Would you spend 5 years in State Prison for a million dollars?

bruv i have aspirations of making more than a mill over a 5 year period once im a few years out college and start my professional career . gotta setthat price higher
One year maybe...

But if I did, I would %$%$ my pants every morning and rub feces all over my body making sure NO ONE wanted to touch me! And if that didn't work, I wouldhave fresh feces in my pocket for reapplication.


Originally Posted by boxer

200k a year to go to prison? you've got to be joking.

1 year for a tax-free million might be interesting if I was down and out on the streets fighting to survive every night anyway.
if my survival rate was 100%, i still wouldn't do it. i'd rather be free than stuck in prison for any amount of money.
hell to the no prison isn't something i'd like to see im a 5 foot 6 small white dude weighing at 140 lbs. I'll be most likely ending up holdingsomeone's pocket passed around like a rag doll!
no. hell no.

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

hell to the no prison isn't something i'd like to see im a 5 foot 6 small white dude weighing at 140 lbs. I'll be most likely ending up holding someone's pocket passed around like a rag doll!

you know you like having your holes raided.
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

hell to the no prison isn't something i'd like to see im a 5 foot 6 small white dude weighing at 140 lbs. I'll be most likely ending up holding someone's pocket passed around like a rag doll!
win win situation for you
ehhh a mill aint what it used to be... 200k a year job that conists of jus being bored hmm nahh ill pasa hafta get like 3 mill for 5 years

id do a year for a milli tho
my brother in law told me a story about this dude that was wrongfully charged of rape. long story short him and his cell mate became good friends. his cellmate got out in 7 years and he got out 2 years later. when he got out the friend let him crash at his house and gave him a job servicing atm machines thebusiness he owned. dude saved up some loot and went to hawaii. he coulndt find any atms in hawaii so he decided to get some money out there and put up around50. a month later 50 more, and by the end of the year over 300. he then opened up food chains, flower shops, car rentals, hotels, and is worth around30million. He cut his buddy into all his businesses and said if it wasnt for jail and meeting him he would have ended up finding some crap job after jail.
depends on the situation you know that when you go in your gunna have to deal with the gangs, and others psychos...but itll make you a stronger person in theheart plus youll come out with a million dollars in your pocket. so i would say yes
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