Would you take care of another mans kid?


Apr 15, 2011
As much as i love kids and love to be around them, I just can not see myself taking care of another mans child before i even have my own. An example would be, A girl who has gotten pregnant but something happend b/ the BF and GF and now leaves the kid with the girl and has a father as a deadbeat.

My question to the fellow NTers is would you take that responsibility of taking care of that child even to stay in a relationship with the girl?
IMO like i said above that is just not for me, i would never want to take that roll and putting money out of my pocket for a kid who is not mines. Im sure im gonna get some hate for this but im just being real, GIRLS NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KEEP THERE LEGS CLOSED.
Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

As much as i love kids and love to be around them, I just can not see myself taking care of another mans child before i even have my own. An example would be, A girl who has gotten pregnant but something happend b/ the BF and GF and now leaves the kid with the girl and has a father as a deadbeat.

My question to the fellow NTers is would you take that responsibility of taking care of that child even to stay in a relationship with the girl?
IMO like i said above that is just not for me, i would never want to take that roll and putting money out of my pocket for a kid who is not mines. Im sure im gonna get some hate for this but im just being real, GIRLS NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KEEP THERE LEGS CLOSED.
cuz they got pregnant on their own, right?

swear yall _ are ******ed.
I'm guessing you're like 17 by this childish post but I'll engage

but my girl had a son when I met her he was a lil over one his pops was some loser cat I've rasied him like my own and we're now expecting a child of our own I have no complaints

my question for you is does this mean you'd date a girl with kids and not interact with them? or you just dont mess with chicks with kids?

and how is it a womans fault if things dont work out qwith her childs father?
Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

 Im sure im gonna get some hate for this but im just being real, GIRLS NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KEEP THERE LEGS CLOSED.
Whoa dere
Originally Posted by CashBanks

I'm guessing you're like 17 by this childish post but I'll engage

but my girl had a son when I met her he was a lil over one his pops was some loser cat I've rasied him like my own and we're now expecting a child of our own I have no complaints

my question for you is does this mean you'd date a girl with kids and not interact with them? or you just dont mess with chicks with kids?

and how is it a womans fault if things dont work out qwith her childs father?

im actually 21 and its not to childish imo, but whatever you say bro. And to answer your ? i just dont mess with chicks who already have kids and expect another man to come in and take care of him. P***Y runs everything bro, they should kno something might not work out or ect.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Would I be simping if I said yes?
No, you'd just be a sweet compassionate individual

Me? short term - baby sitting, sure
...Long term, nah, sorry.
Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

As much as i love kids and love to be around them, I just can not see myself taking care of another mans child before i even have my own. An example would be, A girl who has gotten pregnant but something happend b/ the BF and GF and now leaves the kid with the girl and has a father as a deadbeat.

My question to the fellow NTers is would you take that responsibility of taking care of that child even to stay in a relationship with the girl?
IMO like i said above that is just not for me, i would never want to take that roll and putting money out of my pocket for a kid who is not mines. Im sure im gonna get some hate for this but im just being real, GIRLS NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KEEP THERE LEGS CLOSED.

What if you already have plenty of money?  Is money the only thing you have against it? 
It would really depend on the chick, she'd have to be "that chick".

I know its kinda effed up becuase people make mistakes but, I don't wanna have to finish what some green ##* boy started.

If I did dead-beat-dad A wouldn't be allowed to come anywhere near me. She would have to drop the baby off and pick him up.
Smh OP so they need to learn to keep their legs closed so this means you not going in between em. Me being a guy that loves kids how could I hold it against the kid and deprive them having some sort of make figure in their life. I wouldn't wanna be the guy that is just boning a kids mom and not wanna do anything with the kid and that's just my opinion. And these days it's rare to find women that don't have kids cause EVERYBODY is having babies.
Originally Posted by ReturnBama

What you said is true, but I could if I loved the girl

But if the child dad is around but is a jerk I would Check the girl about the relationship I wouldnt go all out
it really depends on the girl and the situation. If it's a case where her baby father is the crazy jealous type and causing hell between me and her --obviously I wouldn't want to get involved. 
Originally Posted by Liltank0206

Smh OP so they need to learn to keep their legs closed so this means you not going in between em. Me being a guy that loves kids how could I hold it against the kid and deprive them having some sort of make figure in their life. I wouldn't wanna be the guy that is just boning a kids mom and not wanna do anything with the kid and that's just my opinion. And these days it's rare to find women that don't have kids cause EVERYBODY is having babies.
and right there what i underlined is an exact reason as to why i said girls need to keep there legs closed. Where i live man i see girls having kids who cant even support there damn self and its ashame. WHY put yourself in that situation? But back on subject, i understand what your saying but why would you take your time out to take care of a child that is NOT yours.
Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

Originally Posted by Liltank0206

Smh OP so they need to learn to keep their legs closed so this means you not going in between em. Me being a guy that loves kids how could I hold it against the kid and deprive them having some sort of make figure in their life. I wouldn't wanna be the guy that is just boning a kids mom and not wanna do anything with the kid and that's just my opinion. And these days it's rare to find women that don't have kids cause EVERYBODY is having babies.
and right there what i underlined is an exact reason as to why i said girls need to keep there legs closed. Where i live man i see girls having kids who cant even support there damn self and its ashame. WHY put yourself in that situation? But back on subject, i understand what your saying but why would you take your time out to take care of a child that is NOT yours.

I don't think that it's taking time out of my time to take care of the kid if I'm already spending time with the mom knowing the kids is gonna be around
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

As much as i love kids and love to be around them, I just can not see myself taking care of another mans child before i even have my own. An example would be, A girl who has gotten pregnant but something happend b/ the BF and GF and now leaves the kid with the girl and has a father as a deadbeat.

My question to the fellow NTers is would you take that responsibility of taking care of that child even to stay in a relationship with the girl?
IMO like i said above that is just not for me, i would never want to take that roll and putting money out of my pocket for a kid who is not mines. Im sure im gonna get some hate for this but im just being real, GIRLS NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KEEP THERE LEGS CLOSED.
cuz they got pregnant on their own, right?

swear yall _ are ******ed.
Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

As much as i love kids and love to be around them, I just can not see myself taking care of another mans child before i even have my own. An example would be, A girl who has gotten pregnant but something happend b/ the BF and GF and now leaves the kid with the girl and has a father as a deadbeat.

My question to the fellow NTers is would you take that responsibility of taking care of that child even to stay in a relationship with the girl?
IMO like i said above that is just not for me, i would never want to take that roll and putting money out of my pocket for a kid who is not mines. Im sure im gonna get some hate for this but im just being real, GIRLS NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KEEP THERE LEGS CLOSED.

im sure its hard for them, when there are guys like you who bother the hell out her to open them
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