Why Shouldn't Men Hit Women?

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

do you want someone to hit your mom??? Thats why. Men can get themselves in and out of situations, women are weaker regardless of size. Grown man strength
the #%*# kind of logic is that? i dont want anyone hitting my dad so i dont get what the hell you're trying to say
  dude got at him 
The only way a man should even THINK about hitting a girl is if she put her hands on him.

But if she doesn't, he has no reason to. That's just what it is, part of being a man.

Even aside from men vs. women, no person should let words want them to hit a person. Period.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

This dude DC stays makin the worst threads.

It's really quite obvious as to why men shouldn't hit women. Men are stronger.

Idk how someone can be so stuck on having each gender be exactly equal in all things. Life doesn't really work like a math equation, women get advantages in a lot of areas and men get them in other areas.

All this dude does is bring up a topic, then finds something to go against what everyone has to say.

He just likes arguing for the sake of arguing.

 people with sense on NT.....Shocking

Listen here folks. At the end of the day, you can do what you damn well please.....Should or shouldn't? Nothing is dichotomous in this world. IS hitting women wrong? Persay yes, but you best be damn well sippin on sizzurp if I aint hitting a chick that hits me. Mattafact I would hit a breezy so hard that hit me I would hit her back before she had a chance to even question whether or not I would hit her.

This dude stay wasting my bandwith. This thread is straight shambles. Do what you damn well please but everyone on earth knows why it's "not right" to hit a woman.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

The only way a man should even THINK about hitting a girl is if she put her hands on him.

But if she doesn't, he has no reason to. That's just what it is, part of being a man.

Even aside from men vs. women, no person should let words want them to hit a person. Period.
Can't agree with that last sentence.  Words can hurt more than punches. 
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by bittersweet

The only way a man should even THINK about hitting a girl is if she put her hands on him.

But if she doesn't, he has no reason to. That's just what it is, part of being a man.

Even aside from men vs. women, no person should let words want them to hit a person. Period.
Can't agree with that last sentence.  Words can hurt more than punches. 
Agreed, maybe I should take out "want them to hit a person", and replace it with "hit a person".
If ANYTHING makes a concious decision to hit me in the face, and I don't care what it is (male, female, animal, alien, etc)... it is getting hit back.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by bittersweet

The only way a man should even THINK about hitting a girl is if she put her hands on him.

But if she doesn't, he has no reason to. That's just what it is, part of being a man.

Even aside from men vs. women, no person should let words want them to hit a person. Period.
Can't agree with that last sentence.  Words can hurt more than punches. 
Agreed, maybe I should take out "want them to hit a person", and replace it with "hit a person".
Cool.  I still don't agree but ok.  I don't believe in non-violence.   I do think that under no circumstance except for like life and death should a guy hit a woman with the same force he would hit a dude.  That's about it. 
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

What would you get out of hitting a woman though? You should have enough self control not to hit a female, how hard is it to grab her hands so she doesn't swing at you? The only time a beat down is allowed is if she's trying to kill you
, otherwise that "she hit me! so I hit her!" mess don't fly

and related to the Kat Stacks video, how you let shorty words effect you that much? that makes it look like whatever shorty was claiming is true

Same could be said about a dude what could any person say that warrents attacking them? Like words are diff just cause a man woman said it. Ok so if someone breaks into your house you gonna say oh let me not whoop they or shoot them i gotta check see if its a woman first.

Why are you talking about attacks? obviously if someone tries to rob you or harm you then you're going to defend yourself.

I'm simply referring to a male and female arguing. If shorty just lashes out because she's angry and says a bunch of hurtful words that she doesn't mean what you going to do, slap her? word? there's no reasoning for that.

At the end of the day these are females. We are way stronger than them. If your defense for hitting a female is "she wants to be equal to men in this world so why can't she get hit like a man" you will be or are a woman beater on the low.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Just a spinoff to the Kat Stacks situation. People say that dude shouldn't have smacked her, but then they go on to say they should have gotten a female to do it. 9/10 that female would have been a man-type female. Either way, someone that overpowers Katt Stacks would be striking her.

