Why Shouldn't Men Hit Women?

^^ but our mommies told us it wrong to defend yourself against women. If you defend yourself, you weren't raised right.
Because i never want to see my pops strike my mom cuz shes talking nonsense about how the Lakers are going to win the finals,
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

i don't think dude should have slapped kat stacks.  he should have punched her in the mouth.
I stay waiting for one of them Dark Knight ransom videos of her to show up. I mean how many strapped n____as does she need to put on blast?
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

And Mannish looking Lesbians def gettin too without question...

You wanna be/act/look like a man...

you gonna get treated like one
You're saying it's ok to hit a female because she wear male clothes? or w/e she does that makes her look manly to you?
That's like saying if my little nephew wants to act like a ninja then I'm going to find a real ninja to whoop his !*! so he gets 'treated like one'

To dude I quoted before this; Male vs male isn't the same as male vs female. When two dudes fight that's just what it is, a fight. When a female and male fight, what do you say? he's beating on a girl. Why try to make it seem like it's the same thing when it's not.
men shouldn't hit women, women shouldn't hit men, men shouldn't hit men, women shouldn't hit women...can't we all just get along??!
lol at trying to justify hitting women. If you really want to K.O your girlfriend/wife/random J.O do what you want man, honestly. But at the end of the day, regardless how you feel, putting your hands on women is frowned upon and I don't see that changing any time too soon.
Females should understand that they are usually considered "unhittable" and be thankful for that and not try to hit men and then cry about the consequences.
heLiumcLinton wrote:

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

And Mannish looking Lesbians def gettin too without question...

You wanna be/act/look like a man...

you gonna get treated like one
You're saying it's ok to hit a female because she wear male clothes? or w/e she does that makes her look manly to you?
That's like saying if my little nephew wants to act like a ninja then I'm going to find a real ninja to whoop his !*! so he gets 'treated like one'

To dude I quoted before this; Male vs male isn't the same as male vs female. When two dudes fight that's just what it is, a fight. When a female and male fight, what do you say? he's beating on a girl. Why try to make it seem like it's the same thing when it's not.

First of all a child is simply put a child. They arent even mature enough or no better, that was so illogically there is no need for a response. Also its crazy since u brought up kids, hell why is ok to hit kids, as in spankings etc, and they arent even getting physical with u, but it is wrong or less of a man to DEFEND urself against a GROWN +%+$ WOMAN. Are u seriously gonna tell me a woman is more vunerable, and less of a threat to a grown man then a child.  

So basically a 4 y/o is a bigger threat to a grown man, than an adult woman? Wow i think i have heard it all now.  
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Actually, you're kinda right. I know there are varying levels of acting like a true man or woman. But, it still doesn't change the fact in my eyes a woman would never hit a man for an unjust reason. This is only my opinion and definition of a woman though.
And like I said what's just and unjust depends on the individual. Going off your I can see it being limited for many.
Ialready defined my justifiable situations
I already stated my opinion on them.
but you probably didn'tactually read my reply and reread my original post.
I'm tired of reading this excuse as if I was suppose to read everysingle one of your posts in this thread. I read the last post but I'mnot going to go through every page.

I do go through each post to make sure of the intent of the person and to see what their entire opinion is on the specific topic. You didn't even have to because I quoted myself on 2 important one.

They ARE only myopinion though so if you have a different set of standards to judgecharacter then that's on you, but I have high standards as to how awoman and man should act.
A lot of ppl have standards that they tend to think are high.

To call me naivefor thinking this is absurd though

I'll call a spade a spade. Obviously you wouldn't agree

Thanks for proving by yourself that you just wanna argue cause you are calling me _____ just because I disagree. Not because my opinion is "wrong" in our society and will break laws, bring harm, is unreasonable, or ignorant.

My thoughts bring no harm to anyone


My thoughts bring no harm to anyone nor are they unreasonable or ignorant. Don't edit the sentence all aspects that I listed are important. How is it irrelevant? You try to make analogies to mass suicide below, this is why before you could even try and point out more generalized statements on my views I stated that, yes they are only my views, but they are views that bring no harm, they are reasonable views that no one could be upset at, and they are not ignorant views. NOT saying you wouldn't have a different view though. To call me naive for having these view is calling me ____ because you don't agree. Just like you said 

If you consider menaive for thinking this way then that is your opinion. I already knowplenty of individuals who would agree.

