WORST Movies You've Seen... Vol. BRUH...

Jul 23, 2013
What movies have you seen that were terrible?

Some that I could think of from the top of my head (No specific order)

1. Spring Breakers

2. The Villagers

3. From Justin to Kelly

4. Eight Legged Freaks

5. Sharknado
Mortal kombat annihilation
Batman and robin
Bunch of adam sandler films
Battlefield earth
Spider man wit jaime fox in it
Tim and erics movie (wtf)

The room but i like it lol
At least Spring Breakers had hot girls tho. VHS was okay bit part 2 was a lot better. ABCs Of Death 2 was terrible but I watched the whole thing. I just watched Batman and Robin and Mortal Kombat Annihilation recently for a good laugh. Street Fighter is bad but funny to watch too. Human centipede 1 and 2 were pretty bad but I still want to watch part 3 for some weird reason lol.

some of these movies yall are naming i liked, so just know, youre getting reported.
the original Attack of The Killer Tomatoes!

just awful, don't care that it was supposed to be either
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Dragon ball evolution and the green lantern movie immediately sprung to mind. There's more I'm forgetting but those two just aren't enjoyable at all.
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