World Ending May 21 2011??!!!! Judgement Day?!!!!

Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

the dude who came up with the rapture is the biggest troll ever


The question about May 22 refunded donations is quite hilarious.


"Jesus has come, few were saved, even less noticed his presence, but May 21st was still Judgement Day. If you are reading this blog, then you were not saved by Jesus in the Second Coming, and have been left behind during the End of Days. There are just five months remaining until the End of The World on October 21 2011. Prepare yourself for the End Times now by stocking up on water, canned goods, and appropriate clothing before the End of The World."


"Jesus has come, few were saved, even less noticed his presence, but May 21st was still Judgement Day. If you are reading this blog, then you were not saved by Jesus in the Second Coming, and have been left behind during the End of Days. There are just five months remaining until the End of The World on October 21 2011. Prepare yourself for the End Times now by stocking up on water, canned goods, and appropriate clothing before the End of The World."
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

I know. That's why I'm annoyed. Cause atheists will use this to say religion is bad... Comments like this: "Camping's well-intentioned rapture campaign is indicative of the problems with religion." As if religion as a whole is bad because of clowns like Camping.

As far as I know, ALL Christians believe that the rapture will happen.  What is different between Camping and any other Christian?  Because he believes that he knows when the rapture is?

Every single Christian believes in the rapture.  Instead of the rapture coming on May 21st, 2011,  every other Christians believes that it can happen ANYTIME.  It could have been today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, memorial day, summer solstice, labor day, Kwanzaa, etc. 

Every single Christian is a "clown" as much as Camping is.
So you've decided what all Christians not only should but do believe. Well in that case you win.
Right.. I'm the one that decided... 


They're CHRISTIANS.  Jesus CHRIST said that the rapture will happen one day.  Christians believe in Jesus CHRIST. 

Is there something I'm getting wrong here?  Maybe I'm blinded by my arrogant atheism
... help me out here....
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

I know. That's why I'm annoyed. Cause atheists will use this to say religion is bad... Comments like this: "Camping's well-intentioned rapture campaign is indicative of the problems with religion." As if religion as a whole is bad because of clowns like Camping.

As far as I know, ALL Christians believe that the rapture will happen.  What is different between Camping and any other Christian?  Because he believes that he knows when the rapture is?

Every single Christian believes in the rapture.  Instead of the rapture coming on May 21st, 2011,  every other Christians believes that it can happen ANYTIME.  It could have been today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, memorial day, summer solstice, labor day, Kwanzaa, etc. 

Every single Christian is a "clown" as much as Camping is.
So you've decided what all Christians not only should but do believe. Well in that case you win.
Right.. I'm the one that decided... 


They're CHRISTIANS.  Jesus CHRIST said that the rapture will happen one day.  Christians believe in Jesus CHRIST. 

Is there something I'm getting wrong here?  Maybe I'm blinded by my arrogant atheism
... help me out here....
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Yes believing in god makes me better than you Anton. 

Dudes got my txt all supersized and **$ like hes saying feel special now buddy? You gotta reaction outta me. 

Just saying, you're in no position to question anybody's beliefs
If someone thought Jesus was coming yesterday, you're literally not allowed to think they're an idiot.

It's almost as bad as the morons who think Osama Bin Laden is going to hell as opposed to him going to meet 21 virgins in his Islamic paradise.
How can I question anybody's beliefs when they don't truly believe in it?
That includes you, and you admit yourself that you don't know what you believe in. This whole campaign of May 21rst is all media, they're putting fear into people hearts by using god. 
 You always try to associate believers as non-inellectual, as if believers are blind and ignorant by faith. For every big-mouthed scientist who thinks he has proven god doesn't exist,  there are plenty of believers who make real contributions to science, medicine and so forth, rather than spending their valued research to disprove god.

If you are so damn smart than why spend all your time arguing against something that supposedly doesn't exist genius? As a believer in one god, I defend believers to a certain extent, yet you always play such a lukewarm position. You always try pinning their religion on me as if I ever declared myself to a denomination 
  Our situation is different from the traditional believers. 

Your name is 'Anton Lavey', you post corny +*! metal tracks talking about god. you remind me of my 20 year old white college roommate Max! 

do you want some recognition for your little act? black sheep son! I think you just want to feel special

I'm done. You are what you are, I am what I am[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]. [/color]Son is clearly salty because we're the chosen people and not 'Team Nigeria'.

