Worst venues in sports (Professional and college)

Jun 29, 2008
I don't know if a topic like this was made (probably has) but after watching Game 2 of the Finals, Staples Center has to be one of the worst sportingvenues in all of sports in terms of atmosphere. What are some other venues that you have noticed that lack in atmosphere among other things?
the marlins....this is during a game btw
Atmposphere wise it's one of the best but from a design and logistics standpoint, the Oakland Colisuem is boo boo.

Traffic leaving a Warriors/Raiders game is an unparalled cluster %$%* of counter productive and clashing individual agendas, a true survivial of the fittestamonst automobiles. You drive like a %%#@! you aint never leaving.
Originally Posted by baik

the marlins....this is during a game btw
How does that team make money???? .....Maybe its the profit sharing or whatever the league has that splits all the profits.
It better not look like that when the Marlins get there new stadium in a few years...
Tropicana Field & The Rogers Centre are two of the worst ones I've been too. Tropicana just didn't seem like a baseball stadium and Rogers wasover 100 degrees and they kept the roof open.
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Atmposphere wise it's one of the best but from a design and logistics standpoint, the Oakland Colisuem is boo boo.

Traffic leaving a Warriors/Raiders game is an unparalled cluster %$%* of counter productive and clashing individual agendas, a true survivial of the fittest amonst automobiles. You drive like a %%#@! you aint never leaving.

Word... I was dueling with another car for like 20mins trying to leave the park the other night

The coliseum has to be top 5 worst for baseball...Top 5 most intimidating in football
As someone mentioned, you guys have BART. Unless you're traveling from a distance the exit situation is easily avoidable. We don't have that luxuryhere in LA
Originally Posted by dakid23

The Key Arena
The Key wasn't terrible. It was very intimate and the most intimidating arena in the NBA when it was full and loud.
Wachovia Center - home to the Sixers and Flyers.

Place is a bland dump. The 42-year-old Spectrum STILL owns this place for watching any event. Instead of demolishing the Spectrum, they need to level theWachovia.

Izod Center (Nets) - also a dump. I don't know how anyone watches anything there.

Staples Center - it's not a sports arena, it's an event center. No wonder the crowd sucks. None of the real fans get close to the game because all ofthe lower seats are bought up by people who don't know a thing about basketball. The upper tier gets no love at all.

Key Arena - 'nuff said. Before the renovation, when it was the Seattle Center Coliseum, it was a great atmosphere and very unique. The renovationdestroyed its personality. The lighting stinks.
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Arco Arena. The Kings need a new arena BADLY.....

Yea that place is a dump. When I went up there for the high school state championship game I was like %**?
Izod Center easily....

I don't get the Key Area situation? it opened in '96, 13 years and already it's a bad Arena and they wanted to build a new one?
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

As someone mentioned, you guys have BART. Unless you're traveling from a distance the exit situation is easily avoidable. We don't have that luxury here in LA
Ture. Bart FTW
Oakland Colisuem


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