Would you eat this?**Calling all Vegans**

Man...I would straight destroy that especially with some hot sauce on it
Originally Posted by Method Man

I wanted to be a vegetarian but I really thought about it. Humans are killing machines. It is on auto-pilot. Our bodies kill anything that are foreign . I eat beef, chicken, fish & pork but I don't kill an animal (bugs & insects) unless it is in my house.
Simply because we have immune systems doesn't necessarily make us "killing machines." Herbivores possess active immune systems; I don't think many people would consider sheep, for example, to be "killing machines."

Humans are actually pretty poorly adapted when it comes to eating meat. Our digestive systems fall far closer to the herbivorous end of the spectrum than the carnivorous. Most people can't even keep down raw meat and, certainly, our jaws and teeth don't allow us to tear of large chunks of flesh and swallow them whole the way carnivores can. We have long digestive tracts suitable for breaking down cellulose in plant matter. We need fiber; carnivores don't. Carnivores can eat meat based diets without any ill effects from cholesterol - obviously that's not the case for humans. Carnivores have acidic saliva, human saliva is alkaline - like that of herbivores.

At best, and I use "best" in reference to the argument that humans ought to eat meat, humans are adapted for scavenging and capturing small prey. You can't really envision a human being chasing down a gazelle and beating it to death. Even then, without developing tools what would they do - tear into it with their nails? Certainly, it's difficult to envision humans "in the wild" suckling cows. So, this image of humans as "killing machines" seems a bit incongruous with the actual human organism. Our bodies make much better foraging machines than killing machines. A human being can be perfectly healthy eating a vegetarian diet. We can't really say the same for a human being who chooses to eat a diet in which meat is eaten exclusively. You'd suffer congestive heart failure before you could even rent a car.

Now, all that said, simply because we're capable of doing something doesn't mean we should. You're capable of beating small children unconscious and stealing their lunch money as a means of survival. Should you? Is there a better way than to prey on those weaker than you?

If you choose to eat meat that's obviously your decision, but the argument that human beings are inherently killing machines strikes me as a flawed justification for doing so.

You do realize that because of COOKED meat our brains developed as quickly as it did right? I can pull up some NY times/Nation Geographic articleup on that or you can look for it yourself. We aren't built as herbivores, but that's just it, we are omnivores. We can have a nice balanced diet ofboth. And a balanced diet of both is optimal. You just have to watch how much and what meat you eat. Plus what your heritage is based off can determine howyou react to meat. I'm eastern European. My country has been eating fried pork and such for CENTURIES. We can handle a higher amount of fat in our dietfrom meat and the modified proteins from frying foods than most other people. Our bodies adapt quite rapidly. Each grp of people reacts to diferent foodsdifferently. There is a tribe of native Americans who can't eat food like this because they INSTANTLY put on huge amount of weight. For centuries they hada shortage of food and now for the past 100 years had a surplus, and in response they have an obesity % of about 85% of the population.
That should honestly be breaded and then fried. Show that pic to Paula Dean and I guarantee you that's what she does with it. Would look more appetizing.
You do realize that because of COOKED meat our brains developed as quickly as it did right? I can pull up some NY times/Nation Geographic article up on that or you can look for it yourself.
Again, I think there's a distinction to be made between correlation and causation. Obviously there are other factors that favored humans withlarger brains, the increasing importance of social organization being one. Beyond that, you need to look at changes in the environment. Red deer in Scotlandhave been observed biting the heads off of birds due, it's suggested, to mineral deficiency. Chimpanzees have begun killing infant colobus monkeys. Competition for increasingly scarce resources engenders this sort of adaptation, and the human diet has been nothing if not adaptive. Whereas a deer or achimpanzee can't simply run out to the grocery store, we can. It is a reflection of our privilege that we don't have to say, "If I don't killsomething and eat its flesh, I'm going to die." Our ancestors weren't always so fortunate, nor are manyof our contemporaries around the world.

The point I'm trying to make is that eating animal products is not necessary for healthy function, that our bodiesare quite compatible with herbivorous diets and that we, as a species, have been eating plants far longer than we've been eating meat. This isn't tosay that it's easy to do so, that you don't have to change your behavior to do so - because that's simplynot true. It's been normative to eat similarly to carnivores in that we'll just settle in for one or two big feasts each day and store that ratherthan to eat smaller meals fairly persistently throughout the day, as a forager would. There's a certain efficiency to eating meat that offers convenience,but today we have all the resources we need to live healthy, active lifestyles without ingesting meat if we so choose.

It's a choice everyone should make for themselves, but the problem we so often find is that vegetarianism tends to be marginalized, ridiculed, ordiscredited when, in truth, such diets can be far healthier than what's considered normative in this society.
Not with all that bacon though, and some type of bread on the outside, I guess.
that looks like dinner!

i think i'd throw on another layer of bacon weave on top and make a sandwich.
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