Would you spend 5 years in State Prison for a million dollars?

You know how much ##%% happens in 5 years? Some of y'all must not enjoy life.

Just think of the last 5 years of your life! You'd miss that for a mill?

You must not be living right.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

how about for 1 year? With 80% survival rate?
Yeah. I'd never take showers so no problem on dropping the soap.

Get out smash the daylights outta my girl have 2 kids, get a house, and save.
I just made this thread to see what most would say. 5 years though, that's a cool minute. I wouldn't do 5 years for 1 mill. But 1 year for one mill, Iwould do it. I'm just realistic with myself. I'm not making no mill in one year. A couple of my boys went in, and they tell me pin stories all thetime. They tell me, if they can handle it, they're pretty sure I can handle it. They just told me you have to be careful with prison politics. You willhave to roll with your race, and if you're not down during crucial times, don't expect for them to be down for you. Anybody that has been to prisonwant to comment on this? My boy, who spent time in Quentin, said he would do 10 years for 1 mill. I told him he was crazy, but he was dead serious. If therewas a lick for 1 mill, and he can stash it away before he went in. He would do it.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

You know how much ##%% happens in 5 years? Some of y'all must not enjoy life.

Just think of the last 5 years of your life! You'd miss that for a mill?

You must not be living right.
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

hell to the no prison isn't something i'd like to see im a 5 foot 6 small white dude weighing at 140 lbs. I'll be most likely ending up holding someone's pocket passed around like a rag doll!


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