Will I be okay after eating hair???

Sep 28, 2003
My girl is making me eat her hair because I lost a bet. Just like a pinch of it. Will I be okay? feel any discomfort??

Edit: Hair from her head, she's cutting like 3 inches off tomorrow.
She not your girl.
One time i ate a girl out and she had a bush, honestly the hair feels good. i got one on my tongue tho
on my momma id do it over again
Hoped you watched Jaackkassss 2. But seriously, who decides to make a bet and the outcome is eating hair?
We've all eaten the hairbox once or twice in our lives, and most of us are here to tell the tale.
our stomachs cannot break down hair for whatever reason so it will be inside your stomach forever.

I remember some girl in india was complaing of stomach pains and they she got x ray'd they saw something. So they went to surgery to remove it and the girlhas like a brick of her hair cuz she always had it in her mouth and eating it.
Eating Human Hair by Another Name?

L-Cysteine from human hair is haram.

By Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed
Posted: 26 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1422, 18 June 2001

Your bakery product may contain human hair and you may not even realize it. It comes in the form of L-Cysteine, a non-essential amino acid. Amino acids arethe building blocks of proteins. There are 20 amino acids of which 8 are essential for human growth. The amount of these essential amino acids in a proteindetermines its quality. Casein, a milk protein, has the highest quality of protein whereas wheat proteins are lacking in amino acid Lysine, so they have lessquality than milk protein.

L is refers to levorotatory a type of optical rotation of a compound under plane-polarized light.

L-Cysteine is used as a reducing agent in bakery products. It is used to:
  1. Reduce the mixing time of the flour dough.
  2. Stop shrinking of pizza crust after it is flattened.
  3. Help move the dough through various bakery processing equipments or dough conditioners.
L-Cystein is used in Bagels, Croissants, Hard Rolls, Cake Donuts (from human hair in Dunkin Donut's cake donuts only, Yeast raised donuts do not containL-Cysteine), Pita Bread, some Crackers and Melba Toast. It is also used as a nutrient in baby milk formula and dietary supplements.

The source of L-Cysteine is human hair, chicken feathers, cow horn, petroleum by-products and synthetic material. It was reported by a food company that aRabbi refused to Kosher certify L-cysteine from human hair obtained from a temple in India where hairs are cut because of religious rituals.

L-Cysteine is manufactured in Japan, China and Germany only. Human hair is the cheapest source for L-cysteine.
Majority of L-Cysteine used in USA is from human hair, which is its cheapest source. There is no pressure from consumers in USA and Canada to ban it.
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Some reports suggest that European Union countries are thinking to ban the use of L-Cystiene from human hair in food products. There is no pressure fromconsumers in USA and Canada to ban the L-Cysteine from human hair. It is a haram product for Muslims because it is a part of human body. Islam doesnot allow to consume any part of human body. Some Rabbis accept it as Kosher ingredient saying it is dead part of the body but some do not.

Majelis Ulema of Indonesia has halal certified L-Cysteine from synthetic material for Ajinomoto Company and this L-Cysteine is used in USA byCaravan Products of New Jersey in their mixes for bakery industry.

Majority of L-Cysteine used in USA is from human hair, so please read the ingredients on the package, if you find it call or write to manufacturer and findout the source of L-Cysteine and also tell them that you can not use it from human hair.
Originally Posted by Keithahundred

What type of hair are we talking pubes
..put it in your sandwich or suttin.
your not very smart for making that bet though..so deal with it in a non smart way as well
Ya not going to marry...

and she don't love you if she really making you pay that debt.
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