Wrestling Thread 1/31-2/6 | Feb 3 TNA Impact - THEY Arrive - Anderson vs Hardy

Smackdown Spoilers for Friday
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Booker T debuted as an announcer

Show opened with Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler out.  Vickie blamed Kelly Kelly for Edge keeping the title on Sunday.  Kelly came out and they argued.  Kelly slapped both Guerrero and Ziggler.  She said she's mad that Guerrero was going through her things.  LayCool then attacked Kelly but Edge saved her.

In a non-title match, Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel b Vladimir Kozlov & Santino Marella when Gabriel pinned Kozlov after the 450. 

Chamber qualifier:  Drew McIntyre b Kofi Kingston.  Alberto Del Rio distracted Kingston and McIntyre hit the Future shock DDT.

Chamber qualifier:   Rey Mysterio b Jack Swagger with a roll-up.  Very good match.

Edge and Kelly Kelly were talking backstage.  Edge was worried about the main event because if Kelly was pinned he would lose his title.  She got mad at Edge saying he has no faith in her and he's no better than Drew McIntyre.  If you are Edge, that's a huge insult.

Alberto Del Rio did the same promo he always does.  Hornswoggle is back and they did a WrestleMania pinata and blindfolded Hornswoggle.  He couldn't hit it because it was too high.  So instead he hit Del Rio in the groin.  Del Rio got mad and attacked Hornswoggle until Kingston made the save.  Kingston was beating on Del Rio until Ricardo Rodriguez distracted Kingston, enabling Del Rio to get the upper hand and then he put Kingston in the armbar.

Chamber qualifier:  Kane b Chavo Guerrero in a quick squash.

Chamber qualifier:  Wade Barrett b Big Show when Corre interfered.  Ezekiel Jackson bodyslammed Show once again.

Vickie announced Edge as World champion and Ziggler as top contender were in the chamber so the six are those two, Barrett, Kane, Mysterio and McIntyre.

Edge & Kelly b Ziggler & LayCool so Edge kept the title.  Vickie again banned the spear.  Somehow it was banned on Friday, used on Sunday behind the refs back, used on Monday as a finisher, but banned for the next Friday.  This is WCW-level.  Kelly pinned Layla with a spear.  Wait a minute, isn't that hold banned?  Well, the win stood up but Vickie fired Kelly and announced next week's main event is Edge defending against Ziggler and this time she would referee.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Questions03


Who is between HHH and Nash, behind Austin (that's Austin, right?), and next to HBK (looks a hell of a lot like CM Punk, obviously not...)?
That's either Sean Waltman or Stevie Richards next to HBK and the two guys behind Austin look like the Harris brothers, not sure though.

Edit: Now that I look at it the guy in the back with the sleeve tattoo might actually be Taker.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Questions03


Who is between HHH and Nash, behind Austin (that's Austin, right?), and next to HBK (looks a hell of a lot like CM Punk, obviously not...)?
That's either Sean Waltman or Stevie Richards next to HBK and the two guys behind Austin look like the Harris brothers, not sure though.

Edit: Now that I look at it the guy in the back with the sleeve tattoo might actually be Taker.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Questions03


Who is between HHH and Nash, behind Austin (that's Austin, right?), and next to HBK (looks a hell of a lot like CM Punk, obviously not...)?

Hugh Morris and X-Pac?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Questions03


Who is between HHH and Nash, behind Austin (that's Austin, right?), and next to HBK (looks a hell of a lot like CM Punk, obviously not...)?

Hugh Morris and X-Pac?
Looks like Duke The Dumpster Droese in between Nash and HHH and that looks like Mideon in the back
Looks like Duke The Dumpster Droese in between Nash and HHH and that looks like Mideon in the back
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Looks like Duke The Dumpster Droese in between Nash and HHH and that looks like Mideon in the back
Yeah, I'm going with Taker and Mideon in the back, Dumpster behind HHH and Sean Waltman next to HBK.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Looks like Duke The Dumpster Droese in between Nash and HHH and that looks like Mideon in the back
Yeah, I'm going with Taker and Mideon in the back, Dumpster behind HHH and Sean Waltman next to HBK.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Questions03


Who is between HHH and Nash, behind Austin (that's Austin, right?), and next to HBK (looks a hell of a lot like CM Punk, obviously not...)?

Supposedly it is the Godwins (Henry on the left, and Phineous (aka Mideon) in the back).  And yes, that is Taker in the center.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Questions03


Who is between HHH and Nash, behind Austin (that's Austin, right?), and next to HBK (looks a hell of a lot like CM Punk, obviously not...)?

Supposedly it is the Godwins (Henry on the left, and Phineous (aka Mideon) in the back).  And yes, that is Taker in the center.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Questions03


Who is between HHH and Nash, behind Austin (that's Austin, right?), and next to HBK (looks a hell of a lot like CM Punk, obviously not...)?

Supposedly it is the Godwins (Henry on the left, and Phineous (aka Mideon) in the back).  And yes, that is Taker in the center.
yea, thats definitely henry godwin on the left.. him and duke the dumpster always looks alike to me though... these were the days when i enjoyed wrestling.. still tune in from time to time...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Questions03


Who is between HHH and Nash, behind Austin (that's Austin, right?), and next to HBK (looks a hell of a lot like CM Punk, obviously not...)?

Supposedly it is the Godwins (Henry on the left, and Phineous (aka Mideon) in the back).  And yes, that is Taker in the center.
yea, thats definitely henry godwin on the left.. him and duke the dumpster always looks alike to me though... these were the days when i enjoyed wrestling.. still tune in from time to time...
I dont care what anyone says but that era of the mid 90's from 94-96 was what got me into wrestling.
I dont care what anyone says but that era of the mid 90's from 94-96 was what got me into wrestling.
News & Notes

I can be a good guy for one day...

