Also, glad for more attention on womens basketball and hope it continues trending positive. Go back to page 1 and look at the warning darthska had to issue upon the start of the thread. And now instead of ****** comments about women's bodies, terrible statements about women's abilities, or sexist and misogynistic things about what women should or shouldn't be doing, we're mostly talking about basketball. About who hit what shot. About making good or bad passes. About good or bad coaching.

And acknowledging the wider world of women's basketball, whether it's pickup or angenay videos or college basketball. "Girl Dad" is a full on movement at this point. It's just great to see. And a lot of women have put in a **** ton of work over the years to get us to this point, and they all should be acknowledged and remembered.

And watch 'We Need To Talk' when you get a chance, or set it to record. Good show!

Weird tweet, saying that as if Dana Evans was a rookie and scrub.

The fanbase reinforcing her point if they’re making tik toks about her play. They’re just beating a dead horse especially since she aclnowledged her struggles this year.

Dana prolly thought she was finally going to get a chance to shine this year since Courtney Williams & Kahleah Copper both left Chicago. Then Chennedy showed up and stopped being a bozo 100% of the time.

How yall feel about this?

Look Connecticut doesn't have an NBA team to reap the benefits that they have as far as practice facility and all.

It's a community event so let it rock...... especially if they knew of the event. Today's practice shouldn't affect them..... they aren't new to playing in the postseason
There’s a difference between having a gripe with something and trying to paint yourself as an unrecognized underdog.

Now she has “her” MVP, they can move on and find something new to hang on.
There’s a difference between having a gripe with something and trying to paint yourself as an unrecognized underdog.

Now she has “her” MVP, they can move on and find something new to hang on.
Lobo voted her 4th place last year. Probably one of the wildest votes in sports of the last few years. Then she saw Sabrina get a shoe before her.

I mean she’s got a legit reason to have a battery in her back.
There’s a difference between having a gripe with something and trying to paint yourself as an unrecognized underdog.

Now she has “her” MVP, they can move on and find something new to hang on.
Nah that 4th place vote was still uncalled for no matter how you try to paint it

Especially from Rebecca Lobo of all ppl. You only need to be disrespected by ONE person to start the revenge tour.
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