World's Largest LED Installation : The Bay Lights

Sep 10, 2011


The Bay Lights is a site-specific monumental light sculpture and art installation on the San Francisco Bay Bridge designed to commemorate the 75th anniversary of its opening. The installation by light artist Leo Villareal will include 25,000 individual white LEDs along 1.8 miles (2.9 km) of the cables on the north side of the suspension span of the bridge between Yerba Buena Island and San Francisco. The installation will be controlled via a computer and will display changing patterns that are not meant to repeat

Wish I could've made it to the debut tonight.

Thought it was a cool little piece and wanted to share it with you all.
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That's pretty awesome, and you said the debut was only tonight? Gonna have to try and make it out there on one of these weekends 8)
Being from the bay I will definitely try and check this out as often as possible and take some shots!

If you go to you can see the light show from 7o or 9pm to about 2am PST everyday. They'll also archive the lights every 3 minutes for each show so people can go back and see what it looked like previous days. No two patters will be the same for the next two years. Very cool!
^Yeah, I definitely need to check it out.

I heard it was pouring out there tonight tho :lol:
Was getting ready to call it a waste of money before watching the video... after watching it, not too bad.

Oh and I thought I heard rain.. yay snow!
I didn't go tonight but they sort of have been having it up the past months but just not animated. I was on the the bridge Sunday and could see the actual light from close and it just looks like Christmas lights. Still, it makes the Bay Bridge like an ultimate tourist attraction now and sort of trumps the Golden Gate in a way.

Some photos I shot a couple of months ago. Going to go back on a better night to shoot it again:

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I didn't go tonight but they sort of have been having it up the past months but just not animated. I was on the the bridge Sunday and could see the actual light from close and it just looks like Christmas lights. Still, it makes the Bay Bridge like an ultimate tourist attraction now and sort of trumps the Golden Gate in a way.

Some photos I shot a couple of months ago. Going to go back on a better night to shoot it again:

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I wouldn't quite say trump, but yeah, it'll be another draw to the Bay Area. I'm sure not a lot of people even knew about the Bay Bridge, but now with this structure, let it be known!

And beautiful shots Fong.
i love speeding thru SF at this hour.

the lights and the sceneray is so sick out here.

the ppl just suck.
You were able to "own" the lights as well...I almost got one and dedicated it to someone, but I couldn't even do it lol.
i love speeding thru SF at this hour.
the lights and the sceneray is so sick out here.
the ppl just suck.

Living out there for almost 6 years now, I’ve come to find out that the people that make SF suck are the people that aren’t originally from the Bay Area at all. Like most everyone I work with is either from NYC, LA or even Sacramento areas and these are the snobby people that feel entitled all the time. Anyways…..blame it on those guys. Apparently there is even a segregation amongst the Bay Area as well that I was unfamiliar at first. I am from El Sobrante in the suburbs and coming out to SF, I was labeled the “East Bay guy” like I am supposed to be crazy or something. It’s pretty ******ed.
 see when i can make my way up there soon.
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Very nice. I love the Bay Bridge btw.

i love speeding thru SF at this hour.
the lights and the sceneray is so sick out here.
the ppl just suck.

I agree, my time in SF for 5 years were the best of my life - but the only problem I ever had were some of the people of SF; even family members. Just too much fakeness.
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Nice shots fongstar. Which pier where you at?

It was off the Embarcadero area. Forget which pier it is but it's near a firestation I believe. My lens is a wide angle, so I have to be super close.

Thanks for all the compliments. Need to shoot more.
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