Winter Break appreciation vol. home

May 2, 2010
Finals week starts tmrw (for most) and then it is winter break 

which means more young people at bars/clubs, old friends, and plenty of time to relax. 

NT students/workers, what are your plans for this joyous occasion?
I can't wait for this week to be done. Just workin a bunch and hangin with friends/family
i saved up all my work vacation for the month of december. im off this week and then go back next and then off again til new years. kind of odd really because everyone i know is working.

only plans are to keep training. I have a Navy OCS board review next month and hopefully if they call me I'm going to need to run a physical readiness test and want some great scores. chances are low though but going to use this time to get in better physically for whatever i decide to do.
Done with school. Taking a very much needed break until grad school next fall.
Spoiler [+]

last final on dec.15
gunna set up my new sound system and ps3 and spend the whole winter break working, playin ball and playin ps3. might go on a weekend vacation if i feel like it

It is going to be enjoyed..until jan.23
been on break since the 17th. Plan on doing a whole load of nothing and maybe look into what i'll be doing after graduating.
This is last week of finals.
Will be sleeping in for the most part. Going to try and play more basketball. Maybe work out.
Classes start 2nd week of January.
Looking forward to break... A lot of work & studying this semester.

Glad I can chill out to some NBA games too
work like a slave, save up money to get me something I've wanted for a while and stuff for others.

wish I could chill and sit back and do absolutely nothing, playing video games (no system though) and go to the gym until school starts back but eh, least I'm making some money.
can't wait till thursday
going to be working out, hang with the fam and friends and a whole lotta nothing
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Been off since last week....working back at my old job cuz I got close to a month off
This. All the homies come back in town too. Gonna be a epic break.
Can't wait for this week to end

Nothing beats a break from school to chill with the fam/friends.
Just got back home in San Diego, Ca. yesturday................feels so good
Three finals this week and I'm done. Winter break is definitely appreciated, even though I already stay at home. But a month without homework or studying to worry about is great. Hopefully during this break, I'll be able to get a job.
College freshman checking in. After this week it'll be my first experience with winter break. Break will be like 3 times longer than any break from school I've previously had.

Looking forward to it 
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