Will you vote for Resident Obama in 2012?

Originally Posted by E3LAL

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by E3LAL

Please tell me what he has done that he promised?  He only got the gay/military issue done, but that is about it.
We voted in a liberal and got a conservative

Credit Card Bill of Rights
Health Care Reform (like or dislike it, Democrat after Democrat has failed with it)
Student Loan Reform
Expanded Hate Crimes Bill
Start Treaty
Withdrawal of Combat Troops in Iraq
Equal Pay Laws
Funding Stem Cell Research
New Hate Crimes Bill
College Loan Reforms
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Increased funding in NASA
Head Start Program for Public Schooling
Diplomacy toward Middle East/Central Asia countries
Lifted some economic restrictions that were placed on Cuba during the Cold War, which also allowed people to visit their families
Consumer Protection Bureau
Extended benefits to same-sex couples that traditionally were only offered to heterosexual couples
Increased requirements on fuel economy for car manufacturers by 2016
Children's Health Reauthorization Act
Increased funding for scientific research and development through the stimulus
Cuts to defense budget (on the recomendation of Sec. Gates)
Expansion of Medicare (requirements now include those up to 133% above federal poverty level)

I may think he acts like a push over, and acts Center Right, but at the same time, I am not foolish enough to say he hasn't done anything he promised.

Be back w/ my response in the morning...
IMO he hasn't been liberal enough.  What do you think?

I'm not arguing whether or not he is liberal or not..  What I was saying is it is foolish to say he has done nothing he promised.. Every president overpromises.. You can't expect to get 100% of what you want or what he even wants.. I was just putting in perspective regarldess of how he is ideologically in the White House, he still has had major accomplishments that he promised as canidate Obama.

But I do agree that he is not nearly liberal enough.. And if he was, and was a strong progressive, he would have accomplished a lot more, and we'd be in MUCH BETTER shape... I think he is Center Right.. Unfortunately Obama didn't use the same type of opportunity that "Reconstruction Presidents" like an FDR or Reagan had, where he could completely transform the political landscape for a generation.

Republican party caters to at MOST 2000 people in the US............................All of you would be downright FOOLS to not let a Democrat be president. Like seriously..... they still think Global Warming is a Hoax................
Republican party caters to at MOST 2000 people in the US............................All of you would be downright FOOLS to not let a Democrat be president. Like seriously..... they still think Global Warming is a Hoax................
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by rashi


Anyone with common sense would vote for Ron Paul, unfortunately he doesn't hang out with enough rappers.

Ron Paul > _________

Ron Paul wants the US to end paper money, and go to a gold standard. Dude wants us out of the UN. Among many other loony tune things.

Wait, you mean he wants to end a Central Banking system that has been robbing the American people for 100 years? He wants to end a system that funnels money to a small group of individuals? He wants to get out of a organization that orders the U.S. military what to do?

Yeah....Looney tune.

Keep on voting for murders and Wall St. puppets.

RON PAUL 2012, 2016, 2020, to infinity and beyond
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by rashi


Anyone with common sense would vote for Ron Paul, unfortunately he doesn't hang out with enough rappers.

Ron Paul > _________

Ron Paul wants the US to end paper money, and go to a gold standard. Dude wants us out of the UN. Among many other loony tune things.

Wait, you mean he wants to end a Central Banking system that has been robbing the American people for 100 years? He wants to end a system that funnels money to a small group of individuals? He wants to get out of a organization that orders the U.S. military what to do?

Yeah....Looney tune.

Keep on voting for murders and Wall St. puppets.

RON PAUL 2012, 2016, 2020, to infinity and beyond
You can tell the youth on the boards. I'm getting old compared to what I would assume is the main demographic of this board, but Obama has done nothing to actually help the country. Anyone that considers the stimulus as a positive has a lot to learn. Going deeper into debt is not a good thing. All he did was put a bandade on a gunshot. It may stop a little blood but your still going to bleed out. Cutting taxes is the only way to stimulate the economy, this artificial stimulation will always start strong and then die offf quickly.

I'm in the corporate world, in a upper management position and deal with the crazy healthcare and tax laws that the Dems are trying to enact. My family has a fairly large portfolio and if Obama has anything to do with it I'll have to give it all away to taxes when they pass away...which is a long time away but still something we have to think about.

Just my opinion, I don't think Obama can live up to his hype and hope the repubs/tea party can pull something out.
You can tell the youth on the boards. I'm getting old compared to what I would assume is the main demographic of this board, but Obama has done nothing to actually help the country. Anyone that considers the stimulus as a positive has a lot to learn. Going deeper into debt is not a good thing. All he did was put a bandade on a gunshot. It may stop a little blood but your still going to bleed out. Cutting taxes is the only way to stimulate the economy, this artificial stimulation will always start strong and then die offf quickly.

I'm in the corporate world, in a upper management position and deal with the crazy healthcare and tax laws that the Dems are trying to enact. My family has a fairly large portfolio and if Obama has anything to do with it I'll have to give it all away to taxes when they pass away...which is a long time away but still something we have to think about.

Just my opinion, I don't think Obama can live up to his hype and hope the repubs/tea party can pull something out.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by franchise3

Ron Paul wants the US to end paper money, and go to a gold standard. Dude wants us out of the UN. Among many other loony tune things.

Wait, you mean he wants to end a Central Banking system that has been robbing the American people for 100 years? He wants to end a system that funnels money to a small group of individuals? He wants to get out of a organization that orders the U.S. military what to do?

