Would you rather be an Actor or an Artist?

Jan 30, 2007
My little brother ask me this yesterday and I thought damn, this is kinda tough. Making music or being on TV/Movie. I choose Actor, money is good and you canpull 3 - 5 mill on some average projects. People like Will Smith, Tom Cruise etc. is pulling in 20 milli a pic. Being a rapper could pull in major cheese (ifyour toop tier) but being an actor is easier money (IMO).
I would rather be head of NASA.
Cause all the successful people in my race are known just for entertainment.
I want to be one of the people to break that barrier.
I'd rather be an actor... less stress & less people to worry about.
The money is greater than the fame also... remember that
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

actor...sex scenes ftw
Rappers have sex scenes too.
Their called music videos.

I would be an actor thought.
Physical Therapist.
To be honest, i would rather make alot of money and still be able to connect and walk around with normal people than be famous with money. Too much stress thatcomes along with being a famous artist and an actor
In today's industry, I would not want to be an artist who is looking to make a career out of their music, unless I'm behind the boards.
at people answering with other professions.
why even post if you arent going to answer OP's question?

I'll take actor.
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