The world says men shouldn't hit women, but then they want men to look at women as their equal. Yea. If they are our equals, why shouldn't we be allowed to hit them and why should we give up our seats to them and open doors for them (off topic I know). It is just confusing (not for ME per-say but I can see how a stupid dude would be).

As I said, I don't condone violence and I don't think anyone should be putting their hands on anyone else. but I understand it. I don't see how hitting a woman is any different than a man hitting another man that is clearly not on his physical level.

So besides it being something we were taught as kids, why shouldn't men hit women again?
Don't even ask the original question. Just preach this above underlined statement because women shouldn't be hitting men either. NO ONE SHOULD HIT NO ONE unless you're defending yourself or someone else being attacked for an unjustified reason.

But, to answer your question, chivalry. Just what a man is "suppose" to not do. Just like women, even in an equal society, have their roles and lists of things they can or can't do.
Women would like to believe they are equal to Men.

They are not.

Let them believe it.

There's a reason they say "Be a man about it"

A happier woman means a better cooked meal.

You shouldn't hit women, it's like hitting someone that is disabled or elderly.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

NO ONE SHOULD HIT NO ONE unless you're defending yourself or someone else being attacked for an unjustified reason.
yeah, but there are several simps that wouldnt even defend themselves from a woman (supposedly)
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

No woman can every make a situation so bad that you can't just walk away from.

I'd say never, because it's not necessary.

Exactly WOMAN, only little girls can (age is not a factor). But, even then what kind of "man" are you if you let a little girl get you so mad you hit her?
If they can be restrained and held back then that will be the first route but If my life is in danger or they are way bigger than me then they can get hit back equally. So thats like saying If a girl like Baby Dee from friday is attacking a guy the size of mike epps he can swing back, Haymakers and all, if she starts to throw hands first. Some girls do need to realize that running their mouth can get them hurt, and the dude that hit snookie on jersey shore proved that. Even tho she didn't deserve the punch. I guess in the end its just society, but I feel we should make it truly equal and share the idea that hitting anyone, gives them the right to hit u back.
yyup. No one should be hitting anyone

men vs men
or men vs women
or women vs women

unless your life feels threatened or your defending yourself
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

do you want someone to hit your mom??? Thats why. Men can get themselves in and out of situations, women are weaker regardless of size. Grown man strength
If ANY woman pus their hands on a man they DESERVE to get hands put back on them. I don't care if it is the mother of Jesus. Women should be taught as kids to not hit a man and not vice versa. Since they are the weaker human type.

I see what you're saying, but not true sometimes a man should just get hit. For example if the woman is defending herself, she doesn't deserve to be hit. (I'm just being knit-picky)  Why not vice versa LOL makes no sense. This is not equal then, which is your original argument that we should be equal. So men shouldn't be taught, which would mean they would act like woman now and hit their significant others frequently, who couldn't hit them back like men can't now. If this happened then women would be asking the same question as you, if we are equal why can men hit us and we can't hit them?

My question is why the weaker version (woman) isn't instructed to not antagonize the stronger version (man) since we are so much stronger?

Rabbit kids are taught to not bother snakes.
Little gazzells and zebras are taught to not mess with large cats.

LOL we aren't wild animals.

So why aren't women taught not to put themselves in situations to get their heads knocked off by men?

WOMEN are taught this and practice it. Little girls don't (age is not a factor). No WOMAN hits anyone unless being attacked or defending a loved one. Little girls do.

What do you mean men can get themselves in and out of situations? I don't understand that logic. So essentially you are saying women can't logically put themselves in and out of situations? I thought we were the dummies and women were the smart ones. So why is the pressure on US to use "logic" and walk away?

Cause were men.

Or should men walk away because they know they will probably get in trouble for doing it? Is that what you are really trying to say?

A MAN should walk away because he knows its the right thing to do, not waste time with little girls and lose control of his emotions. Only a little boy (regardless of age) would stay and hit a girl because she mad him mad.

I am still waiting for someone to tell me WHY instead of reciting these "rules" that were taught to us by older women in the first place. (mothers, teachers, etc.)

