Would you rather be able to turn invisible, fly, or have super strength?

Nov 10, 2007
I'd go with invisibility hands down. Too many possibilites.

Probably not work another day in my life and I'll leave it at that.

What about you?

EDIT: With invisibility, you would also be intangible and not have a heat signature.
I hate when my little cousins ask me this question!

Reality check.. I'd have to go with invisibility.
smh you guys are overhyping invisibility. theres already cloaking devices that almost make you invisible, imagine in the future
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

If I was a criminal or deviant I'd say turning invisible. But since I'm not, I'd go with flying.
exactly what I was thinking. How practical would invisibility be.

Flying is something man has dreamed of being able to do for the longest. Imagine just taking a trip over a place with crazy sites of nature. Just flyingoverhead it. Or flying to school in the morning. Just feeling that ill breeze. being able to crap on birds.

Imagine how many chicks u can bag off the fact you can fly too
. Effbeing the dude stuntin with his ai crossover when girls walk by in the park. I'll throw it off the backboard...catch the ball in the air...fly over tothose girls and tell them to watch me throw down a windmill triple front flip through the legs dunk.
Super strength hands down, the possibilities are endless,

invisibilty is stupid when u really start to think about it and there is to many dangers with it,

I'm afraid of heights so flying is a no go
Imagine how many chicks u can bag off the fact you can fly too
. Eff being the dude stuntin with his ai crossover when girls walk by in the park. I'll throw it off the backboard...catch the ball in the air...fly over to those girls and tell them to watch me throw down a windmill triple front flip through the legs dunk.
Yea, That's a nice jugg right there...

Spoiler [+]
Until all you flyers get rounded up by the government...What up "The Company".


Flyers FTL. Us invisible cats staying under the radar gettin' money and livin' that life...
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Spoiler [+]
Until all you flyers get rounded up by the government...What up "The Company".


Flyers FTL. Us invisible cats staying under the radar gettin' money and livin' that life...
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