Will we ever see another dominant wing duo?

Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

Lebron and Wade with a half decent big, like say a Brendan Haywood(who's a free agent)? They win a bare mimumum of 4 championships over next 6 years.
They ain't winnin 4 over 6 tho...

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Cakes, we have to stop referencing the '04 Pistons because they broke every rule of championship blueprints.
But so did the Bulls with Jordan and Pippen.

To answer the question: Yes, we can, if a front office is willing to build a team outside the established archetype. But it won't be easy.
As a a crazy fanatic of the sport of basketball I really hope these dudes work well together, not in the way that they will come take this chip from LA(cause they cant). But just because we are seeing some the best young talent in the nba trying to change the league forever. I mean come on these are two of the best doin right now, and the the third gets the job done. Just tuning in as a basketball fan how can you not want to see that, the league has been subpar for so long and is just getting back to where its competitive and other than watching just your own teams games you want to watch other games. [Magic] Basketball is back!!![/Magic]

Im a Lakers fan tho so it been back... i mean back to back
To dude up there this isn't gonna change the game. It's just gonna be some elite scrubs blowing out the rest of the scrubs. This %#$! should make other teams want to step it up, but instead I see a lot of teams rolling over and just accepting defeat. These dudes stopped hitting the court to prove a point a long time ago. That's what made Money and Pip so great, the fact that everyone was coming at their neck HARD, and they had to step it up completely. They weren't just getting tested in the playoffs by a couple teams, all year dudes was coming at them, and that led to them doing amazing things. I don't think Miami will be anything like them. Wade is the only of the three that is a fierce competitor and can take them to that level, Lebron as great as he is, is way too soft. If the league does change and dudes do come at the Heats neck like they were coming at the bulls back then, Bron and Bosh will be exposed, and Wade is gonna take his game to a new high. (Btw I'm not a wade fan, Wade187 is after Dead Pool) Wade is a () but on that court dude is as competitive as Mike, and Bron just don't have that in him. Let's see though, with Brons D and passing skills he really could become Pippen 2.0 which I know sounds bad since he's held on such a high level, but that is what he would become if he reaches full potential. 
As dominant as #23 and #33? Not likely.

A possible great wing duo? Sure, it's possible... Now.

You have to remember that Jordan and Pip were ridiculous on BOTH sides of the ball. There are a lot of players who can shoot lights out, but can't stop water from flowing. There are few exceptions to the rule... but neither Kobe or LeBron have gotten GREAT wing mates.
and another wing duo wont work unless bron and wade prove this wrong. we might see shades and they might win some rings but definitely wont beast like mike and pip

its much more easier for a guard/big combo to work. mainly because of ball distribution and ego. i hate to say it but kobe and a.i. kind of fed the stereotype of the single dominate guard which has led to the same routine of teams wanting to match them up with a big. as stated before timmy d and tony p have made it work. and almost of the champs of recent years have done the same

yes the pistons were an anomaly. but until 2 completely different guards, mentally and physically it wont happen for a while.
hopefully by that time the nba will have several teams competing night in and night out for a ring like the NBC days. oh and when david stern is finally out of office

thats just my piece
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