Spoiler [+]
The latest and full story on 2.21.11 vignette; Sting's current status and which talent is pulling to bring him in the WWE.

The Sting to WWE story has already taken numerous twists so I wanted to recap it then add what I know and what I've heard. WWE began airing vignettes for a return/debut on last night's edition of Raw, promoting something cryptic for 2.21.11.

Immediately, because of the trench coat featured in the video, people began speculating that Sting was headed to WWE. A report even ran today in the New York Daily News that Sting had signed a 1-year contract with WWE.

It was revealed this afternoon that the Save Mart Center, the venue that will host the 2/21 Raw in Fresno, California, posted the advance advertising information for the show and featured "The return of The Undertaker" highlighted. There was even a YouTube video with an announcer hyping The Undertaker returning in Fresno. As of this writing, the video has been yanked and the Save Mart Center website is down.

In speaking with sources in WWE, one source indicates the plan all along was for 2.21.11 to feature the return of The Undertaker but when Vince McMahon saw the hype for Sting he began entertaining the thought of signing him and reached out to him in some capacity.

However, I'm told by a high-ranking source that Sting has not signed anything as of last night but he was originally scheduled to be at the TNA Impact tapings this week and let the office know some time last week he would not be there. As we've reported numerous times, Sting was scheduled to be part of the return of the Main Event Mafia with Kevin Nash, Booker T and Scott Steiner. The only contract TNA was able to get done was that of Scott Steiner.

I'm told Sting is currently not signed to anyone and is a "free agent" but that Kevin Nash is lobbying for WWE to sign him. Nash has a great relationship with the WWE higher-ups and his opinion does hold weight.

Sources also tell me that WWE has no qualms about changing the direction of a storyline, especially if it means landing a big name such as Sting for Wrestlemania. However, it should be noted that Sting likes Dixie Carter and is not a huge fan of McMahon but the aforementioned circumstances could cancel out any personal feelings in favor of the right business decision.

TNA tries to cover up their Main Event Mafia plans being destroyed by WWE; details on how the angle went terribly wrong [iMPACT Spoiler ahead].

TNA Wrestling posted the following video on YouTube, trying to play off the fact that the return of the Main Event Mafia was not scheduled and it was actually just people assuming. You can view the video embedded below:

Spike TV requested TNA bring back the Main Event Mafia to increase ratings, which had stopped growing at they rate they were a couple of years ago. This is why Scott Steiner was signed to a new contract with the company.

The day after we broke news of the Main Event Mafia returning, TNA officials were furious but still planned on going forward. The return date was scheduled for February 3rd (to go along with the Nielson ratings sweep scheduled for that day) and Kevin Nash had gave a verbal commitment to return. Company officials felt they would be able to get Booker T to return as well although there was an issue over how long of a contract he was willing to sign. He offered to sign for six months, but TNA was looking for at least one year. TNA was very nervous with neither being officially signed but they were optimistic something would get done before this week's television tapings.

Sometime late last week, Kevin Nash decided not to return to TNA. Booker told people close to him he trusts Nash and will go wherever he goes. I'm told Nash was furious that negotiations regarding his TNA contract had leaked online and he felt like the company was trying to sabotage him. Nash reached out to his former employer and WWE flew him to Boston, Massachusetts on Saturday and a deal was worked out for he and Booker T to work Sunday's 40-man Royal Rumble match. TNA was left in a "chaotic state" and re-wrote this week's television tapings and scrapped all plans of a resurrected Main Event Mafia.

The decision was made to turn Fortune on Immortal and use them in place of the Main Event Mafia. As part of the contingency plan, TNA is promoting the angle like they actually surprised the audience when in fact the surprise they had been promoting never happened because they couldn't get all of the original Main Event Mafia members to agree to return.

The situation has put a lot of stress on the relationship between TNA and Spike due to the fact that Spike expected all of the Main Event Mafia members to be under contract by the end of 2010 and things didn't quite work out that way.


Full details on Kevin Nash's return and what he did before the Rumble.

Kevin Nash appeared on ESPN Radio's Pro Wrestling Report last night and revealed some newsworthy details regarding his return to World Wrestling Entertainment.

Nash noted that WWE flew him out of Daytona Beach, Florida so he could appear at the Royal Rumble. He said if TNA would have flown him out of the state, he would have to have driven from his home to Orlando, 90 miles, opposed to the few miles when traveling with WWE. Nash talked about how nice his accommodations were while staying in Boston. Nash was taken to the arena as if he were "in a CIA movie" with a coordinated arrival plan.

Nash said that upon arriving he signed paperwork and had a physical upon arriving to the arena. Nash said he spent about a half-hour with Triple H before shooting photos and video with WWE staff. He then met with Vince McMahon before hanging out with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, where he went over plans for the Rumble with Triple H.

He walked to the ring and saw Mike Rotunda, who he talked highly of, and Arn Anderson. He also talked to Kane and Pat Patterson. He brushed by Wade Barrett, who Nash was having a mini-Twitter battle with. Nash said if you want to make money entering a company, then pick a battle with a top heel before joining the promotion.

Nash also noted that he talked with people from THQ, makers of SmackDown vs. RAW and All Stars, while he was at the Rumble.

Regarding Sting possibly coming to WWE, especially after the start of the mysterious videos on Monday's Raw episode, Big Sexy said Sting would have to be a "damn fool" to pass up an offer from WWE if they made one.

