WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

Originally Posted by casekicks

Why does DBry have his niece in the ring with him right now?


AJ is so damn cute, i just wanna cuff 

Sorry, but she just looks like a little kid to me..She's not ugly or anything, just not really into the no boobs no butt type women..Her face is pretty though..  
I hope that this blast from the past thing isn't 2 hours of 50+ year old men wrestling.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]still mad i couldn't do the prediction contest.... -____-[/color]
Whoever edits clips for WWE needs a raise cause if you didn't watch RAW and saw the clips on smackdown you would have really thought Jericho hit punk with a bottle and sheamus wasn't even getting boo'd.
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

Whoever edits clips for WWE needs a raise cause if you didn't watch RAW and saw the clips on smackdown you would have really thought Jericho hit punk with a bottle and sheamus wasn't even getting boo'd.
or just let @CrankyVince cuss him out in a lighter tone
The 2012 WWE Survivor Series is expected to take place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is believed the announcement will be made soon that the fall classic will take place at Consol Energy Center on November 18, 2012.

- This week the walls of the former ECW Arena are being stripped all the way down to the legendary venue’s foundation.

- Early plans are to release Wrestlemania 29 tickets in September.

- Another 3-hour Raw event has been announced for June 11th, 2012. The event will be held at the XL Center in Hardford, Connecticut and tickets go on sale Friday, April 13th, 2012.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

The 2012 WWE Survivor Series is expected to take place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is believed the announcement will be made soon that the fall classic will take place at Consol Energy Center on November 18, 2012.

- This week the walls of the former ECW Arena are being stripped all the way down to the legendary venue’s foundation.

- Early plans are to release Wrestlemania 29 tickets in September.

- Another 3-hour Raw event has been announced for June 11th, 2012. The event will be held at the XL Center in Hardford, Connecticut and tickets go on sale Friday, April 13th, 2012.

i will be there one way or another.

i wonder if their going to follow tradition and have wrestlemania 30 at the garden.   it wouldn't seem out of the question imo considering summerslam has been held in LA the past 3 years in a row.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

i disagree with rock/brock as the biggest match ever.

that was hogan/rock, even hogan/warrior

taker/sting would be even bigger than rock/brock, but it wont happen
Agreed. I'm happy to see Brock back and all but he just doesn't have the passion and legacy to make his potential match with the Rock "the biggest match in WWE history." 
Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

A thought I had, and I hate to beat a dead horse, but I think WWE is really pushing it when it comes to these Wrestlemania main events. How long can they depend on this formula of bringing people back to get their Super Bowl over? Don't get me wrong, I am on board for Brock and he's an exception cause he'll be around longer than just the one match, but again we revert back to the "when will they create new stars" issue.
Of the 4 main events at this year's Wrestlemania I would say only Daniel Bryan and Sheamus was the only match that had WWE's future involved and look what they did with that... 18 freaking seconds. John Cena faced off against a returning Rock, CM Punk faced off against basically a returning Chris Jericho, and Triple H and Undertaker won't be around much longer. Now we are talking about Brock vs. Rock and the (pure speculation/fantasy) possibility of HHH/HBK and perhaps Steve Austin being thrown into the mix. I just don't think this is a good strategy for future guys. Let's take last year's Wrestlemania it was basically composed of current roster talent, and it was terrible. Outside of HBK/Undertaker 2, Wrestlemania XXVI, was pretty lack luster too (and I was there). The same can pretty much be said for Wrestlemania's 23-27 that's half a decades worth. WWE's future is guys like Orton, Punk, Bryan, Del Rio, Miz, Ziggler, among a few others and (with the exception of Punk and Orton) a majority of times, these guys have been made out to look weak, even when they have had championship gold.

Now, I know every Wrestlemania can't be a home run, and it is cool to have some nostalgia at these events, but it just worries me that with wild rumors of Rob Van Dam or even to a lesser extent the Dudley Boyz talking about coming back, WWE is more concerned of who they can bring back as opposed to developing their own corps. 
This is the way how Vince has always run his business. None of the WWE's stars have been by Vince McMahons design. It's always the fans forcing wrestlers to become famous or famous guys from other promotions coming in for runs here or there. VKM's money is what holds the WWE together. His money crushed the territory system. His money brings back terrible pro wrestlers who happen to have great characters into the mix. His money is what allows the production values of the WWE to hold an audience while terrible PG programming and writing are forced down their throats. I mean if you take away his ability to basically buy characters WWE wouldn't even exist anymore. If it was pro wrestling driven instead character driven would Santino have a title while premier wrestlers like Dolph and Bryan are out there getting underused, squashed or used improperly? Vince controls pro wrestling because he has a handle on the game that no one can match. When his company was fighting for its life in the late 90's all he did was take the underused and angry youngsters from ECW and WCW and let them run their mouths on his programming. Imagine if Heyman had the business sense and money to keep Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero etc and add that to an elevated production level and the guys that stayed in ECW till it died... 
 What Vince is doing with the Rock and Brock in 2012 is no different than what he did buying talent in the 80's, renting Flair in 92, bringing back the Warrior or Sid or Hogan or Nash etc etc etc It's the way he's done business FOREVER. The WWE has and will always be, character driven.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

People are really #!*#!$*% on "The Icon" Sting?

