Will this mask do? VOL swine flu is all over NYC

Aug 6, 2004
So i didnt wear a mask to school today and i got paranoid sitting next to a train filled of mexicans
. Hopefully NT here will guide me to buying the rightmask so I would be safe from this swine flu. Thankfully i rushed home and washed my hands several times.

Will this do? Or do i need a cotton one?

That's just ignorant for you to be paranoid sitting next to some Mexicans. You should be more concerned about sitting next to someone that is coughing.Maybe you were just trying to be funny.

I'm tired of seeing all this talk about Swine Flu.
I saw Swine Flu on the corner so I beat it up. It's not coming for me anymore.

So i didnt wear a mask to school today and i got paranoid sitting next to a train filled of mexicans

Man Swine flu is just the new big pandemic. Every year it's something. Last year it was Bird Flu, west nile before that, and we can't forget aboutSARS, and I know there was more. Every year it's always something.
Since a bunch of people on NT think just by sitting next to Mexicans you automatically get swine flu, you're screwed already. No mask will help you andyou're already near death. Time to check out, homie. RIP.
Originally Posted by damnitzvin

So i didnt wear a mask to school today and i got paranoid sitting next to a train filled of mexicans
i chuckled(
@ me) but.....
O o
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I love it
you're an idiot OP. Plain and simple.

Wearin a damn SARS mask aint going to protect you from swine flu since it can be transmitted through other forms of human contact. Unless you plan on rockinthat Moncler X Chopper X Medical suit that EightysBaby posted up, dont even bother with the mask.

That being said, there are what... 100-150 confirmed cases in the US? How many people are there in the US. 500 Million? By my gorilla math, that means maybe 1in 5 million people got hit with it. Hell, lets round down and call it 1 in a million. The chances of you getting shanked by a shiv-wielding pirate chimpanzeeis probably higher less than 1 in a million. Yall trippin for no reason.
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