WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

geez. 20+ pages since last wednesday?
didn't think i'd miss that much from being sick.
i need to catch up.
- Brock back

- WWE hates "Yes"

- ITO may or may not be an alpha female

- GHIMS has nightmares where he takes Ls, then wakes up and takes Ls
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

geez. 20+ pages since last wednesday?
didn't think i'd miss that much from being sick.
i need to catch up.
- Brock back

- WWE hates "Yes"

- ITO may or may not be an alpha female

- GHIMS has nightmares where he takes Ls, then wakes up and takes Ls
- I'm a huge MGK fan.

about time u admit it.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Didn't know Dean is from here. (Cincinnati, Ohio). Too bad he is just a pawn.

care to elaborate? 
and Steiners "homomania" comment has had me dying for days
Originally Posted by Peep Game

I don't remember this Stunner. Must've been a random Raw, but that sell

why did i know who was receiving the stunner before the gif even loaded.
rock always ric flair'd the stunner.
Update on Rey Mysterio's WWE Return

Posted by: Ben Kerin of WrestlingNewsSource.com on Apr 09 2012

WWE Superstar Rey Mysterio is hoping for a May return from a torn ACL. "I really miss performing for (all of you and thank you all for the love)," Mysterio added: "I am pushing myself to come back from my injury by May! Almost (there)."


WWE Officials Believe Daniel Bryan's "Yes" Chants Will Fade

Posted by: Ben Kerin of WrestlingNewsSource.com on Apr 09 2012

WWE officials believe that the "Yes!" chants for Daniel Bryan will go away soon either from tonight's RAW or next week. Officials booked Bryan in a SmackDown promo on Friday's SmackDown where he said people were mocking him was booked to present the chants as something negative towards him, when actually the chants are a sign of support from fans.
Originally Posted by hellaones

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Didn't know Dean is from here. (Cincinnati, Ohio). Too bad he is just a pawn.

care to elaborate? 
and Steiners "homomania" comment has had me dying for days

He's a pawn for the king.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

WWE Officials Believe Daniel Bryan's "Yes" Chants Will Fade

Posted by: Ben Kerin of WrestlingNewsSource.com on Apr 09 2012

WWE officials believe that the "Yes!" chants for Daniel Bryan will go away soon either from tonight's RAW or next week. Officials booked Bryan in a SmackDown promo on Friday's SmackDown where he said people were mocking him was booked to present the chants as something negative towards him, when actually the chants are a sign of support from fans.

this is the stupidest logic I have ever had the displeasure of reading in my entire 21 years of life
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

WWE Officials Believe Daniel Bryan's "Yes" Chants Will Fade

Posted by: Ben Kerin of WrestlingNewsSource.com on Apr 09 2012

WWE officials believe that the "Yes!" chants for Daniel Bryan will go away soon either from tonight's RAW or next week. Officials booked Bryan in a SmackDown promo on Friday's SmackDown where he said people were mocking him was booked to present the chants as something negative towards him, when actually the chants are a sign of support from fans.
So, they book him to downplay "Yes!" but make the T-Shirt and want to make money off of it? I swear this place (WWE) is so confusing at times.
Ambrose does nothing for me. You guys like the most generic looking people

bring up Xavier Woods, team him up with Kofi. Turn Booker T heel and have him manage them.

BOOM! The New Ebony Experience.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

