Worst single moment of my life.

Feb 3, 2005
Yesterday was my nineteenth birthday, real chill day hanging out with the fam and my friends. Everything was going pretty well until I checked the mail.I'mexpectin cards and checks and money but there was only one envelope for me from my college. I didnt want to open it thinking it was some fin. aid stuff i wouldjust deal with later, something told me to open it. Needless to say it wasn't financial aid, it was a letter that said due to my poor grade point averagei've been suspended. Now I can appeal it and I think i'll get back in, it's just I don't even know how to tell my family. I feel so ashamed andreally useless. I've been going through scenarios in my head the past 16 hours I wouldn't put it passed my Dad to kick me out. and I wouldn't blamehim.
i've been in your situation. buckle down and just do your job, and it'll go away. you'll be fine
been there done that.


you good my man.
Didnt they give you a notice from the previous semester or quarter telling you you are on academic probation or something? They don't just up and suspendyou do they? Well anyhow, try and appeal it and focus on your school
I have been there dude and while it isnt the best situation you can certainly take some steps that will help alleviate it.
Originally Posted by SCOfoshO

Didnt they give you a notice from the previous semester or quarter telling you you are on academic probation or something? They don't just up and suspend you do they? Well anyhow, try and appeal it and focus on your school

In the letter it says that in the "undergraduate catalog" if you get a 2.0 one semester ur automatically on probation. I've never saw thatand they never sent a notice of probation. Anyway thanks I apreciate the support.
Originally Posted by SCOfoshO

Didnt they give you a notice from the previous semester or quarter telling you you are on academic probation or something? They don't just up and suspend you do they? Well anyhow, try and appeal it and focus on your school

In the letter it says that in the "undergraduate catalog" if you get a 2.0 one semester ur automatically on probation. I've never saw thatand they never sent a notice of probation. Anyway thanks I apreciate the support.
currently in that situation now. i'n surprised that many of you guys been there. thought i was the only one
been there before. try and appeal and if it doesnt work just head back to a jc for a bit to get GE's done so you can apply for readmission. best of luckfam.
I was there as well, but my mom got the letter instead of me
. I had to sit out a semester and work
. I caught mad flack from family members and friends,but the following semester I busted out a 3.37 GPA and was back on track. Just tell them what's going on and hope for the best. Make sure you buckle downthe next semester son, because if you F'up again they may kick you out (the school and your parents).
i was there at one point but I saw it coming so I dropped 2 classes and cracked down next semster

i had a 1.91 GPA at one point
appeal before you tell your parents

what is your GPA? you could easily bust out a few courses in the summer to show the school you are serious, boost your grades and then allow them to let youback in

what school by the way?
Yeah that happened to my roomate, but he got a warning. He now goes to a JC and is hoping to get back in i the future. Luckily I have never had ths problem.Just keep your head up, we all go through hardships.
Originally Posted by areyouin729

i was there at one point but I saw it coming so I dropped 2 classes and cracked down next semster

i had a 1.91 GPA at one point

had that fall going into spring semester after moms got laid off due todownsizing, stepdad got downsized in his company and me making some horrible life choices that are still big time problems in my life now. got mad shook andgot on track for the spring. got a 3.0 and even though i'm not killing it in the GPA i'm at a 2.1+ now but it's a definite bounceback.

best thing you can do is pray that it works out dude. PRAY! i surely foundGod this last semester and been feeling better ever since.
I will give you a few of my quality points if you want.

I dont like getting 4.0's anyways... (sorry)

Really though, just buckle down and work hard. Good grades dont come easy
I too have been in that situation. U gotta do work son. The girls the parties, the friends will all be there after. You opportunity to get an educationwon't be.
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

I too have been in that situation. U gotta do work son. The girls the parties, the friends will all be there after. You opportunity to get an education won't be.

very wise words
Originally Posted by threat6

Yesterday was my nineteenth birthday, real chill day hanging out with the fam and my friends. Everything was going pretty well until I checked the mail.I'm expectin cards and checks and money but there was only one envelope for me from my college. I didnt want to open it thinking it was some fin. aid stuff i would just deal with later, something told me to open it. Needless to say it wasn't financial aid, it was a letter that said due to my poor grade point average i've been suspended. Now I can appeal it and I think i'll get back in, it's just I don't even know how to tell my family. I feel so ashamed and really useless. I've been going through scenarios in my head the past 16 hours I wouldn't put it passed my Dad to kick me out. and I wouldn't blame him.

If that is the worst day of your life then you have had it good.
sounds like youre a freshman or soph, you've got plenty of time to pull your gpa back up man. don't stress it now.
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