Asked about the possibility of Nash, Booker, and Sting in WWE at the same time for a "Main Event Mafia" type reunion, Nash quipped that he thinks Kurt Angle's TNA contract is due in August.

Kevin said that he is signed to a Legends contract and will meet with WWE officials on Wednesday of this week to talk about what's next. Under the Legends deal, Nash will likely be involved with things like action figures and DVD's.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Noblekane, does this sound to you like someone Vince would "punish"?
Nash has always had an open door with them...he's one of the "good ol' boys".[/color]

Backstage news on how WWE landed Steve Austin for Tough Enough; why he is open to working with WWE again and relationship with DDP.

There are three parties involved in the resurrection of Tough Enough - WWE, the USA Network and an outsourced production company that WWE has hired for the show. I'm told it was an effort between WWE and the USA Network to reach out and get "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to return as host of the new series.

Multiple ideas have been pitched but the original thinking was to make Tough Enough as "separate" as possible from WWE with the winner just getting a WWE contract. This was to attract more of an audience that might be turned off because of the association with a contrived product. WWE has also been very careful in billing the show as a "non-scripted reality show" which it is. However, WWE decided to pursue Austin after an internal evaluation of the international ratings of WWE NXT.

Believe it or not, I'm told the internationally-syndicated WWE Vintage Collection is doing better ratings than the new episodes of WWE NXT currently airing around the globe. The lower numbers caused WWE officials to be concerned and they realized they needed a big name to put a face on the series.

As for why Austin agreed to come back, he is pursuing more opportunities in acting and I'm told he was encouraged to take the role to continue a good relationship with the USA Network. I'm told Austin wants more exposure in hopes of landing roles on original USA Network programming even if he does not play the lead character. Austin has not been pleased with his success as an actor and thought he would be more successful than he has been, with the majority of his roles being straight-to-DVD roles. Sources close to Austin tell me he has used the roles for practice but really wants more exposure.

Austin has been spending a lot of time with Diamond Dallas Page as of late as the two are good friends and even get together in Los Angeles to order WWE and TNA pay-per-views. DDP is also doing some work with WWE has he was recently announced as the host of WWE's upcoming Best of WCW Monday Nitro DVD set.

Chris Jericho: [WWE deal] "90% done."

AOL FanHouse has a new article online featuring quotes from Chris Jericho. In the piece, Jericho confirms that he is in negotiations with WWE and the details on a new contract are being hammered out. Below are the quotes:

"I consider it always because it's not like it was in 2005 where I was sick of wrestling." Jericho told FanHouse.

"Sick of it is maybe a harsh word. Disenchanted, I guess, is a better word. I wasn't disenchanted when I left in September. It was just my contract was up. That was it. And there were other things just waiting to come through. Even if I was coming back, I always would have taken those four months, three months off to do the Fozzy tours. Then other things have kind of popped up to delay my return."

"I mean, there's a deal on the table. A deal on the table that's 90-percent done. There's a couple of minor things that we had to hammer out. It would just be a matter of what other stuff is going on and how that stuff is going."

"I just have to feel the urge to come back to wrestling and I need to be there 100 percent. Now that ... Fozzy is doing really good and 'Undisputed' was coming out, I kind of had my eyes on other things and you can't do that. You got to be 100-percent committed to the WWE and if you're not, step aside and let someone else take over that is. So, it's just a matter of being 100-percent committed to doing it. Because now I have set such a high bar for myself -- which I'm glad -- and I need to match that and I need to not come in anything less than that."

"When the time comes for me to do that, I'll be happy to come back and if I never went back to wrestling, I'm happy with that too."

Click here to read the article in its entirety.

Several ROH wrestlers contacted for Tough Enough; what is the WWE's ulterior motive for talent search?

I am able to confirm that producers for WWE Tough Enough have contracted Ring of Honor talent about being part of the show, including talent with active ROH contracts.

I cam also confirm that before WWE began their "recruiting" process for the show the company already had nearly a dozen people in mind to make up the cast. None of these names were found through the production company handling the show. WWE does plan to consider some of the applicants found by the production company as nothing is set in stone but I'm told the "search" definitely had an ulterior motive.

The ulterior motive is that by launching a talent search thousands of people have hyped themselves on online polls, videos, on their social networking accounts, etc. WWE sees this as creating great awareness for the return of Tough Enough done free of charge by so many hopeful entrants trying to draw attention to themselves.

While WWE has authorized the production company and various casting agents to search for cast members, the majority were already decided upon internally. The entire idea behind the search is that it would be a smart way to get the word out about the show without having to spend thousands on an advertising campaign.

WWE Tough Enough will return to the USA Network after Raw on Monday, April 4, 2011. Filming for the show will begin soon.

Why Jack Swagger is being buried on Smackdown.

I've received a lot of questions about the status of Jack Swagger with many readers wondering what he did to get de-pushed from World Heavyweight Champion to a mid-card role on TV and even doing jobs to Chris Masters at Smackdown house shows.

I asked around today and was told Swagger slowly lost his push because WWE management is trying to humble him. Sources close to Swagger say his push "went to his head" and he turned into a "cocky jerk" backstage which is something you do not do when you are a newer worker in the company.

When comparing it to what happened with MVP a couple years ago, I was told MVP was more of a bad attitude while Swagger's situation is more cockiness but they are very similar situations.

Swagger is said to have responded well to the humbling and has changed his behavior.

Report: Brock Lesnar wanted to accept seven-figure WWE offer.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Contrary to Brock Lesnar’s public dismissal last week of the long-standing rumor that he was interested in participating in this year’s WrestleMania event, the latest issue of Power Slam reports that according to multiple sources, he did attempt to persuade UFC officials to allow him to work a storyline with World Wrestling Entertainment that would culminate at the annual wrestling supershow.

