Woman draws Blood Alcohol Level 9x legal limit of Oregon!!!

Nov 22, 2002
[h2]SheWill Drink You Under The Bus[/h2]Filed under: Busted!

Say hello to Terri Comer, an Oregon woman that was arrested a few weeks ago with a .72 blood alcohol level.

That's NINE times the state's legal limit!!!!!!

That reading wasn't an error either. The reading was accurate - they got it with a blood draw (no malfunctioning breathalyzer machine here).

Terri was also popped for a DUI in 2006. That's the mugshot above.

Last month, she was taken to the hospital after police found her beyond drunk and comatose in her car. She wasn't photographed at the time. But they did draw her blood, which came back at NINE times the legal limit.

They better get this mess off the road permanently.

Has a woman ever been booked with a .72 before???

She's putting a lot of lives at risk.

She looks like she's coming down with jaundice. I hope she gets help.
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