I know it's my opinion and plenty of ppl agreeing with your opinion don't mean !#%$. A person can get a bunch of ppl to agree to mass suicide. Group think, followers, and haughtiness over an idea by a group aren't things I'm fond of.

I understand what you are saying and agree, but you can't generalize my views and opinion and prove them wrong with a fallacious analogy. A bunch of people agreeing to mass suicide is not the same thing as a bunch of people agreeing to not hit anyone and settle their differences by conversation, unless being justified to hit them.

Pleasetell me a scenario where violence would be appropriate that I have notlisted

Respect and disrespect. I know older ppl who feel completely justified in striking another person when they are disrespected. Of course the manner and level of disrespect are pertinent. I feel justfied in similar scenarios. Then there's times someone ought be taught a lesson about violence. The decision to physically attack someone and then getting beat down for it is a powerful experience for the person who initiated the altercation and is something I see as paramount in society and a deterrent to violence. Simpler things like do on to others as you would like to be done on to you. Thing is the practice of the saying is far greater than the saying alone for those who behave irrationaly.

Once again this is YOUR opinion. I'm not going to knock you for it, but I could easily write up a scenario (not a fallacious analogy) that would make this look stupid. LOL you think people getting beat down supports non-violence and deters violence? I'm not even gonna touch that. Actually, I will. The act of violence in the first place to teach this person to deter away from violence is ridiculous since the first act is violent in the first place. This only would promote violence. But, even if that person now is deterred from being violent in the future it still took a violent act to teach him this, that is not how individuals should be deterred away from being violent. A correct way to support non-violence while deterring people, although I know it doesn't work well, is making it against the law and having you go to prison for X years. This is why we have laws against battery and assault.

Although, now you are just generalizing myopinion to try and expose it's weak side because when it comes to manyother things I don't think that way, but for violence, yes.
Nah, you just assumed I wasn't talking about the topic for some reason and that the statement applied to everything.

LOL cause you did generalize it to other topics. You even further proved that you are doing this to try and prove me wrong by making the mass suicide analogy. Has nothing to do with hitting other people.

LMAOyou obviously didn't read my entire post. Your sentence below evenproves that that above bold statement is not how I feel.
Like I said before I'm not about to read all of your posts to be sure of what you said and didn't say nor did you address that quote.
Nocontradiction. A man should walk away from an altercation with a littlegirl who is attacking him, if he know that he can safely remove himselffrom the situation because she is not a true threat. If he feels thathe is in danger of being physically hurt or killed this justify himstriking her back. In essence no one should hit no one unless thereason is justified. Oh look my original post

Ignoring the justified part since it's subjective when does this decision making occur? Not every person can see an attack coming or can predict an altercation will escalate to that point. Safely remove yourself after the first couple hits? or when the person takes a break when hitting you? What about the location? There are times when the option to run isn't the right one or is simply one you will not do.

I already stated this in the quote that I re-posted so that you could see. You have to assess the situation if you feel like you can safely get away then do so, what is do hard to understand. So your saying anytime someone hits you they need to get hit back? What about if a guy cheats on his girl and she slaps him does this justify him hitting her? Or should both individuals not hit the other and discuss their problems or break up. When, all depends on your assessment of the situation it doesn't matter if it is before a fight or during. Just because you are getting hit doesn't mean that automatically makes it right for you to hit someone back. If a little 5 foot 95 pound girl is hitting me I highly doubt it would hurt and I would be able to safely remove myself from the situation. If you can not assess the strength of an individual who is hitting you and decide whether I can remove myself from the situation or if I have to defend myself from being hurt then you have issues man. Take some kung fu or something lol.
 I don't see where progress is made in the walk away scenario.

Because although your pride or ego or any other feelings might be hurt NO ONE is physically hurt. Do you know how many individuals die accidentally during fight? They get knocked out and hit their heads on cement and die. Your saying it is worth the risk? If they disrespect me with words I am to dumb to teach them a lesson with my expansive articulate vocabulary so I have to hit them. Its worth the risk of killing someone because they disrespected my ego.

At the end of the day I don't like being hit by anyone. So if you hit me, you've given me the right to do the same. In some instances where you've disrespected me you've also given me the right to do bodily harm on your person. I won't make distinctions based on gender nor will I buy in to that men are rational and women are emotional bull !#%$. Hell, if you swing and miss or I dodge I'll take it as sign of disrespect, recognition that they've entered a realm they've chosen to enter knowing full well the consequences of it. The weaker person should know better and once they've crossed that line it's already known on my part they're expecting the same to be done to them. If you weak and dumb, then at the least lets hope you'll learn from the experience, knowing why you shouldn't.