The proposed deal stems from his mini-confrontation with The Undertaker following UFC 121 on October 23.

According to the magazine, Lesnar had agreed in principle to a three-appearance deal with WWE: he would have appeared on two episodes of Monday Night Raw in the weeks leading up to WrestleMania XXVI, culminating with a final appearance at the April 3 pay-per-view extravaganza in Atlanta, Georgia.

WWE officials are willing to pay Lesnar a seven-figure sum for the three appearances. However, the deal would require approval from UFC because Lesnar is under contract to the mixed martial arts organization.

UFC officials reportedly denied Lesnar’s request to return to WWE.

Vince McMahon and Dana White meet again.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]On the same day that UFC President Dana White shot down online rumors of Brock Lesnar appearing at WrestleMania XXVII in Atlanta, Georgia, he met with Vince McMahon in New York City. It was largely assumed that McMahon would make a proposition for Lesnar to appear at WrestleMania XXVII. It is said that while their encounter was cordial, nothing changed regarding the former WWE Champion appearing at the annual pay-per-view spectacular.

Of those talked to regarding the matter, no one within WWE believed Lesnar will be allowed to appear at the event.

"I don't think [Vince] he thought it was as hard as it turned out to be," one company source stated regarding McMahon's attempt to land Lesnar for WrestleMania XXVII.

It was not the first time McMahon and White have met. White said in a June 2008 interview that he had breakfast with the wrestling kingpin weeks prior to the interview. White has always been publicly respectful of McMahon, and one source feels that the UFC President notices similarities between himself and the WWE Chairman as promoters.

Latest update on Desmond Wolfe; is his career over?

Desmond Wolfe had a one-on-one meeting with Dixie Carter last Sunday night at the TNA Genesis pay-per-view from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Wolfe is not telling anyone what is wrong with him and Dixie has not opened her mouth either. Sources close to Dixie indicate that she feels like he will be able to return when he's medically cleared to return but Wolfe privately feels his career may be over. Friends of Wolfe say he's not optimistic "at all" about being allowed back into the ring.

Several people in TNA have commented about how it's amazing in this business that virtually no one knows what is wrong. However, this has not stopped the backstage chatter as a lot of people think it might be a hepatitis situation like what happened previously with Sean "X-Pac" Waltman and former Knockout Lacey Von Erich who are no longer with the company. Others thought it was concussion related, although Wolfe's concussion issues are nothing new and he's told friends he does not want to discuss what is wrong but it is something he didn't know about until he was pulled from television earlier last year.

Furthermore I have not heard why Wolfe was taped to returnhttp://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/tna-news/tna-impact-spoiler-news-big-return-jeff-hardy.php at the last set of TNA Impact tapings in December but obviously they thought he was going to be able to return (which was preceded by a Dixie Carter tweet) but clearly he is not.

Backstage reaction to WWE changing the Royal Rumble from 30 to 40 participants.

One topic that has been heavily debated in private amongst WWE officials of late was the decision to have a 40-man Royal Rumble match this year instead of the traditional 30 entrants. The move was initially suggested by Vince McMahon and many felt he was so enthusiastic about the idea that it wasn't worth fighting him on it.

While obviously the idea of the "Biggest Royal Rumble Ever" has promotional advantages, which is something that had Vince very excited, many felt the Royal Rumble was one of the few things in the company that was always a dependable success. Many questioned why after all these years anyone would try to fix something that wasn't broken.

The most vocal critic of the move has been WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson, the original architect of the Royal Rumble. He's made it very clear he feels ten more wrestlers will simply water down the event, not to mention decades of goodwill has already been built with fans for the 30-man Royal Rumble. He seems to have taken it very personally as the Royal Rumble is a large part of his legacy and in recent years he's felt his opinion does not hold the weight it should. He has told friends that WWE tinkering with his baby really felt like a huge slap in the face.

King Booker vs. King Sheamus?

Following Booker T's well received performance at the Royal Rumble, creative broached a three-week program between the returning Superstar and King Sheamus. The idea, however, was quickly dropped.

More on Scott Steiner's TNA status and his health.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Scott Steiner, who made his return to TNA TV last Thursday, is believed to have signed a new 1-year contract with TNA.

Most of the TNA locker room is said to be glad Steiner is back, since he's a veteran who actually takes time out of his day to help younger talent and has no problem putting them over on TV. Steiner is known for causing huge problems with management and other wrestlers in WCW -- including Ric Flair -- but sources say he's been on good behavior in TNA. Also, Steiner and Flair apparently made peace last fall.

Last January, reports came out detailing Steiner's poor health and the pain he goes through after matches. The reports claim Steiner's friends have been pressuring him to cut back on muscle mass, but Steiner prioritizes being big over all else. The PWTorch Newsletter released quotes from fellow wrestlers who said Steiner has major back issues, and sometimes takes up to an hour to warm up for a 10 minute match. The sources claim that after a match he has trouble tieing his shoes and even sitting down in a car due to his back pain, but continues to wrestle.

"His stretching routine before matches is barbaric just so he has the mobility to get through a match because he's wound so tight," says the source. "His back is so bad [...] watching him go through a 12 step process to sit in a car seat is excruciating."

Now that he's financially secure, Steiner has been getting tremendous pressure from friends and family to retire.

Why several TNA wrestlers are worried about job security and TNA's new direction of talent development.

