Would you take care of another mans kid?

tough call but in most situations, NO.
if you just met them, NO - find another girls to date
if you truly love the girl and have a good relationship with the child, then maybe you can, but personally i would put myself in a better situation and not have to do such a task.
the answer: depends on the situation and person. people's situation are different. in some circumstance, yes and some no. people's characters/personality sometimes can limit them.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Don't knock it y'all. A woman with kids is easier to control. Plus there isn't a better way to relieve stress from work than having a couple beers and whoopin someone elses kids.

I know right. The hell? Whoopin somebody ELSE'S kids? If I had kids and I wasn't with the father and the new dude decided to lay hands on my kid I would commit that. Off principle. 
So at what point would it be ok for him to physically discipline "your" son?
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

As much as i love kids and love to be around them, I just can not see myself taking care of another mans child before i even have my own. An example would be, A girl who has gotten pregnant but something happend b/ the BF and GF and now leaves the kid with the girl and has a father as a deadbeat.

My question to the fellow NTers is would you take that responsibility of taking care of that child even to stay in a relationship with the girl?
IMO like i said above that is just not for me, i would never want to take that roll and putting money out of my pocket for a kid who is not mines. Im sure im gonna get some hate for this but im just being real, GIRLS NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KEEP THERE LEGS CLOSED.
cuz they got pregnant on their own, right?

swear yall _ are ******ed.

Someone understands

Originally Posted by NycPosite

I would. All that I wouldn't deal with a chick or a dude if they had kicks is bs. Hope you settle down soon. Once you get to a certain age there are a lot out there.

I'm 26 and have full custody of my son. My wife takes care of him like he was her own.

It's all on the situation. If your in a relationship with someone that has a child and the bm/bd is causing hell I don't blame you for not dealing with that.

If its a relationship where there are no problems and you love shorty then there shouldn't be a problem. At the end of the day a kid needs a real father/mother figure in their life.

Just remember you don't have to be their biological parent to be a mother/father figure to them.

Just my 2 cents
I ain't bout that step daddy life

What about the chick's with two or three seeds and were never married, do they ever have a chance of getting married?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

I know right. The hell? Whoopin somebody ELSE'S kids? If I had kids and I wasn't with the father and the new dude decided to lay hands on my kid I would commit that. Off principle. 
So at what point would it be ok for him to physically discipline "your" son?
Just because I'm not with the father doesn't mean the father won't be in the kids life BUT if the father is not in the childs life that is a discussion that we(the new dude and I) can have because men learn better from men on some things. We would have to talk boundaries and I would have to be sure that this is real discipline to help the child and not just the dude wanting to there foot on my childs back because it ain't his kid. 
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I got no problem with it Some of y'all can post videos about help fixing your community and all types of stuff yet you all think your too good to date a chick with kids .Then look at the same fatherless kids on wshh and say they need father figures or talk about the people who are single parents all day.Some of y'all need to look in the mirror for real it's ridiculous how y'all have double standards.

I don't see the problem if somebody male/female don't want to talk to somebody that has kids in a romantic way esp if they don't have kids themselves. Doesn't mean you can't be friends with that person or anything like that sometimes I think we all go way overboard on things.
Cant do it, word to Mike Singletary. Idk what it is but I just cant see myself being with a chick with a kid(s). I guess its the fact that they have accepted and given fruition to another man's seed.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I got no problem with it Some of y'all can post videos about help fixing your community and all types of stuff yet you all think your too good to date a chick with kids .Then look at the same fatherless kids on wshh and say they need father figures or talk about the people who are single parents all day.Some of y'all need to look in the mirror for real it's ridiculous how y'all have double standards.

Eh just because I think there are too many fatherless kids doesn't mean I should want to deal with a woman with kids. That really isn't logical. What if someone already mentors? I don't see that as a double standard at all man. Us wanting to help those kids doesn't mean that we want to be in a difficult relationship because of it. Not seeing the relationship there. Sorry. 
idk tough call....a lot of women need to stop letting tyrone mcthug running in them raw

between condoms BC plan B etc women have alot of options to prevent an unwanted pregnancy
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by xxpizzo23

As much as i love kids and love to be around them, I just can not see myself taking care of another mans child before i even have my own. An example would be, A girl who has gotten pregnant but something happend b/ the BF and GF and now leaves the kid with the girl and has a father as a deadbeat.

My question to the fellow NTers is would you take that responsibility of taking care of that child even to stay in a relationship with the girl?
IMO like i said above that is just not for me, i would never want to take that roll and putting money out of my pocket for a kid who is not mines. Im sure im gonna get some hate for this but im just being real, GIRLS NEED TO LEARN HOW TO KEEP THERE LEGS CLOSED.

What if you already have plenty of money?  Is money the only thing you have against it? 
Nah, I wouldnt wanna take care of another dude's nut trophy 
  Way too many females out there to have to settle like that.   Buncha simps in here 
Originally Posted by El Duderino

yes but only for my brother Ezekial or my best friend Gary Forbes for the toronto raptors

Who is this El Dorado dude 

Sometimes his English is cool other times it is horrible 
If one of my best friends would pass away and they had kids I would definitely take them before I'd let them go to foster care.

In terms of a girl, if I'm older and haven't found somebody then maybe. Right now at my age, no.
My english not is good at times because I need to learn much more. My american brother teach me much and I learn words from NT like dude and homie who I call my brother Ezekial now because me they do not teach in my classes.
On the other hand, dudes need to be MAN enough to take care of their own kids. You got dead beat dads and immature men who think playing women makes them more of a man.
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