No one can tell you why. It started as a rule built by our society, so how can you expect someone to give you a rational explanation like there is scientific evidence as to why.

Did you go to jail for hitting a woman DC? Honest ? not trying to start stuff.

Basically, to all men stop kicking it with little girls that can't control themselves and hit men. No WOMAN would do this.
Originally Posted by Gordonson

Because society is built on this double-standard, so men are expected to just get socked and eat that $#!+
That's their double standard and our is the sex partner one. 
ooIRON MANoo wrote:
A happier woman means a better cooked meal.

Your whole statement went out of the window after you posted this.

I stand by my original statement, women are generally weaker than men so western society adopted the belief that it unfair to hit a women like you would hit another man.

On the side-note, I would love to see a woman's perspective on this.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

NO ONE SHOULD HIT NO ONE unless you're defending yourself or someone else being attacked for an unjustified reason.
yeah, but there are several simps that wouldnt even defend themselves from a woman (supposedly)
Then they are ridiculous. Some of you know my posts and how i feel about woman, including DC. And, even I in a particular situation would lay the smack down on a chick. I would first try to walk away, but depending on the situation you can't always walk away so... Also if my life or a loved ones life was in danger I would uppercut that chick so hard her teeth would shatter.
Well Im 6'3 230 lbs the hell I look like hitting a chick? Alot of yall frail *!%$@* can get away with that $*!* but not me
Originally Posted by cartune

Well Im 6'3 230 lbs the hell I look like hitting a chick? Alot of yall frail *!%$@* can get away with that $*!* but not me

U look like you be going to jail lol. I wonder how many woman could actually kick your butt though. Would be interesting to see a big guy getting his butt kicked by an average sized girl.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

do you want someone to hit your mom??? Thats why. Men can get themselves in and out of situations, women are weaker regardless of size. Grown man strength
If ANY woman pus their hands on a man they DESERVE to get hands put back on them. I don't care if it is the mother of Jesus. Women should be taught as kids to not hit a man and not vice versa. Since they are the weaker human type.

I see what you're saying, but not true sometimes a man should just get hit. For example if the woman is defending herself, she doesn't deserve to be hit. (I'm just being knit-picky)  Why not vice versa LOL makes no sense. This is not equal then, which is your original argument that we should be equal. So men shouldn't be taught, which would mean they would act like woman now and hit their significant others frequently, who couldn't hit them back like men can't now. If this happened then women would be asking the same question as you, if we are equal why can men hit us and we can't hit them?

My question is why the weaker version (woman) isn't instructed to not antagonize the stronger version (man) since we are so much stronger?

Rabbit kids are taught to not bother snakes.
Little gazzells and zebras are taught to not mess with large cats.

LOL we aren't wild animals.

So why aren't women taught not to put themselves in situations to get their heads knocked off by men?

WOMEN are taught this and practice it. Little girls don't (age is not a factor). No WOMAN hits anyone unless being attacked or defending a loved one. Little girls do.

What do you mean men can get themselves in and out of situations? I don't understand that logic. So essentially you are saying women can't logically put themselves in and out of situations? I thought we were the dummies and women were the smart ones. So why is the pressure on US to use "logic" and walk away?

Cause were men.

Or should men walk away because they know they will probably get in trouble for doing it? Is that what you are really trying to say?

A MAN should walk away because he knows its the right thing to do, not waste time with little girls and lose control of his emotions. Only a little boy (regardless of age) would stay and hit a girl because she mad him mad.

I am still waiting for someone to tell me WHY instead of reciting these "rules" that were taught to us by older women in the first place. (mothers, teachers, etc.)

No one can tell you why. It started as a rule built by our society, so how can you expect someone to give you a rational explanation like there is scientific evidence as to why.

Did you go to jail for hitting a woman DC? Honest ? not trying to start stuff.

Basically, to all men stop kicking it with little girls that can't control themselves and hit men. No WOMAN would do this.
There are plenty of females considered women that have hit men. For you to form these made up groups of little girls and women regarding who would hit a man is foolish and kind of tells what assumptions you're making about these altercations.
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