WWE Officials Believe Daniel Bryan's "Yes" Chants Will Fade

Posted by: Ben Kerin of WrestlingNewsSource.com on Apr 09 2012

WWE officials believe that the "Yes!" chants for Daniel Bryan will go away soon either from tonight's RAW or next week. Officials booked Bryan in a SmackDown promo on Friday's SmackDown where he said people were mocking him was booked to present the chants as something negative towards him, when actually the chants are a sign of support from fans.
This might be the non conformist in me speaking but WWE is absolutely maddening sometimes.
They WANT the "yes" chants to stop, because its not something they created per se or expected to catch on.
God forbid anything happen with their "WWE Universe" that is not something they planned to happen or force fed.
I don't do twitter, but i wouldn't be surprised if #Yes was trending world wide every RAW, I'm sure they wouldn't make any mention of it.
I know Bryan has to play by the rules and do as he's told but I really hope the fans are persistent enough not to let the chants be buried by officials each week.
I think it would great for Bryan's character. He could be like a hybrid tweener/heel. Add some new dynamic to his feuds. As he over with the crowd, but is still a complete d-bag.
Plus fans need something new to grasp on, the "What?" chants are played out and just scream "Mark tendencies".
I'm sure everyone has wanted that chant to die for at least the past 6-7 years.
Just WWE being WWE again. "We don't want anything to happen naturally, we want to force it on you and tell you what you like".
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Ambrose does nothing for me. You guys like the most generic looking people

bring up Xavier Woods, team him up with Kofi. Turn Booker T heel and have him manage them.

BOOM! The New Ebony Experience.

It's not the look at that captivates it's the psychological depth of his character. Fantastic stuff that can be appreciated, especially through the story telling of his matches. C'mon, Club. You're as vanilla as it get's when it comes to heels. You should be able to appreciate someone with depth!

Washington we're counting on you. I and the entire IWC better here "YES YES YES" like we've never heard it before.
Austin 3:16 - Stone Cold's idea, non scripted promo. Spread like wildfire and ended up probably being the #1 selling shirt in WWE history.

YES! - Dbry's idea. Spreading like wildfire. Hopefully it doesn't die out. If WWE had any common sense they would capitalize on this immediately.

Let's hope the DC fans don't fail us tonight.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Ambrose does nothing for me. You guys like the most generic looking people

bring up Xavier Woods, team him up with Kofi. Turn Booker T heel and have him manage them.

BOOM! The New Ebony Experience.

It's not the look at that captivates it's the psychological depth of his character. Fantastic stuff that can be appreciated, especially through the story telling of his matches. C'mon, Club. You're as vanilla as it get's when it comes to heels. You should be able to appreciate someone with depth!

Washington we're counting on you. I and the entire IWC better here "YES YES YES" like we've never heard it before.
I wish that would happen, but the crowd was dissapointing at the Capitol Punishment PPV I went to. Too bad its not in Bmore.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Austin 3:16 - Stone Cold's idea, non scripted promo. Spread like wildfire and ended up probably being the #1 selling shirt in WWE history.

YES! - Dbry's idea. Spreading like wildfire. Hopefully it doesn't die out. If WWE had any common sense they would capitalize on this immediately.

Let's hope the DC fans don't fail us tonight.

you of all people should know that wrestlers had a lot more creative control with WWE being more open minded and letting things happen naturally back in the day, old timer.

i said it a couple pages back, im in the DMV area and being at a couple live events and watching RAW being hosted there..... DC will let everyone down tonight.

with that said, one of my friends is on their way to the Verizon center right now for the show and yes, i'm jelly.

i told them to start some "yes" chants since officials are trying to kill it.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Ambrose does nothing for me. You guys like the most generic looking people

bring up Xavier Woods, team him up with Kofi. Turn Booker T heel and have him manage them.

BOOM! The New Ebony Experience.

It's not the look at that captivates it's the psychological depth of his character. Fantastic stuff that can be appreciated, especially through the story telling of his matches. C'mon, Club. You're as vanilla as it get's when it comes to heels. You should be able to appreciate someone with depth!

Washington we're counting on you. I and the entire IWC better here "YES YES YES" like we've never heard it before.

change his name from Dean Ambrose to Alan Cornelius and throw him in a tag-team with Heath Slater

Boom! New Tag champs: AC Slater
Re-watching the Monday Night Wars dvd..SCSA is so damn money..He literally could do nothing wrong and everything he did made every single arena go nuts..Sometimes I forget just how great a random Ston Cold Stunner could be..
I was just thinking how I haven't been excited about a RAW in a while, then I remember the 3 Stooges are supposedly Guest Hosting tonight...

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Bellas may be gone from WWE.....

Working on a new thread now.

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