 Believe 100000% god has a covenant for those who went through the American struggle. You mad doggie? That's the real reason these idiots are reacting the way they are to the direction of the times, this country's political system is completely broken, and is on it's last leg approaching the infamy of 2012. 24 million people, a good number of them black, are unemployed right now, do you honestly think I'm entertaining some old mans biblical calculations? Any sound believer would put 2 and 2 together to see the scriptures are far from concrete. Man manipulating god for his own worldly gain does NOT disprove god.  


LOL @ "we are the chosen people". Who the hell is "WE"?
Nigerians are amongst the most religious people on the planet, I have no idea where you were going with that.

It's funny cause the argument I'm having with you this time has nothing to do with disproving God, it has to do with you not being in a position to question someone else's stupid beliefs/interpretation of the bible. If I tell you the world is ending in three weeks and that it came to me in a dream you're not allowed to be like "Nah I'm calling ducktales", when everything you believe in is based on "faith" and no concrete evidence.

So how can I think God doesn't exist, and worship Satan?
Did Satan kill God at some point during the last 3000 years?  And last time i checked didn't God kill far more people in the bible than Satan did?

What makes you anymore sound a believer than the old man who manipulated millions of superstitious morons who thought the world were coming to an end this week? What makes you anymore sound than people who believe Jesus Christ came to America and talked to a man named Joseph Smith? What makes you anymore sound than people who worship an alien named Xenu? What makes you anymore sound than the ancient Mayans who gave blood sacrifices to their Gods in hopes of rain? What makes you anymore sound than people who think the world will come to an end in 2012?

I'm not associating all believers as being "non-intellectual", I usually make that judgment on a case by case basis. A lot of the most intelligent people i know are religious, you are NOT one of them.
Your capacity of reading comprehension is a microcosm for a failed American educational system.

PS. I know you're a bit slow, so read this one word at a time very SLOOOOOWLY. I don't know whether or not God exists, because I am only human.
The potential for God's existence is as real as the lochness monster or the spaghetti monster. Both could potentially exist out there in the infinite vastness of our cosmos. The only one here making a strong statement about God's existence is YOU. You think God existence is FACT. I don't know whether or not he/she/it exists or what he/she/it is. I know I know, breathe cause that's gonna tickle you brain a little bit, sit and think hard about what I just said. As difficult as that is for people like you to do
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Yes believing in god makes me better than you Anton. 

Dudes got my txt all supersized and **$ like hes saying feel special now buddy? You gotta reaction outta me. 

Just saying, you're in no position to question anybody's beliefs
If someone thought Jesus was coming yesterday, you're literally not allowed to think they're an idiot.

It's almost as bad as the morons who think Osama Bin Laden is going to hell as opposed to him going to meet 21 virgins in his Islamic paradise.
How can I question anybody's beliefs when they don't truly believe in it?
That includes you, and you admit yourself that you don't know what you believe in. This whole campaign of May 21rst is all media, they're putting fear into people hearts by using god. 
 You always try to associate believers as non-inellectual, as if believers are blind and ignorant by faith. For every big-mouthed scientist who thinks he has proven god doesn't exist,  there are plenty of believers who make real contributions to science, medicine and so forth, rather than spending their valued research to disprove god.

If you are so damn smart than why spend all your time arguing against something that supposedly doesn't exist genius? As a believer in one god, I defend believers to a certain extent, yet you always play such a lukewarm position. You always try pinning their religion on me as if I ever declared myself to a denomination 
  Our situation is different from the traditional believers. 

Your name is 'Anton Lavey', you post corny +*! metal tracks talking about god. you remind me of my 20 year old white college roommate Max! 

do you want some recognition for your little act? black sheep son! I think you just want to feel special

I'm done. You are what you are, I am what I am[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]. [/color]Son is clearly salty because we're the chosen people and not 'Team Nigeria'.

 Believe 100000% god has a covenant for those who went through the American struggle. You mad doggie? That's the real reason these idiots are reacting the way they are to the direction of the times, this country's political system is completely broken, and is on it's last leg approaching the infamy of 2012. 24 million people, a good number of them black, are unemployed right now, do you honestly think I'm entertaining some old mans biblical calculations? Any sound believer would put 2 and 2 together to see the scriptures are far from concrete. Man manipulating god for his own worldly gain does NOT disprove god.  