LMAO can anyone else just picture this grown *** dude accidentally getting a girl (4'10'' 80lbs) upset so she disrespects him and calls him a ______ as well as slaps him in the face. Then he punches her lights out. LOL. where is the sense in that? just because she hurt your precious feelings? She must be taught a lesson from master zik. 
BE A MAN. Dumb weak individuals don't learn from violence it fuels them. That is why they are violent to begin with, can't express their feelings with words. Think about it an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. You just hit someones girlfriend, sister, mother, or friend; even if justified in your terms you best believe they now feel justified and "disrespected" enough to knock your lights out.

DO you agree that no one should hit no one unless justified by the reasons I stated? IF you don't then you have a point. If you do then you are arguing just to argue and being knit-picky.
No I feel it's too limited to self defense and protection. I acknowledge those are justifiable reasons but not the only ones. I definitely don't agree with calling ppl children if they don't fit my list of justifications until I've actually fully understood the situation and the entire concept of a "true/real *insert gender*" is rather ******ed imo.

I will always view individual like you as children who can't control their emotions and use violence instead of words to dispute their case. Nothing to misunderstand in my scenario, It is clear cut. Defend yourself or someone else being attacked in an unjust manner. I would assume you to think of this as a ******ed concept because you don't fit the description of a true man imo. But that's just my opinion. Do you I guess stay beating women cause they hurt your feelings.

In the end what do I care for your opinion. As long as you don't hit anyone I know, this would justify me hitting you, Then keep hitting people cause you feel hurt emotionally.
In all other scenarios I could use big boy words to counteract any disrespecting comments you could muster up.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by Executive76

ask Chris Brown
LOL That fool is an idiot.
he may be an idiot but a lot of people think like him(even in this thread) and he is without a career right now because he couldn't restrain himself. Oh well.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by Executive76

ask Chris Brown
LOL That fool is an idiot.
he may be an idiot but a lot of people think like him(even in this thread) and he is without a career right now because he couldn't restrain himself. Oh well.

aint like he had much of a career anyways. plus we arent sure what all went down with them two. i heard she use to beat him down like all the time. I mean i guess at some point he had a breaking point.
heLiumcLinton said:
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

And Mannish looking Lesbians def gettin too without question...

You wanna be/act/look like a man...

you gonna get treated like one
You're saying it's ok to hit a female because she wear male clothes? or w/e she does that makes her look manly to you?
That's like saying if my little nephew wants to act like a ninja then I'm going to find a real ninja to whoop his %#@ so he gets 'treated like one'


Read what I said..

These lesbian " Dom's " ACT JUST LIKE MEN...

Atleast where I'm from

They quick to knuckle up like a @%$#* and crack slick..

They try can try me if they want I'ma lay hands on them...Just like if they were men

All that they are still women +$%# goes out the door when they choose to be live like a man...

only time they act like women is one week every month and thats due to nature...

And these lil young bucks will sqaure up on your dumb *@@ in a heart beat...

they gotta get it too

out might even have to keep the hammer on you..

These youngsters are FEARLESS and will Bang that gun too..

^^ but our mommies told us it wrong to defend yourself against women. If you defend yourself, you weren't raised right.


$#@% lil @%$#* you from the burbs


you prolly never been in a situation such as this topic..

they prolly stuffed your %!*%@ *@@ in lockers and +$%#

gave you wedgies an noogies
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by Executive76

ask Chris Brown
LOL That fool is an idiot.
he may be an idiot but a lot of people think like him(even in this thread) and he is without a career right now because he couldn't restrain himself. Oh well.

An intense heated +*+ argument that exploded cuz Rihanna wouldn't let go or couldn't wait til they got behind closed doors...

She couldn't control her emotions and started spazzing on him

in a Little +*+ Lambo While he's driving DRIVING at that..

She threw that @!@!# phone out the window..

Called him all types of !$**

And I BET $$$$$$$ She swung on him 1st...Repeatedly before he retaliated

THAT is the VERY Scenario that CAN'T BE AVOIDED..

