Worst single moment of my life.

how the hell do people have such low GPA's that they get kicked out, or suspended from school. I mean at one point or another a switch has to go off inyour head thats tells you that you need to pick it up. I mean you see the grades you get on tests and stuff, so idk how you people can be surprised... its nota big shocker....u must know how bad you are doing, and its really no ones fault but your own, so quit going into depression about it, and do something
how the hell do people have such low GPA's that they get kicked out, or suspended from school. I mean at one point or another a switch has to go off in your head thats tells you that you need to pick it up. I mean you see the grades you get on tests and stuff, so idk how you people can be surprised... its not a big shocker....u must know how bad you are doing, and its really no ones fault but your own, so quit going into depression about it, and do something

stop being so harsh.
Originally Posted by commodity05

stop being so harsh.
sweet talking him isnt going to help, someone needs to be harsh, cuz what ever people are doing sure isnt working with him.....

real talk I appreciate all the advice, harsh or not. But to answer your question, it was really one class that did me in. The fact it was so many creditsand I failed it just trashed my whole GPA. got all B's and a C with everything else. Plus I called school today, the guy at the retention office told meall most likely be readmitted, if I write the letter and come to school a week early to meet with my advisor. Just gotta fine out how to tell moms without hergetting emotional.
Originally Posted by areyouin729

appeal before you tell your parents

what is your GPA? you could easily bust out a few courses in the summer to show the school you are serious, boost your grades and then allow them to let you back in

what school by the way?

GPAs 1.97. I go to Howard. SkunkInDunkspm'd u
I was on probation twice in my first three years, last year i got serious and just really cracked down.

Everything will be all good bro, just when you get back in school just crack down and go to office hours and ask questions. Teachers will help you and willalso give you a little extra cushion for mistakes if they know you are trying. But when telling your parents what about it, just make sure you have a plan.Tell them what happened then follow it up with your plan of action, just make sure you dont have any "i don't know" answers. They hate "idont know" answers, i got smacked a couple times for dropping some of those answers
Maybe this is the kick in the butt you need. Not trying to be a %%@! or nothing, but maybe this can be the motivation you need to do well GPA wise in school.

Speaking from experience, I've needed to get punched in the mouth to respond in a way to realize my potential. Life is all about overcoming obstacles and

not staying down when you get knocked down.

Now, the question is what are you going to do to change this?
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