LOL @ "we are the chosen people". Who the hell is "WE"?
Nigerians are amongst the most religious people on the planet, I have no idea where you were going with that.

It's funny cause the argument I'm having with you this time has nothing to do with disproving God, it has to do with you not being in a position to question someone else's stupid beliefs/interpretation of the bible. If I tell you the world is ending in three weeks and that it came to me in a dream you're not allowed to be like "Nah I'm calling ducktales", when everything you believe in is based on "faith" and no concrete evidence.

So how can I think God doesn't exist, and worship Satan?
Did Satan kill God at some point during the last 3000 years?  And last time i checked didn't God kill far more people in the bible than Satan did?

What makes you anymore sound a believer than the old man who manipulated millions of superstitious morons who thought the world were coming to an end this week? What makes you anymore sound than people who believe Jesus Christ came to America and talked to a man named Joseph Smith? What makes you anymore sound than people who worship an alien named Xenu? What makes you anymore sound than the ancient Mayans who gave blood sacrifices to their Gods in hopes of rain? What makes you anymore sound than people who think the world will come to an end in 2012?

I'm not associating all believers as being "non-intellectual", I usually make that judgment on a case by case basis. A lot of the most intelligent people i know are religious, you are NOT one of them.
Your capacity of reading comprehension is a microcosm for a failed American educational system.

PS. I know you're a bit slow, so read this one word at a time very SLOOOOOWLY. I don't know whether or not God exists, because I am only human.
The potential for God's existence is as real as the lochness monster or the spaghetti monster. Both could potentially exist out there in the infinite vastness of our cosmos. The only one here making a strong statement about God's existence is YOU. You think God existence is FACT. I don't know whether or not he/she/it exists or what he/she/it is. I know I know, breathe cause that's gonna tickle you brain a little bit, sit and think hard about what I just said. As difficult as that is for people like you to do
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

the dude who came up with the rapture is the biggest troll ever


The question about May 22 refunded donations is quite hilarious.

that man was angry at the question

wth, this is who millions of idiots were listening to? I'm BAFFLED
IMO anyone that was stupid enough to give him their money deserves it.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by MF Doomer

Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

the dude who came up with the rapture is the biggest troll ever


The question about May 22 refunded donations is quite hilarious.

that man was angry at the question

wth, this is who millions of idiots were listening to? I'm BAFFLED
IMO anyone that was stupid enough to give him their money deserves it.
you guys think there will be mass suicides by these people ? how you gonna quit your job, give all your money to the old man, give away all your +#**, stop paying your bills, then the next day you are still here? how you come back to life knowing you threw your life away?  

Family Radio, a non-profit Christian radio network headed by Camping, was the name seen on the placards, bus ads, billboards and in media coverage on the May 21 prediction.

But surprisingly, many within the California-based radio network do not believe that the first phase of the end of the world begins Saturday.

“I don’t believe in any of this stuff that’s going on, and I plan on being here next week,
you guys think there will be mass suicides by these people ? how you gonna quit your job, give all your money to the old man, give away all your +#**, stop paying your bills, then the next day you are still here? how you come back to life knowing you threw your life away?  

Family Radio, a non-profit Christian radio network headed by Camping, was the name seen on the placards, bus ads, billboards and in media coverage on the May 21 prediction.

But surprisingly, many within the California-based radio network do not believe that the first phase of the end of the world begins Saturday.

“I don’t believe in any of this stuff that’s going on, and I plan on being here next week,
Sue Espinoza was planted before the television, awaiting news of her father's now infamous prediction: cataclysmic earthquakes auguring the end of humanity.

God's wrath was supposed to begin in New Zealand and then race across the globe, leaving millions of bodies wherever the clock struck 6 p.m. But the hours ticked by, and New Zealand survived. Time zone by time zone, the apocalypse failed to materialize

On Saturday morning, Espinoza, 60, received a phone call from her father, Harold Camping, the 89-year-old Oakland preacher who has spent some $100 million — and countless hours on his radio and TV show — announcing May 21 as Judgment Day. "He just said, 'I'm a little bewildered that it didn't happen, but it's still May 21 [in the United States],'" Espinoza said, standing in the doorway of her Alameda home. "It's going to be May 21 from now until midnight."

But to others who put stock in Camping's prophecy, disillusionment was already profound by late morning. To them, it was clear the world and its woes would make it through the weekend.

