Would you let your girl wear shorts like this?

yea i would my dude... best believe she aint going to be wearing ANYTHING when she comes home with me
Anything higher would be a no. I dont wanna look like im walkin round with some prostitute ya know
I don't see anything wrong with those shorts, the slippers however are a no go.
Thankfully my wife has respect for her body and wearing shorts (and those slippers) is never an issue.
whats the big deal about those shorts. girls dont like guys who are too controlling let your girl do her
Those shorts are fine. It is not like her #@* cheeks are hanging out. Don't be so insecure.

My ex was just like you when it came to certain types of clothing, and it is a trait of being controlling and possessive in some ways. He would get pissed ifeven a little bit of chest would be showing and showing cleavage was a big no-no. I remember when I was 19 and I had this tight shirt that said "TwinPalms" on it. I would wear it here and there, and once he got so mad, he punched a pole and hurt his hand. I am not with that douche anymore, so I showall the cleavage I want. If I get with another man and he even says a peep about my choice of clothing, he can shove it.
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