Many of the TNA wrestlers have been more nervous than usual lately about their job security due to the amount of tryouts and pre-show workouts with prospective talent at the last several sets of Impact tapings. However, the reason TNA is looking at so many new guys is due to what TNA deemed as the success of the introduction of Robbie E and Cookie to capitalize on the popularity of Jersey Shore.

As much as people in the business criticize WWE talent relations and more specifically John Laurinaitis, one thing they do well is to make sure they have a large database at all times of talent that may be of interest that they can pick from when they get an idea for a new character.

TNA's Terry Taylor made the call that TNA should put more effort into building their "database" so that if they quickly need to fill a new role where the timing would be important (like with The Shore), they would already have a portfolio of performers to choose from.

When Vince Russo made the call to introduce Jersey Shore inspired characters, Tommy Dreamer recommended Rob Eckos (Robbie E) while Jimmy Hart recommended Becky Bayless (Cookie). Dreamer was familiar with Eckos' work on the independent circuit in the Northeast. Jimmy Hart had worked with Bayless previously on the short lived Wrestlicious program on MavTV.

Dixie Carter meets with X Division talent to assure them their jobs are safe.

While recent rumors that TNA Wrestling was considering disbanding the X Division were debunked, the TNA office is starting to get more and more paranoid about leaks. There had been internal discussion recently that the X Division had grown very stale and needed to be shaken up. While getting rid of certain wrestlers was talked about, never at any point was canning the division considered and we never reported any such story.

However, with the way "wrestling telephone" can often work, it didn't take long for rumors to start to swirl that the X Division could be in jeopardy. Some in management were angered by the rumor, accurate or not, and more and more fingerpointing has been going on lately.

Dixie Carter is very sensitive about firing anyone and was furious about the situation. She sat down with several of the X Division wrestlers personally at the last set of Impact tapings in Orlando, Florida to let them know the rumor was not true and that TNA still plans to feature the X Division.

New belt for Mr. Anderson.

TNA officials are currently having a new World Heavyweight Title belt made for Mr. Anderson.

Alex Riley's Rumble mistake.

There was some confusion surrounding Alex Riley and his elimination during the Royal Rumble Sunday night because he was not supposed to go out when he did. He was supposed to hang on to the ring ropes when he was thrown over. This explains why the announcers were asking about him after he had been eliminated. They didn't call his elimination.

Scott Hall interview; speaks on his health, trips to rehab and more.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Former WWE and WCW star Scott Hall was recently interviewed by The Miami Herald. Here are some highlights of what Hall said about:

His health: “I recently had this pacemaker/defibrillator put in my heart. We have bad hearts in my family genetically. My lifestyle contributed to it, too. I made some bad decisions and some bad choices. If you dance with the devil, you got to pay the price.
News & Notes

I can be a good guy for one day...

Spoiler [+]
The latest and full story on 2.21.11 vignette; Sting's current status and which talent is pulling to bring him in the WWE.

The Sting to WWE story has already taken numerous twists so I wanted to recap it then add what I know and what I've heard. WWE began airing vignettes for a return/debut on last night's edition of Raw, promoting something cryptic for 2.21.11.

Immediately, because of the trench coat featured in the video, people began speculating that Sting was headed to WWE. A report even ran today in the New York Daily News that Sting had signed a 1-year contract with WWE.

It was revealed this afternoon that the Save Mart Center, the venue that will host the 2/21 Raw in Fresno, California, posted the advance advertising information for the show and featured "The return of The Undertaker" highlighted. There was even a YouTube video with an announcer hyping The Undertaker returning in Fresno. As of this writing, the video has been yanked and the Save Mart Center website is down.

In speaking with sources in WWE, one source indicates the plan all along was for 2.21.11 to feature the return of The Undertaker but when Vince McMahon saw the hype for Sting he began entertaining the thought of signing him and reached out to him in some capacity.

However, I'm told by a high-ranking source that Sting has not signed anything as of last night but he was originally scheduled to be at the TNA Impact tapings this week and let the office know some time last week he would not be there. As we've reported numerous times, Sting was scheduled to be part of the return of the Main Event Mafia with Kevin Nash, Booker T and Scott Steiner. The only contract TNA was able to get done was that of Scott Steiner.

I'm told Sting is currently not signed to anyone and is a "free agent" but that Kevin Nash is lobbying for WWE to sign him. Nash has a great relationship with the WWE higher-ups and his opinion does hold weight.

Sources also tell me that WWE has no qualms about changing the direction of a storyline, especially if it means landing a big name such as Sting for Wrestlemania. However, it should be noted that Sting likes Dixie Carter and is not a huge fan of McMahon but the aforementioned circumstances could cancel out any personal feelings in favor of the right business decision.

TNA tries to cover up their Main Event Mafia plans being destroyed by WWE; details on how the angle went terribly wrong [iMPACT Spoiler ahead].

TNA Wrestling posted the following video on YouTube, trying to play off the fact that the return of the Main Event Mafia was not scheduled and it was actually just people assuming. You can view the video embedded below:

Spike TV requested TNA bring back the Main Event Mafia to increase ratings, which had stopped growing at they rate they were a couple of years ago. This is why Scott Steiner was signed to a new contract with the company.

The day after we broke news of the Main Event Mafia returning, TNA officials were furious but still planned on going forward. The return date was scheduled for February 3rd (to go along with the Nielson ratings sweep scheduled for that day) and Kevin Nash had gave a verbal commitment to return. Company officials felt they would be able to get Booker T to return as well although there was an issue over how long of a contract he was willing to sign. He offered to sign for six months, but TNA was looking for at least one year. TNA was very nervous with neither being officially signed but they were optimistic something would get done before this week's television tapings.