Keith Bauer, a 38-year-old tractor-trailer driver from Westminster, Md., took last week off from work, packed his wife, young son and a relative in their SUV and crossed the country.

If it was his last week on Earth, he wanted to see parts of it he'd always heard about but missed, such as the Grand Canyon and the Painted Forest. With maxed-out credit cards and a growing mountain of bills, he said, the rapture would have been a relief.

On Saturday morning, Bauer was parked in front of the Oakland headquarters of Camping's Family Radio empire, half expecting to see an angry mob of disenchanted believers howling for the preacher's head. The office was closed, and the street was mostly deserted save for journalists.

Bauer said he was not bitter. "Worst-case scenario for me, I got to see the country," he said. "If I should be angry at anybody, it should be me."

Tom Evans, who acted as Camping's PR aide in recent months, took his family to Ohio to await the rapture. Early next week, he said, he would be returning to California.

"You can imagine we're pretty disappointed, but the word of God is still true," he said. "We obviously went too far, and that's something we need to learn from."

Despite the failure of Camping's prediction, however, he said he might continue working for him.

"As bad as it appears—and there's no getting around it, it is bad, flat-out—I have not found anything close to the faithfulness of Family Radio," he said.

Others had risked a lot more on Camping's prediction, quitting jobs, abandoning relationships, volunteering months of their time to spread the word. Matt Tuter, the longtime producer of Camping's radio and television call-in show, said Saturday that he expected there to be "a lot of angry people" as reality proved Camping wrong.

Tuter said Family Radio's AM station in Sacramento had been "severely vandalized" Friday night or Saturday morning, with air conditioning units yanked out and $25,000 worth of copper stripped from the equipment. He thinks it must have been an angry listener. He was off Saturday but planned to drive past the headquarters "and make sure nothing's burning."

Camping himself, who has given innumerable interviews in recent months, was staying out of sight Saturday. No one answered the door at his Alameda home, though neighbors said he was there.

By late afternoon, a small crowd had gathered in front of Camping's Oakland headquarters. There were atheists blowing up balloons in human form, which were released into the sky just after 6 p.m. in a mockery of the rapture. Someone played a CD of "The End" by the Doors, amid much laughter.

There were also Christians, like James Bynum, a 45-year-old deacon at Calvary Baptist Church in Milpitas, holding signs that declared Harold Camping a false prophet. He said he was there to comfort disillusioned believers.

"Harold Camping will never hand out poisoned Kool-Aid," Bynum said. "It's not that kind of a cult. But he has set up a system that will destroy some people's lives."
Sue Espinoza was planted before the television, awaiting news of her father's now infamous prediction: cataclysmic earthquakes auguring the end of humanity.

God's wrath was supposed to begin in New Zealand and then race across the globe, leaving millions of bodies wherever the clock struck 6 p.m. But the hours ticked by, and New Zealand survived. Time zone by time zone, the apocalypse failed to materialize

On Saturday morning, Espinoza, 60, received a phone call from her father, Harold Camping, the 89-year-old Oakland preacher who has spent some $100 million — and countless hours on his radio and TV show — announcing May 21 as Judgment Day. "He just said, 'I'm a little bewildered that it didn't happen, but it's still May 21 [in the United States],'" Espinoza said, standing in the doorway of her Alameda home. "It's going to be May 21 from now until midnight."

But to others who put stock in Camping's prophecy, disillusionment was already profound by late morning. To them, it was clear the world and its woes would make it through the weekend.

Keith Bauer, a 38-year-old tractor-trailer driver from Westminster, Md., took last week off from work, packed his wife, young son and a relative in their SUV and crossed the country.

If it was his last week on Earth, he wanted to see parts of it he'd always heard about but missed, such as the Grand Canyon and the Painted Forest. With maxed-out credit cards and a growing mountain of bills, he said, the rapture would have been a relief.

On Saturday morning, Bauer was parked in front of the Oakland headquarters of Camping's Family Radio empire, half expecting to see an angry mob of disenchanted believers howling for the preacher's head. The office was closed, and the street was mostly deserted save for journalists.

Bauer said he was not bitter. "Worst-case scenario for me, I got to see the country," he said. "If I should be angry at anybody, it should be me."

Tom Evans, who acted as Camping's PR aide in recent months, took his family to Ohio to await the rapture. Early next week, he said, he would be returning to California.

