Would you let your girl wear shorts like this?

you think thats bad you need to see these lil HS girls in the hood and the shorts they wear...

they don't make Guess shorts big enough for some of their *%$
I came in here expecting a girl with a lot more skin showing...

*leaves thread*
Originally Posted by JRose5

What's wrong with those shorts?


For real, those shorts arent bad at all.
What you need to worry aboutare skirts that short.
To me those shorts are fine, I would let my girl wear them if she wanted too.

It's amazing how many male NT'ers are on here critiquing her shoes though...I worry about some of you dudes.

If it is a problem for you OP about things your girl might wear then talk to her about it, what people said is true you don't own another person but ifit's not what your looking for in a girl you can just drop her.
Aint nothing wrong with the shorts. Would my girl wear them......probably chillin around the house or something.
Appreciate the knowledge.

I am not insecure. Just curious on how people view these shorts. I personally think its inappropriate but that's just me.

Once again, thanks, NT!
Originally Posted by NYC Safe Bet

I am not insecure. Just curious on how people view these shorts. I personally think its inappropriate but that's just me.
Inappropriate? Comon bro this isnt the 1940s.

Those shorts on women are a weak spot for me
Let your girl wear them?

Who the hell are you? lol

My girl can wear anything she wants...

she chooses to dress casual/classy on her own.

Yes, she does have shorts that are...um...short, though.
No because she will need to...

...and it's not safe whilst you are frying food
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