Listen, if Sting couldn't get the job done Vince wouldn't have attempted to sign him for last years Mania.

STING STILL IS AN ICON. Icon's don't die. That's what makes you an icon. You can't stop being an icon. I can't even believe I'm debating the fact but a lot of posts in here are just silly. Let me just make a few points here. 

I don't know who was the highest paid WCW wrestler during the wars but I will tell you what Kevin Nash said about Sting was during the "Legends of Wrestling Roundtable" talks. He said it was a reference known in the wrestling world back then as "Sting Money". Everyone's goal was to make Sting money. Nash said you were paid based on how well you drew and your expectations. He also personally said that Hogan was not paid more than Sting in those days. That's a small indication as to how big Sting was.

Do you guys think the NWO was the single handed reason the WCW beat out the WWF in the ratings for 83 consecutive weeks? Hell no. Was the NWO's main target and feud not Sting for that long time period? The full focus was on Sting.

The question on everyone's mind was would Sting join the NWO. That was the target and the basis of that era drawing as much as it did. That was Sting. He was the focal point of a major feud/angle for almost 3 years w/Hogan and the NWO. That feud drew BIG money. Hogan knew the only person he could draw huge money in that feud at that time as Sting. I'm not saying the Sting drew Hogan/Stone Cold money, but he did draw, and he did have a company build their brand around him. You know how people say"Warrior never drew a dime"...not true...at the time he was on top EVERY SINGLE STAR in the WWE wanted to work with him. Why? Because knew thats where the money was and they'd draw the most by working with him. 

Now, just like Triple H/Taker (Which I was always sold on but I know initially people wern't) I know that many people would buy into Taker/Sting. It would be perfect for Sting. Same with Taker. Look at how amazing he looked Sunday. Give them limited dates and we know they would make a great match happen.

Given the promotion/video packages that we all know the WWE is capable of, they could easily generate TONS of interest in this match as only ONE of the featured matches @ WM. Taker is the draw and Sting could provide a great entertaining challenge for the streak that people would be into. 

Sting wouldn't create any interest as Takers opponent? Really? You guys kill me sometimes. 
This. I'm disappointed with 4w and DC.

We all lived through the Monday Night Wars and the golden era of wrestling that came before it. By all accounts from various top level stars, Sting is the icon of icons. Hell just the other day I watched Ric Flair say that Sting was the combination of Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior and that HE WISHED that Sting had gotten the chance to flourish in Vince McMahons system. Sting vs Taker would not only satisfy the smarks and longtime fans but it would shatter records. It's the only true dream match left that has never even come close to being realized. Hogan was washed up too when he faced the Rock and you know what? That was one of the biggest wrestlemanias of all time because of the iconic stature of the two performers. That was generation vs generation. Sting vs Taker would be WWF vs WCW in its truest form. Not some watered down invasion angle but the true test that everyone always dreamed of. And it's the easiest angle in the world to execute. Sting had the world watching Monday Night Nitro every week to see what he would do, if hed show up or if he would even say anything. The man didnt talk for what? A year?! Are you kidding me? You give Taker and Sting the opportunity to set this up with neither talking and they'd execute it perfectly. One night for one match only. And have it end in a draw so you could never say that either icon lost. Boom. Classic.
– With WrestleMania XXVIII in the books and new talent being promoted to the main roster, there’s a lot of talk that WWE’s annual talent purge will occur “sooner than later.
Wow...I love how edited the Smackdown crowd noise is...

*Daniel Bryan enters...camera shows fans all through audience chanting YES! YES! YES!!! vigorously...

*Sound of unexplainable boo's on audio as people seem to be chanting YES YES YES


also, i recall reading on spoilers they CHEERED when A.J. was dumped, even sang "NA NA NA NAaaaa HEY HEY GOOODBYE" ...now there is piped in Boo's

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Watchin SD now... Ryback is pretty awesome hope they use him well

he's vince's type. he'll get a monster push.

Yea he certainly fits the "bodybuilder" roids type they love. Maybe they give him a Goldberg persona
Sting in 2012 is beyond irrelevant.

If WWE had brought him 9-10 years ago when WCW still on fresh on people's minds, he would've been a big deal.

Now, who cares?
Originally Posted by rmK

Wow...I love how edited the Smackdown crowd noise is...

*Daniel Bryan enters...camera shows fans all through audience chanting YES! YES! YES!!! vigorously...

*Sound of unexplainable boo's on audio as people seem to be chanting YES YES YES


also, i recall reading on spoilers they CHEERED when A.J. was dumped, even sang "NA NA NA NAaaaa HEY HEY GOOODBYE" ...now there is piped in Boo's


I heard the NA NA NA NA Goodbye chant, but it was super faint..Watch it again and when AJ is just about to hit the ramp you can hear it..I thought it was funny and couldn't figure out why that chant didn't get louder, but apparently its due to the piped in boo's..
So I was at a party yesterday, and for some reason, various Yes! chants were started throughout the night
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