"You can imagine we're pretty disappointed, but the word of God is still true," he said. "We obviously went too far, and that's something we need to learn from."

Despite the failure of Camping's prediction, however, he said he might continue working for him.

"As bad as it appears—and there's no getting around it, it is bad, flat-out—I have not found anything close to the faithfulness of Family Radio," he said.

Others had risked a lot more on Camping's prediction, quitting jobs, abandoning relationships, volunteering months of their time to spread the word. Matt Tuter, the longtime producer of Camping's radio and television call-in show, said Saturday that he expected there to be "a lot of angry people" as reality proved Camping wrong.

Tuter said Family Radio's AM station in Sacramento had been "severely vandalized" Friday night or Saturday morning, with air conditioning units yanked out and $25,000 worth of copper stripped from the equipment. He thinks it must have been an angry listener. He was off Saturday but planned to drive past the headquarters "and make sure nothing's burning."

Camping himself, who has given innumerable interviews in recent months, was staying out of sight Saturday. No one answered the door at his Alameda home, though neighbors said he was there.

By late afternoon, a small crowd had gathered in front of Camping's Oakland headquarters. There were atheists blowing up balloons in human form, which were released into the sky just after 6 p.m. in a mockery of the rapture. Someone played a CD of "The End" by the Doors, amid much laughter.

There were also Christians, like James Bynum, a 45-year-old deacon at Calvary Baptist Church in Milpitas, holding signs that declared Harold Camping a false prophet. He said he was there to comfort disillusioned believers.

"Harold Camping will never hand out poisoned Kool-Aid," Bynum said. "It's not that kind of a cult. But he has set up a system that will destroy some people's lives."
Originally Posted by E3LAL

Glad I was one of the chosen to survive

If I'm not mistaken, isn't it bad to be "left behind"? Considering 99.9 percent of this planet are sinners, it's plausible that some of the few good ones were taken and we were left on earth to suffer.
Originally Posted by E3LAL

Glad I was one of the chosen to survive

If I'm not mistaken, isn't it bad to be "left behind"? Considering 99.9 percent of this planet are sinners, it's plausible that some of the few good ones were taken and we were left on earth to suffer.
For the last few months, Harold Camping and his Family Radio followers have gained national attention due to their belief that the rapture was going to take place on May 21, 2011 at 6:00pm. Saturday, May 21 came and went with no signs of the apocalypse which proves that Harold Camping and his following missed the mark once again.

This isn’t the first time that Harold has been wrong about the Jesus’ return. Harold once predicted that the world would end back in 1994 after deciphering the Bible and pulling numbers from certain texts. Though the world (literally, the entire world) has been making jokes about the old man and his silly followers, we forget there are real people, some with families, that have lost everything behind this controversy. Some people quit their jobs or left their families to prepare themselves for the day with one woman revealing to NPR that had abandoned her plans for medical school when she heard of the prediction. Her husband left his job and the two of them decided to spend their final days with their infant daughter.

Marie Exley helped put up billboards in Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon, and still had hope early Saturday that some rapture sign would occur:
“Some people were saying it was going to be an earthquake at that specific time in New Zealand and be a rolling judgment, but God is keeping us in our place and saying you may know the day but you don’t know the hour. The day is not over, it’s just the morning, and we have to endure until the end.
For the last few months, Harold Camping and his Family Radio followers have gained national attention due to their belief that the rapture was going to take place on May 21, 2011 at 6:00pm. Saturday, May 21 came and went with no signs of the apocalypse which proves that Harold Camping and his following missed the mark once again.

This isn’t the first time that Harold has been wrong about the Jesus’ return. Harold once predicted that the world would end back in 1994 after deciphering the Bible and pulling numbers from certain texts. Though the world (literally, the entire world) has been making jokes about the old man and his silly followers, we forget there are real people, some with families, that have lost everything behind this controversy. Some people quit their jobs or left their families to prepare themselves for the day with one woman revealing to NPR that had abandoned her plans for medical school when she heard of the prediction. Her husband left his job and the two of them decided to spend their final days with their infant daughter.

Marie Exley helped put up billboards in Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon, and still had hope early Saturday that some rapture sign would occur:
“Some people were saying it was going to be an earthquake at that specific time in New Zealand and be a rolling judgment, but God is keeping us in our place and saying you may know the day but you don’t know the hour. The day is not over, it’s just the morning, and we have to endure until the end.
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