Sometime late last week, Kevin Nash decided not to return to TNA. Booker told people close to him he trusts Nash and will go wherever he goes. I'm told Nash was furious that negotiations regarding his TNA contract had leaked online and he felt like the company was trying to sabotage him. Nash reached out to his former employer and WWE flew him to Boston, Massachusetts on Saturday and a deal was worked out for he and Booker T to work Sunday's 40-man Royal Rumble match. TNA was left in a "chaotic state" and re-wrote this week's television tapings and scrapped all plans of a resurrected Main Event Mafia.

The decision was made to turn Fortune on Immortal and use them in place of the Main Event Mafia. As part of the contingency plan, TNA is promoting the angle like they actually surprised the audience when in fact the surprise they had been promoting never happened because they couldn't get all of the original Main Event Mafia members to agree to return.

The situation has put a lot of stress on the relationship between TNA and Spike due to the fact that Spike expected all of the Main Event Mafia members to be under contract by the end of 2010 and things didn't quite work out that way.


Full details on Kevin Nash's return and what he did before the Rumble.

Kevin Nash appeared on ESPN Radio's Pro Wrestling Report last night and revealed some newsworthy details regarding his return to World Wrestling Entertainment.

Nash noted that WWE flew him out of Daytona Beach, Florida so he could appear at the Royal Rumble. He said if TNA would have flown him out of the state, he would have to have driven from his home to Orlando, 90 miles, opposed to the few miles when traveling with WWE. Nash talked about how nice his accommodations were while staying in Boston. Nash was taken to the arena as if he were "in a CIA movie" with a coordinated arrival plan.

Nash said that upon arriving he signed paperwork and had a physical upon arriving to the arena. Nash said he spent about a half-hour with Triple H before shooting photos and video with WWE staff. He then met with Vince McMahon before hanging out with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, where he went over plans for the Rumble with Triple H.

He walked to the ring and saw Mike Rotunda, who he talked highly of, and Arn Anderson. He also talked to Kane and Pat Patterson. He brushed by Wade Barrett, who Nash was having a mini-Twitter battle with. Nash said if you want to make money entering a company, then pick a battle with a top heel before joining the promotion.

Nash also noted that he talked with people from THQ, makers of SmackDown vs. RAW and All Stars, while he was at the Rumble.

Regarding Sting possibly coming to WWE, especially after the start of the mysterious videos on Monday's Raw episode, Big Sexy said Sting would have to be a "damn fool" to pass up an offer from WWE if they made one.

Asked about the possibility of Nash, Booker, and Sting in WWE at the same time for a "Main Event Mafia" type reunion, Nash quipped that he thinks Kurt Angle's TNA contract is due in August.

Kevin said that he is signed to a Legends contract and will meet with WWE officials on Wednesday of this week to talk about what's next. Under the Legends deal, Nash will likely be involved with things like action figures and DVD's.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Noblekane, does this sound to you like someone Vince would "punish"?
Nash has always had an open door with them...he's one of the "good ol' boys".[/color]

Backstage news on how WWE landed Steve Austin for Tough Enough; why he is open to working with WWE again and relationship with DDP.

There are three parties involved in the resurrection of Tough Enough - WWE, the USA Network and an outsourced production company that WWE has hired for the show. I'm told it was an effort between WWE and the USA Network to reach out and get "Stone Cold" Steve Austin to return as host of the new series.

Multiple ideas have been pitched but the original thinking was to make Tough Enough as "separate" as possible from WWE with the winner just getting a WWE contract. This was to attract more of an audience that might be turned off because of the association with a contrived product. WWE has also been very careful in billing the show as a "non-scripted reality show" which it is. However, WWE decided to pursue Austin after an internal evaluation of the international ratings of WWE NXT.

Believe it or not, I'm told the internationally-syndicated WWE Vintage Collection is doing better ratings than the new episodes of WWE NXT currently airing around the globe. The lower numbers caused WWE officials to be concerned and they realized they needed a big name to put a face on the series.

As for why Austin agreed to come back, he is pursuing more opportunities in acting and I'm told he was encouraged to take the role to continue a good relationship with the USA Network. I'm told Austin wants more exposure in hopes of landing roles on original USA Network programming even if he does not play the lead character. Austin has not been pleased with his success as an actor and thought he would be more successful than he has been, with the majority of his roles being straight-to-DVD roles. Sources close to Austin tell me he has used the roles for practice but really wants more exposure.

Austin has been spending a lot of time with Diamond Dallas Page as of late as the two are good friends and even get together in Los Angeles to order WWE and TNA pay-per-views. DDP is also doing some work with WWE has he was recently announced as the host of WWE's upcoming Best of WCW Monday Nitro DVD set.

Chris Jericho: [WWE deal] "90% done."

AOL FanHouse has a new article online featuring quotes from Chris Jericho. In the piece, Jericho confirms that he is in negotiations with WWE and the details on a new contract are being hammered out. Below are the quotes:

"I consider it always because it's not like it was in 2005 where I was sick of wrestling." Jericho told FanHouse.

"Sick of it is maybe a harsh word. Disenchanted, I guess, is a better word. I wasn't disenchanted when I left in September. It was just my contract was up. That was it. And there were other things just waiting to come through. Even if I was coming back, I always would have taken those four months, three months off to do the Fozzy tours. Then other things have kind of popped up to delay my return."

"I mean, there's a deal on the table. A deal on the table that's 90-percent done. There's a couple of minor things that we had to hammer out. It would just be a matter of what other stuff is going on and how that stuff is going."

