With all the scams occuring on ISS and ppl relying in NTers to help


Feb 22, 2006
I have an idea.

Lets set up a team of NT goons in each designated areas who are willing to put it in work whenever a member is scammed. preferably 10-15 ppl in eacharea/provice/county/city/borough w.e. Even ppl who have incredible detective skills but don't wanna do physical work can be recruited for crucialinformation as well, and these do not have to be from designated area since ya'll can just do this behind the computers anywhere, anytime.

I am doing this because i am officially furious with scammers. How do ya'll have the heart to do it?

Shout out to the 7 NT goons who helped me out 4 years ago for my altitude XIII problem with Calvin Liu. Altho i did not get anything back and ya'll gotchased
but i REALLY appreciate ya'll trying.

I am from Northern Virginia. Any1 agrees and is from the DMV, let me know!

All hail NT!
or how about you bammas quit supporting a site you guys claim is for children but somehow "its good for business"

I hope all of you guys using ISS for bst get scammed or frauded.
Originally Posted by Prime x Time

or how about you bammas quit supporting a site you guys claim is for children but somehow "its good for business"

I hope all of you guys using ISS for bst get scammed or frauded.
Originally Posted by Prime x Time

or how about you bammas quit supporting a site you guys claim is for children but somehow "its good for business"

I hope all of you guys using ISS for bst get scammed or frauded.
Thats quite harsh. BUT the upside is most of the scammers are youngin's who don't know the REAL value of hard working money therefore theyhave no ethical values, and probably would piss their pants to know a bunch of dudes about to roll up to their homes. Most are Asians as well and if this messgets to their parents (which will eventually happen) they will be DONE for...lol
Originally Posted by DCpowder

Most are Asians as well and if this mess gets to their parents (which will eventually happen) they will be DONE for...lol
This is based on...what?
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by DCpowder

Most are Asians as well and if this mess gets to their parents (which will eventually happen) they will be DONE for...lol
This is based on...what?

On all the scam claims in the past few years, including mine in my earlier years of dealing with ppl on line. Im Asian myself and damn do i hate dealing withChinese kids in Brooklyn
ISS hasnt done anything to me. But damn...how many #$%$$$% NTers have to get scammed before you guys stop dealing with ISS atall
Out of all these getting scammed threads 1-2-3 at the most happened on NTs BST.
Quit supporting their website.
I got scammed on ISS for $360, like 2 summers ago or somethin

you just gotta be careful about people.

and i agree about the asian thing, but thats because alot of sneakerheads are asian, and alot of ISS'rs are asian, so yeah the pool of scammers are asian
Originally Posted by DCpowder

Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by DCpowder

Most are Asians as well and if this mess gets to their parents (which will eventually happen) they will be DONE for...lol
This is based on...what?

On all the scam claims in the past few years, including mine in my earlier years of dealing with ppl on line. Im Asian myself and damn do i hate dealing with Chinese kids in Brooklyn

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Thing is..there are scammers on here too.
But most, if not all, of the scammers are new users with low post counts. Guess where they came from.
You'd know better than I would, I didn't know It was actually a "thing" for issers to come over here to scam.
thing is if i was ever scammed i'd prolly come crying to nt.

and would be grateful to the people out there who are actually willing to help
Originally Posted by Lrrr

Calvin Liu story?

Dude had a listing of altitude XIII right after the madness of the release. NO pics in his listing (its actually on here before the new tagged pics with datesand names rules, and my poor judgements
). So i sent him $245and never got anything back.
Asked NT for help. 7 folks volunteered.
The big day arrived. They came and saw dude. Asked about the deal. He told them to come to his house. Waited in his yards
Next thing u know like 40 dudes showed up with rakes and garden tools and chased the NT goons down the street.

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