk for beating up somebody who is 50+ lbs under you? if yes then weight class does matter. i brought it up because it speaks of size in the strictest sense--the professional world.

on the streets? what is the streets?  is this hood talk? streets is too general.  but i think you mean everywhere outside?  i consider my suburbs the streets then.  you still think people wouldn't say anything if i beat up a person who is clearly not formidable(like a bum) in my down town?  

its clear that we don't hit women because women are just naturally weaker. it is science.  on top of that they are traditionally the person men take care of.  the mother figure, the bosom in which we lay our heads upon etc.  its not that big of a deal and not worth discussing because it is common sense.
You do see at the end of my statement I said people should be taught to pick on folks their own SIZE and not their own sex. I guess you missed that part.

Why and how is it common sense and why shouldn't it be discussed? You guys kill me by says what should and shouldn't be talked about.

So what if A woman takes care of a specific man, why does anything like HER (your mother) demand the same respect as you give her. That logic is very very very foolish if you ask me.

Every woman is NOT your mother. So why should you treat every woman with the same respect that you have for your mother? You don't have the same relationship with every woman, so why should you treat them all the same.

I hope you understand that "treat them as your mother" logic made no logical sense man. You are clearly speaking off of emotion.
So DoubleJs if a woman was hitting you in the face, you'd just stand there and take it because you were raised right?
Going by that thought process if a man was doing the same to you, you'd take it also because you were raised right?
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

someone get this guy laid!!!
There is always one. Nice one though. Always the answer when in doubt, just tell someone to go get some P*ssy.
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

So DoubleJs if a woman was hitting you in the face, you'd just stand there and take it because you were raised right?
Going by that thought process if a man was doing the same to you, you'd take it also because you were raised right?
Like I said before...there are other ways to restrain a woman or get your point across w/o having to hit them.  And yes...it does go back to how you were raised.

*and what's with all the foolish hypotheticals?
  "If a sheep was hitting you in the face....."
DC gets a lot of hate, he is on point with this thread. Its just easier to try to dismiss him than to admit this "rule" is one of the many outdated/BS parts of today's society.
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