Yeah....Looney tune.

Keep on voting for murders and Wall St. puppets.

RON PAUL 2012, 2016, 2020, to infinity and beyond

Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by franchise3

Ron Paul wants the US to end paper money, and go to a gold standard. Dude wants us out of the UN. Among many other loony tune things.

Wait, you mean he wants to end a Central Banking system that has been robbing the American people for 100 years? He wants to end a system that funnels money to a small group of individuals? He wants to get out of a organization that orders the U.S. military what to do?

Yeah....Looney tune.

Keep on voting for murders and Wall St. puppets.

RON PAUL 2012, 2016, 2020, to infinity and beyond

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by dmxgod

People that are sayin they are gonna vote Lil B in are idiots..it's not even funny anymore..

The Republicans do not have a viable candidate to challenge President Obama at this point..

I voted for Obama..and he has made some progress..but he will need to assure me this time that he is gonna take the reins and really guide our country..
So 4 years wasn't enough to assure you one way or another
btw, how will he do this? By telling you? The same thing he did 4 years ago? 

It's like the abusive wife syndrome. Folks just keep on coming back for more. 

2 Years bro. It's gonna take some time to get the Country moving again at full pace. But things are starting to turn around and he also has alot of opposition against  him who are only worried about playing politics instead of truly helping this country.

By next election, things will not be better. That is the only thing we can be assured of.
Obama greatest asset is the bully pulpit. He hasn't used it in any meaningful way and there's no reason to believe that he will use it. 
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by dmxgod

People that are sayin they are gonna vote Lil B in are idiots..it's not even funny anymore..

The Republicans do not have a viable candidate to challenge President Obama at this point..

I voted for Obama..and he has made some progress..but he will need to assure me this time that he is gonna take the reins and really guide our country..
So 4 years wasn't enough to assure you one way or another
btw, how will he do this? By telling you? The same thing he did 4 years ago? 

It's like the abusive wife syndrome. Folks just keep on coming back for more. 

2 Years bro. It's gonna take some time to get the Country moving again at full pace. But things are starting to turn around and he also has alot of opposition against  him who are only worried about playing politics instead of truly helping this country.

By next election, things will not be better. That is the only thing we can be assured of.
Obama greatest asset is the bully pulpit. He hasn't used it in any meaningful way and there's no reason to believe that he will use it. 
Originally Posted by INshoeKid

You can tell the youth on the boards. I'm getting old compared to what I would assume is the main demographic of this board, but Obama has done nothing to actually help the country. Anyone that considers the stimulus as a positive has a lot to learn. Going deeper into debt is not a good thing. All he did was put a bandade on a gunshot. It may stop a little blood but your still going to bleed out. Cutting taxes is the only way to stimulate the economy, this artificial stimulation will always start strong and then die offf quickly.

I'm in the corporate world, in a upper management position and deal with the crazy healthcare and tax laws that the Dems are trying to enact. My family has a fairly large portfolio and if Obama has anything to do with it I'll have to give it all away to taxes when they pass away...which is a long time away but still something we have to think about.

Just my opinion, I don't think Obama can live up to his hype and hope the repubs/tea party can pull something out.
Yes because not believing in Supply Side Economics is just a youth thing.... Never in the history of the Economics World has 1 economist disagreed with Supply Side Economics..

Crazy tax laws... Sigh......

OMG my family has to pay an estate tax... Unless it is over $5mil you can thank Obama for your tax cut..

And if you are making over $250K.. Thank Obama for your tax cut..  
Originally Posted by INshoeKid

You can tell the youth on the boards. I'm getting old compared to what I would assume is the main demographic of this board, but Obama has done nothing to actually help the country. Anyone that considers the stimulus as a positive has a lot to learn. Going deeper into debt is not a good thing. All he did was put a bandade on a gunshot. It may stop a little blood but your still going to bleed out. Cutting taxes is the only way to stimulate the economy, this artificial stimulation will always start strong and then die offf quickly.

I'm in the corporate world, in a upper management position and deal with the crazy healthcare and tax laws that the Dems are trying to enact. My family has a fairly large portfolio and if Obama has anything to do with it I'll have to give it all away to taxes when they pass away...which is a long time away but still something we have to think about.

Just my opinion, I don't think Obama can live up to his hype and hope the repubs/tea party can pull something out.
Yes because not believing in Supply Side Economics is just a youth thing.... Never in the history of the Economics World has 1 economist disagreed with Supply Side Economics..

Crazy tax laws... Sigh......

OMG my family has to pay an estate tax... Unless it is over $5mil you can thank Obama for your tax cut..

And if you are making over $250K.. Thank Obama for your tax cut..  
Originally Posted by y2kingsfan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Depends on the other candidates, but I'm not voting Republican and I never will.
im curious as to why you feel this way. personally, i'll vote for any candidate that best fulfills my needs and benefits me most, regardless of the party they represent.
Originally Posted by y2kingsfan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Depends on the other candidates, but I'm not voting Republican and I never will.
im curious as to why you feel this way. personally, i'll vote for any candidate that best fulfills my needs and benefits me most, regardless of the party they represent.
I'm open to whatever...I voted for him last time only because Mccain threw up that white flag which was Sarah Palin.

As soon as I voted for obama I felt swindled.
100 hours of community work for 4000 dollars of college grants thank you obama so 2012 i would be voting obama.
100 hours of community work for 4000 dollars of college grants thank you obama so 2012 i would be voting obama.
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