But of course Chris Brown was wrong, cuz Rihanna couldn't +*!#%! RESTRAIN herself til they got to the crib
I still would like to hear from these so called "real man" who say your entire manhood etc is up for questioning because you DEFEND yourself against the attack of a woman. So yall basically must feel that spanking, whooping a child is wrong and makes you less of a man, right? Cause yall whole argument is that a man infact every man is far more dominant physically then a woman, (again i remember seeing some of yall pics, and some of yall was like 5'6-5'9 about 135-160) which i know plenty of woman that size or bigger.

Isnt a man far more dominant physically then any child? So again i ask what makes spankings ok, an not DEFENDING urself against a woman attacker. There is no kid that is close to the size strength of a grown man, so that weak %#@# argument goes out the window. You cant seriously believe a child/kid can defend themselves or take a hit better then a grown woman. And on top of that its not like u defending urself when giving a child a spanking. So in essense u just whooping on them just out of frustration/anger/words that was said. Isnt this the same thing u guys said a man shouldnt hit a woman over?
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by Executive76

ask Chris Brown
LOL That fool is an idiot.
he may be an idiot but a lot of people think like him(even in this thread) and he is without a career right now because he couldn't restrain himself. Oh well.

An intense heated +*+ argument that exploded cuz Rihanna wouldn't let go or couldn't wait til they got behind closed doors...

She couldn't control her emotions and started spazzing on him

in a Little +*+ Lambo While he's driving DRIVING at that..

She threw that @!@!# phone out the window..

Called him all types of !$**

And I BET $$$$$$$ She swung on him 1st...Repeatedly before he retaliated

THAT is the VERY Scenario that CAN'T BE AVOIDED..

But of course Chris Brown was wrong, cuz Rihanna couldn't +*!#%! RESTRAIN herself til they got to the crib
Nobody is worth %!#$!%* with your money and your livelihood. NOBODY. You damn right you restrain your emotions for that $!$#. Forget what she did, she almost cost him his freedom never mind that paper.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Thanks for proving by yourselfthat you just wanna argue cause you are calling me _____ just because Idisagree. Not because my opinion is "wrong" in our society and willbreak laws, bring harm, is unreasonable, or ignorant.
Thanks for proving you have no idea what that phrase means. Calling a spade a spade does not mean arguing just to argue or arguing because you disagree with a  person. It's calling it how I see it. If it has all of the qualities of a duck Imma call it a duck. What I said about your post being naive was naive to me. Stop looking for excuses.
How is itirrelevant?
It's irrelevant because it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC. I didn't bring it up nor does it have anything to do with this. Nobody is talking about whether someone's thoughts harm others. I'll respond accordingly to irrelevant things like that. Seems you were just rambling and didn't know when to stop typing.
To call me naive for having these view is calling me ____ because you don't agree. Just like you said 

I never said that. Show me where I did if you read that. I called you naive because what you said was naive. If you think I'm calling your entire view naive step your reading comprehensions skills up.
You try to make analogies to mass suicide below, this iswhy before you could even try and point out more generalized statementson my views

I made that analogy to a statement that had nothing to do with the topic or your views.
they areviews that bring no harm, they are reasonable views that no one couldbe upset at, and they are not ignorant views.
Irrelevant unless you want to tell me when the topic was about whether or not ppl's views make ppl upset or are ignorant, or do harm.
Iunderstand what you are saying and agree, but you can't generalize myviews and opinion and prove them wrong with a fallacious analogy.
I'm beginning to think you've completely forgot what that analogy was addressing. Especially for you to keep bringing it up throughout your post as if it's important. Show me where I generalized your initial view. Saying my thoughts don't harm ppl are irrelevant and HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC.
 Abunch of people agreeing to mass suicide is not the same thing as abunch of people agreeing to not hit anyone and settle their differencesby conversation, unless being justified to hit them.
So because you can not read and understand what that analogy was responding to I have to go through reading a waste of txt like this? You keep saying you're understanding what I'm saying but I think you're lying.
Onceagain this is YOUR opinion.
Really genius? I thought I was stating facts all along and educating you since you're 100% wrong. /sarcasm
I'm not even gonna touch that.Actually, I will.