"I just have to feel the urge to come back to wrestling and I need to be there 100 percent. Now that ... Fozzy is doing really good and 'Undisputed' was coming out, I kind of had my eyes on other things and you can't do that. You got to be 100-percent committed to the WWE and if you're not, step aside and let someone else take over that is. So, it's just a matter of being 100-percent committed to doing it. Because now I have set such a high bar for myself -- which I'm glad -- and I need to match that and I need to not come in anything less than that."

"When the time comes for me to do that, I'll be happy to come back and if I never went back to wrestling, I'm happy with that too."

Click here to read the article in its entirety.

Several ROH wrestlers contacted for Tough Enough; what is the WWE's ulterior motive for talent search?

I am able to confirm that producers for WWE Tough Enough have contracted Ring of Honor talent about being part of the show, including talent with active ROH contracts.

I cam also confirm that before WWE began their "recruiting" process for the show the company already had nearly a dozen people in mind to make up the cast. None of these names were found through the production company handling the show. WWE does plan to consider some of the applicants found by the production company as nothing is set in stone but I'm told the "search" definitely had an ulterior motive.

The ulterior motive is that by launching a talent search thousands of people have hyped themselves on online polls, videos, on their social networking accounts, etc. WWE sees this as creating great awareness for the return of Tough Enough done free of charge by so many hopeful entrants trying to draw attention to themselves.

While WWE has authorized the production company and various casting agents to search for cast members, the majority were already decided upon internally. The entire idea behind the search is that it would be a smart way to get the word out about the show without having to spend thousands on an advertising campaign.

WWE Tough Enough will return to the USA Network after Raw on Monday, April 4, 2011. Filming for the show will begin soon.

Why Jack Swagger is being buried on Smackdown.

I've received a lot of questions about the status of Jack Swagger with many readers wondering what he did to get de-pushed from World Heavyweight Champion to a mid-card role on TV and even doing jobs to Chris Masters at Smackdown house shows.

I asked around today and was told Swagger slowly lost his push because WWE management is trying to humble him. Sources close to Swagger say his push "went to his head" and he turned into a "cocky jerk" backstage which is something you do not do when you are a newer worker in the company.

When comparing it to what happened with MVP a couple years ago, I was told MVP was more of a bad attitude while Swagger's situation is more cockiness but they are very similar situations.

Swagger is said to have responded well to the humbling and has changed his behavior.

Report: Brock Lesnar wanted to accept seven-figure WWE offer.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Contrary to Brock Lesnar’s public dismissal last week of the long-standing rumor that he was interested in participating in this year’s WrestleMania event, the latest issue of Power Slam reports that according to multiple sources, he did attempt to persuade UFC officials to allow him to work a storyline with World Wrestling Entertainment that would culminate at the annual wrestling supershow.

The proposed deal stems from his mini-confrontation with The Undertaker following UFC 121 on October 23.

According to the magazine, Lesnar had agreed in principle to a three-appearance deal with WWE: he would have appeared on two episodes of Monday Night Raw in the weeks leading up to WrestleMania XXVI, culminating with a final appearance at the April 3 pay-per-view extravaganza in Atlanta, Georgia.

WWE officials are willing to pay Lesnar a seven-figure sum for the three appearances. However, the deal would require approval from UFC because Lesnar is under contract to the mixed martial arts organization.

UFC officials reportedly denied Lesnar’s request to return to WWE.

Vince McMahon and Dana White meet again.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]On the same day that UFC President Dana White shot down online rumors of Brock Lesnar appearing at WrestleMania XXVII in Atlanta, Georgia, he met with Vince McMahon in New York City. It was largely assumed that McMahon would make a proposition for Lesnar to appear at WrestleMania XXVII. It is said that while their encounter was cordial, nothing changed regarding the former WWE Champion appearing at the annual pay-per-view spectacular.

Of those talked to regarding the matter, no one within WWE believed Lesnar will be allowed to appear at the event.

"I don't think [Vince] he thought it was as hard as it turned out to be," one company source stated regarding McMahon's attempt to land Lesnar for WrestleMania XXVII.

It was not the first time McMahon and White have met. White said in a June 2008 interview that he had breakfast with the wrestling kingpin weeks prior to the interview. White has always been publicly respectful of McMahon, and one source feels that the UFC President notices similarities between himself and the WWE Chairman as promoters.

Latest update on Desmond Wolfe; is his career over?

Desmond Wolfe had a one-on-one meeting with Dixie Carter last Sunday night at the TNA Genesis pay-per-view from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Wolfe is not telling anyone what is wrong with him and Dixie has not opened her mouth either. Sources close to Dixie indicate that she feels like he will be able to return when he's medically cleared to return but Wolfe privately feels his career may be over. Friends of Wolfe say he's not optimistic "at all" about being allowed back into the ring.

Several people in TNA have commented about how it's amazing in this business that virtually no one knows what is wrong. However, this has not stopped the backstage chatter as a lot of people think it might be a hepatitis situation like what happened previously with Sean "X-Pac" Waltman and former Knockout Lacey Von Erich who are no longer with the company. Others thought it was concussion related, although Wolfe's concussion issues are nothing new and he's told friends he does not want to discuss what is wrong but it is something he didn't know about until he was pulled from television earlier last year.

Furthermore I have not heard why Wolfe was taped to returnhttp://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/tna-news/tna-impact-spoiler-news-big-return-jeff-hardy.php at the last set of TNA Impact tapings in December but obviously they thought he was going to be able to return (which was preceded by a Dixie Carter tweet) but clearly he is not.

Backstage reaction to WWE changing the Royal Rumble from 30 to 40 participants.

