Wifing that chick that let you splash first time yall chilled... A show of hands

good discussion going on in here....

it seems safe to say that with age these crazy rules we put on ourselves and silly expectations basically get chalked up to immaturity and get thrown by the wayside if the right chick comes along.

as far as these chicks pasts? thats something i just dont even wanna know about. i used to ask, but i dont even wanna know anymore. if i mess around and catch feelings for a chick as far as im concerned im that ******* first and only :lol:
I was sincere, yet wylin last nite.....

Just cus a chick let Me hit first time we chilled dont make Her a jump off tho. It make me That dude.
You gotta break through their mental defenses, and get them confortable to release the inhabitions and feel ok with the fact that they do want to pipe. And stimulate them to drive their urge to indulge in that feeling.

A jump off is a chick with no mental defenses, and they down anytime, for anything, wit anybody.
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Like another user so elegantly put it, you can't love a JO.

Been piped by all shapes and sizes, you really have the capacity to love that? Kissing **** in the mouth that done caught more bodies than Luis Garavito

Like I been sayin, this is never ok. Y'all be puttin a ring on this and thinking its okay


if youre willing to embark on the journey to find and conquer the unicorn that is the virgin, with the looks of the angel you dream about every night, that connects with you on all levels, then by all means, go ahead. Now, back to reality. We all love sex. We all have a past. Deal with it and move forward in life. At some point, sex will no longer be the only variable.
He not saying he waited up for her for a year, he went on with his life but stayed close to her...In other words, successively broke out of the friendzone...Bravo my man
Talking to a chick right now that I slept with the first night we hung out solo.

But I met her through a good friend and we talked for about 3 weeks before kicking it (live in diff cities)

I wouldn't wife a chick I smashed the same night as meeting her at a club/bar but if we go on an actual date then it's not an issue. Some People you just click with
I did it once, lasted about 5 months. It was a fun experience, but I don't think I'll go down that road again.

That "I wonder how many others" thought kept rearing its head :lol: :smh:
I feel like if youve known the chick for a good amount of time before yall first date then that doesnt count
Young dudes with bright futures are still wifing dudes?

When y'all gone learn...

No girlfriends until you're 30...

Random yambs and corner chicks are acceptable.


don't be so narrow minded man

that may work for you, but everyone ain't you
Every single girl I got involved with, there had to be some wait time if they were relationship material.

However its not to say it doesn't happen for some folks. If the chemistry there and even if she isn't a random "jumpoff" then things could go down regardless.
my ex domed me on the first night does that count ? :nerd:

But idc if the vibe is right theres no timetable to getting the yams, any chick is capable of anything put in the right scenario
ahhhhhhhh... young nique ... still fresh to this relationship steez.

Yall planning on getting married?

Lol. Naturally. If nothing ridiculous happens. Ya know?

Same college too.

I'm telling you...I smashed broads to my heart's content in high school. I'm Gucci
Hmmm this thread is interesting. Seems to be a difference of opinion on what makes a woman a jump off. Just because I smashed the first date I wouldn't consider a woman a jump off however it appears many in this thread would. On the same token though I dont think because a woman made you wait 3-5 dates she isn't a jumpoff. Life is complicated and generalities dont work the best. That girl you are waiting on for those dates who tells you she wants to go slow could still be getting the business from an ex or some other old dude till she decides she likes you and cuts him off to give you a chance. 

What about time spent talking before that date, I agree if you met a girl on sunday, went for the date on wednesday and you smashed I dont think thats a jump off but I also think you should be hesitant to wife that up. However if you met this girl were exchanging texts for a couple weeks or a month before you kicked up and you had gotten to know each other that's a different story. 

Every girl that gives up the cookies the first night isn't a sloot and every woman that doesnt isn't mary magdalene. Go with your instincts OG poster. If you are feeling her give her shot. As long as you can live with your decision who cares what other men or people think? Plus as long as you dont run your mouth no one knows that you smashed the first night except you and her. 
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