The act of violence in the first place to teach thisperson to deter away from violence is ridiculous since the first act isviolent in the first place. This only would promote violence.
So you admit that when you're defending yourself in a fight you're promoting violence?
But, evenif that person now is deterred from being violent in the future itstill took a violent act to teach him this, that is not how individualsshould be deterred away from being violent.
Says who? When did this become a rule? Is it because you said it shouldn't be then everyone should follow suit? I haven't seen a good argument to explain this please go ahead and post it. If you don't think this can ever be a way to deter violence I'd like you to explain why because I've seen many a situation when it's done exactly that, far more effectively than running away does.

I'd like you to also tell me why running away from a girl who attacks you doesn't promote violence as well. Since that person hasn't learned not to use violence but only that you'll run away from her every time she does attack you.
you think people getting beat down supportsnon-violence and deters violence?
In some cases? Absolutely. I'm surprised you'd ask this after you just quoted the post where I answered it. Are you really reading?
A correct way to supportnon-violence while deterring people, although I know it doesn't workwell

How is it the correct way if you admit it doesn't even work well? It's more like it's one of the ways that work. Please don't stand on the podium for non-violence when you have exceptions to your rule. If you really supported non-violence you'd be getting your Ghandi on.
making it against the law and having you go to prison for Xyears. This is why we have laws against battery and assault.
PPL break laws and get away with it all the time.
LOLcause you did generalize it to other topics. You even further provedthat you are doing this to try and prove me wrong by making the masssuicide analogy. Has nothing to do with hitting other people.
Again, no. I made that analogy in response to something that HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HITTING OTHER PPL. Whether or not your thoughts bring harm to other ppl is irrelevant to the topic. That is not what we are talking about. I'd like you to show me where else I've generalized your view where you haven't made an irrelevant post or simply didn't understand what you were reading.
So your sayinganytime someone hits you they need to get hit back?
Anytime someone infringes on your rights with a violent act they no longer have their rights to not have the same be done on to them. Of course it's up to the person whether they choose to or not. I don't know where you got "need" from. I basically stated my view on this and yet you've concocted this question that almost seems like you didn't read my post at all.
What about if a guycheats on his girl and she slaps him does this justify him hitting her?
When did cheating become a justifiable reason to slap a person? A slap for a slap or some other physical act to subdue the person and let them know they won't stand for being physically attacked instead of running away. She had no right to act out of violence and should be expecting an equal response.
Or should both individuals not hit the other and discuss their problemsor break up.
I don't know genius which seems better? The path that leads to violence or the one that ends with a logical outcome?
Just because you aregetting hit doesn't mean that automatically makes it right for you tohit someone back.
They've given up their right and given you the right once they've hit you.
If a little 5 foot 95 pound girl is hitting me Ihighly doubt it would hurt and I would be able to safely remove myselffrom the situation. If you can not assess the strength of an individualwho is hitting you and decide whether I can remove myself from thesituation or if I have to defend myself from being hurt then you haveissues man. Take some kung fu or something lol.
That's irrelevant unless I literally don't feel the person hitting me. Aint nothing wrong if you respond with the equal force the person has sent your way or you can just respond in another (physical) way to let them know you won't be allowing them to hit you without retribution. It's funny to me how you're able to assess a situation and run away but unable to assess an act of violence and respond with the appropriate amount of force to stop the person.
Becausealthough your pride or ego or any other feelings might be hurt NO ONEis physically hurt.
Pride and ego have nothing to do with this. Explain why in any given event a lack of someone being physically hurt is progress? What did they learn from it? Do you know what progress is?
Do you know how many individuals die accidentallyduring fight? They get knocked out and hit their heads on cement anddie. Your saying it is worth the risk?
If theydisrespect me with words I am to dumb to teach them a lesson with myexpansive articulate vocabulary so I have to hit them. Its worth therisk of killing someone because they disrespected my ego.
Good luck using your vocabulary while you're bobbing and weaving, running away, with a broken jaw. I never said anything about disrespecting ego, why did you assume that? Where did that come from? This has to do with disrespecting humanity. Nobody has the right to be doing you physical harm unprovoked.
LMAOcan anyone else just picture this grown *** dude accidentally getting agirl (4'10'' 80lbs) upset so she disrespects him and calls him a ______as well as slaps him in the face. Then he punches her lights out. LOL.where is the sense in that?
How old is this "girl"? Do I know her? Does she know me? Where are all of these under 100lbs females from? I think they should focus on eating healthy before they go around attacking 5'10" black men whether they're upset or not. Where is the sense in doing that? Who says I punch her lights out? I use grapples, I can choke her out. You keep posting under this $%@%%@%! double standard where men are suppose to know better and the female will be viewed as a "little girl" and that's it. THAT SOLVES NOTHING.
just because she hurt your preciousfeelings?She must be taught a lesson from master zik. 
Where are you getting this from? If a person feels it is okay to physically attack you, they might as well be treating you like some stray dog on the street. This is common sense is it not? Any rational human being isn't going to stand for that level of disrespect.
Dumb weak individuals don't learn from violence it fuelsthem.
Everybody that acts out in violence aren't all dumb and weak.
You just hit someones girlfriend, sister,mother, or friend; even if justified in your terms you best believethey now feel justified and "disrespected" enough to knock your lightsout.
After they hit someone's brother, son, boyfriend, friend, maybe even father. The mob mentality can be taught a lesson in that scenario as well.
That is why they are violent to begin with, can't express theirfeelings with words. Think about it an eye for an eye makes the wholeworld blind.
Once you take away their violence they'll  have nothing left. A world where the violent that can't express their own feelings aren't taught a lesson, educated, or disciplined, and left to their own devices, breeding and multiplying, spreading their ignorance spells disaster for any type of logical thought and all rational beings.
Iwill always view individual like you as children who can't controltheir emotions and use violence instead of words to dispute their case.Nothing to misunderstand in my scenario, It is clear cut. Defendyourself or someone else being attacked in an unjust manner. I wouldassume you to think of this as a ******ed concept because you don't fitthe description of a true man imo. But that's just my opinion. Do you Iguess stay beating women cause they hurt your feelings.
Again where does the controlling of emotions play a factor in what I'm saying? Nothing but rational thought is being used in the decisions to respond with violence when justified. I'd never want to fit your fabricated concept of a true man. Keep fleeing from the problem tho, I'm sure that's what matters.