One topic that has been heavily debated in private amongst WWE officials of late was the decision to have a 40-man Royal Rumble match this year instead of the traditional 30 entrants. The move was initially suggested by Vince McMahon and many felt he was so enthusiastic about the idea that it wasn't worth fighting him on it.

While obviously the idea of the "Biggest Royal Rumble Ever" has promotional advantages, which is something that had Vince very excited, many felt the Royal Rumble was one of the few things in the company that was always a dependable success. Many questioned why after all these years anyone would try to fix something that wasn't broken.

The most vocal critic of the move has been WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson, the original architect of the Royal Rumble. He's made it very clear he feels ten more wrestlers will simply water down the event, not to mention decades of goodwill has already been built with fans for the 30-man Royal Rumble. He seems to have taken it very personally as the Royal Rumble is a large part of his legacy and in recent years he's felt his opinion does not hold the weight it should. He has told friends that WWE tinkering with his baby really felt like a huge slap in the face.

King Booker vs. King Sheamus?

Following Booker T's well received performance at the Royal Rumble, creative broached a three-week program between the returning Superstar and King Sheamus. The idea, however, was quickly dropped.

More on Scott Steiner's TNA status and his health.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Scott Steiner, who made his return to TNA TV last Thursday, is believed to have signed a new 1-year contract with TNA.

Most of the TNA locker room is said to be glad Steiner is back, since he's a veteran who actually takes time out of his day to help younger talent and has no problem putting them over on TV. Steiner is known for causing huge problems with management and other wrestlers in WCW -- including Ric Flair -- but sources say he's been on good behavior in TNA. Also, Steiner and Flair apparently made peace last fall.

Last January, reports came out detailing Steiner's poor health and the pain he goes through after matches. The reports claim Steiner's friends have been pressuring him to cut back on muscle mass, but Steiner prioritizes being big over all else. The PWTorch Newsletter released quotes from fellow wrestlers who said Steiner has major back issues, and sometimes takes up to an hour to warm up for a 10 minute match. The sources claim that after a match he has trouble tieing his shoes and even sitting down in a car due to his back pain, but continues to wrestle.

"His stretching routine before matches is barbaric just so he has the mobility to get through a match because he's wound so tight," says the source. "His back is so bad [...] watching him go through a 12 step process to sit in a car seat is excruciating."

Now that he's financially secure, Steiner has been getting tremendous pressure from friends and family to retire.

Why several TNA wrestlers are worried about job security and TNA's new direction of talent development.

Many of the TNA wrestlers have been more nervous than usual lately about their job security due to the amount of tryouts and pre-show workouts with prospective talent at the last several sets of Impact tapings. However, the reason TNA is looking at so many new guys is due to what TNA deemed as the success of the introduction of Robbie E and Cookie to capitalize on the popularity of Jersey Shore.

As much as people in the business criticize WWE talent relations and more specifically John Laurinaitis, one thing they do well is to make sure they have a large database at all times of talent that may be of interest that they can pick from when they get an idea for a new character.

TNA's Terry Taylor made the call that TNA should put more effort into building their "database" so that if they quickly need to fill a new role where the timing would be important (like with The Shore), they would already have a portfolio of performers to choose from.

When Vince Russo made the call to introduce Jersey Shore inspired characters, Tommy Dreamer recommended Rob Eckos (Robbie E) while Jimmy Hart recommended Becky Bayless (Cookie). Dreamer was familiar with Eckos' work on the independent circuit in the Northeast. Jimmy Hart had worked with Bayless previously on the short lived Wrestlicious program on MavTV.

Dixie Carter meets with X Division talent to assure them their jobs are safe.

While recent rumors that TNA Wrestling was considering disbanding the X Division were debunked, the TNA office is starting to get more and more paranoid about leaks. There had been internal discussion recently that the X Division had grown very stale and needed to be shaken up. While getting rid of certain wrestlers was talked about, never at any point was canning the division considered and we never reported any such story.

However, with the way "wrestling telephone" can often work, it didn't take long for rumors to start to swirl that the X Division could be in jeopardy. Some in management were angered by the rumor, accurate or not, and more and more fingerpointing has been going on lately.

Dixie Carter is very sensitive about firing anyone and was furious about the situation. She sat down with several of the X Division wrestlers personally at the last set of Impact tapings in Orlando, Florida to let them know the rumor was not true and that TNA still plans to feature the X Division.

New belt for Mr. Anderson.

TNA officials are currently having a new World Heavyweight Title belt made for Mr. Anderson.

Alex Riley's Rumble mistake.

There was some confusion surrounding Alex Riley and his elimination during the Royal Rumble Sunday night because he was not supposed to go out when he did. He was supposed to hang on to the ring ropes when he was thrown over. This explains why the announcers were asking about him after he had been eliminated. They didn't call his elimination.

Scott Hall interview; speaks on his health, trips to rehab and more.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Former WWE and WCW star Scott Hall was recently interviewed by The Miami Herald. Here are some highlights of what Hall said about:

His health: “I recently had this pacemaker/defibrillator put in my heart. We have bad hearts in my family genetically. My lifestyle contributed to it, too. I made some bad decisions and some bad choices. If you dance with the devil, you got to pay the price.
dsk is like the undertaker, shows up once a month.

see ya next month fella

i wonder if barrett taking out nash at the rr was vince's way of somewhat punishing nash for the shots he took at wade and sheamus about a month back
dsk is like the undertaker, shows up once a month.

see ya next month fella

i wonder if barrett taking out nash at the rr was vince's way of somewhat punishing nash for the shots he took at wade and sheamus about a month back
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