The rest of this post shows your lack of reading comprehension. You weren't really understanding just blindly sticking to your view.
Inthe end what do I care for your opinion.
So wait you're the one arguing just to argue? You should've said this to begin with.

As long as you don't hitanyone I know, this would justify me hitting you, Then keep hittingpeople cause you feel hurt emotionally.
In all other scenarios I could use big boy words to counteract any disrespecting comments you could muster up.

More misunderstanding and making up what the other person says as you go.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by Executive76

ask Chris Brown
LOL That fool is an idiot.
he may be an idiot but a lot of people think like him(even in this thread) and he is without a career right now because he couldn't restrain himself. Oh well.

An intense heated +*+ argument that exploded cuz Rihanna wouldn't let go or couldn't wait til they got behind closed doors...

She couldn't control her emotions and started spazzing on him

in a Little +*+ Lambo While he's driving DRIVING at that..

She threw that @!@!# phone out the window..

Called him all types of !$**

And I BET $$$$$$$ She swung on him 1st...Repeatedly before he retaliated

THAT is the VERY Scenario that CAN'T BE AVOIDED..

But of course Chris Brown was wrong, cuz Rihanna couldn't +*!#%! RESTRAIN herself til they got to the crib
Nobody is worth +%%+%+! with your money and your livelihood. NOBODY. You damn right you restrain your emotions for that +@%%. Forget what she did, she almost cost him his freedom never mind that paper.


Are you saying Chris should've kept his cool while getting beat over the skull and focusing to drive at the same time?


Very is only so much a person can take...And I'm SURE Ole girl KNEW what buttons to push and she was bashing them !**+@ that night

Very..Very..VEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY few people can keep their cool in a similar situation, esp ones they can't avoid...

%%!@ livelihood , Career and money...

++#* is based off reaction..

It wasn't premeditated ...

What she did prior to the incident was the trigger to his reaction...

!@**$ wasn't thinking about his career..

No one ever does..

He had a blackout moment

HAD SHE RESTRAINED HERSELF ....Chris Brown would still have a career...She would've have never got her +$% whooped..and everything would be honkey dorey

Come'on Miss... Use Logic

It is unfortunate for both parties that it happened..

but In no way is dude a coward like ya'll make him out to be..

cuz that ++#* can happen to ANYONE
MASERATI Calm down dawg

I was being sarcastic. I was merely repeating what someone in this thread said. If you look at my posts in this thread you'll see where I stand on this issue
acting like females in here picking arguments. If you don't know know why it's not right to hit a female ask your mother. Unless you have a history of women beaters in your family tree then maybe you see nothing wrong.
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