Wrestling Thread 10/21-11/3 | Oct 28 RAW - Orton & Cena Are Champs | NTWT Secret Santa Q Due Tonight

Oct 15, 2000

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NTWT WWE Hell in a Cell PPV Prediction Contest




TNA Bound for Glory, their version of WrestleMania, was last night.  It wasn't a bad show, but it certainly didn't feel like the biggest show of the year.  All of the backstage issues have really taken their toll on TNA, and it becomes more apparent on TV each week.
  • #1 Contenders Tag Team Gauntlet Match
    • Kaz & Daniels d Chavo & Hernandez
    • Eric Young & Joseph Park d Kaz & Daniels
    • Bromance d Young & Park
  • Chris Sabin won Ultimate X to win the X-Division Title against Manik, Jeff Hardy, Austin Aries, and Samoa Joe.  Good Ultimate X match but certainly not one of the best ever.
  • Bromance w/ Mr. Olympia Phil Heath d Gunner & James Storm to win the TNA Tag Team Titles.  Better than you would expect.
  • Sting came out to officially induct Kurt Angle into the TNA Hall of Fame.  Angle turned down the induction saying he let himself, his family, and the fans down.  Strange segment.
  • Gail Kim d Brooke and ODB to win the Knockouts Title after Le'd Tapa interfered.  Gail and Tapa revealed they were working together.
  • Bobby Roode d Kurt Angle.  Very good match with a flat finish.  Angle had Roode in the Ankle Lock.  Roode passed out.  The ref raised Roode's hand to check him, and his hand hit the bottom rope, so they broke the hold.  Kurt hit a top rope Angle Slam.  Both men were down.  The ref counted to 9, Roode got up, Angle didn't, but this didn't end the match for some reason.  Roode pinned him for the win.  Angle sold being injured.  They attempted to stretcher him out, but Angle got off the stretcher and walked to the back.  Very strange.
  • Bully Ray was backstage teasing talking to someone returning (Hogan, D-Von).  No one actually returned.
  • Ethan Carter III d Norv Fernum.  Goober squash match.
  • Magnus d Sting making Sting tap out to the cloverleaf clean in the middle of the ring.  Fans weren't expecting the finish when it happened, so it came off very flat.  Sting tried to congratulate Magnus after the match but Magnus blew him off.  I don't think turning Magnus heel is a good idea.
  • AJ Styles d Bully Ray to win the TNA Heavyweight Title.  AJ laid Bully on a table outside.  He did a crazy springboard 450 splash, Bully moved, and AJ went through an announce table.  Earlier both Bisch and Knux interfered, the only remaining Aces & Eights members, but neither could take AJ out.  Bully cut up the ring exposing the boards.  Dixie Carter came out.  She gave Bully a chair.  AJ came back with a springboard and hit the chair into Bully's head.  Dixie wouldn't allow Earl Hebner to make the count.  AJ and Bully went back and forth for a bit.  AJ eventually hit the Spiral Tap and got the clean win to win the title.  AJ celebrated in the crowd while Dixie threw a hissy fit.
The show was fine, maybe even good, but certainly not if you look at it as the biggest show of the year.  The idea for AJ Styles is TNA is going to book him as they thought CM Punk should have been booked in 2011.  While I think WWE completely dropped the ball with that angle at MITB, doing a obvious rehash of it just makes TNA look minor league.

Raw tonight will feature a contract signing between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton for their WWE Title Match at Hell in a Cell.  This is a direct reaction to TNA's terribly executed contract signing with AJ and Bully from this past Thursday's Impact.  Shawn Michaels is once again expected to be on tonight's show.  We'll see if he and Hunter have any interaction.

John Cena is not expected to be on Raw.

Triple H will respond to The Big Show costing The Shield the tag team titles last week to the Rhodes Family.  I believe the plan is Cody, Goldust, and Big Show v The Shield at Hell in a Cell.  Though I also recall hearing it would be Rhodes vs Shield vs Usos at HiaC, so who knows.  Nothing is official yet.

Final build for CM Punk vs Ryback and Paul Heyman inside the Hell in a Cell.

I think we're getting AJ v Brie at Hell in a Cell.
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These contract signings are so stupid :smh:

Hell in a cell is shaping up to be battleground 2.0 :x
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I've said this once and i'll say it again.

Get rid of these 2 PPV 's in one month, make Halloween Havoc your Oct. PPV.

It can still be a gimmick PPV with the roulette wheel.
Halloween Havoc was an awful PPV.

Next year, WWE has cut down to 12 PPVs.

January 26th
February 23rd
April 6th
May 4th
June 1st
June 29th
July 20th
August 17th
September 21st
October 26th
November 23rd
December 14th
^ Ever since we were little you would always bash WCW, bro. Your fanboyism makes me chuckle.
Rhodes vs Shield vs Usos please let that happen.  I don't care about a Rhodes and Big Show vs The Shield match.
4w, or anybody who has somewhat paid attention in detail to TNA, how exactly did Gunner and Storm start teaming up? I remember Storm being in the title hunt against Roode, while Gunner was coming off a tv title run (???) and was left in limbo.
4w, or anybody who has somewhat paid attention in detail to TNA, how exactly did Gunner and Storm start teaming up? I remember Storm being in the title hunt against Roode, while Gunner was coming off a tv title run (???) and was left in limbo.

Storm randomly chose him as his tag team partner.
Gunner came in as Storm's surprise partner for Slammiversary basically out of nowhere.  People really didn't even remember him or recognize who he was.
WCW's run was late 96 to early 98.  WWE ran the show for most of 98 and onward (and you could argue WWE had the better product in 97).  Plus, WWE had the early part of the 90's before they went to hell.
--Bray Wyatt was off crutches this weekend and walking around fine at the shows in Mexico.  It was said to me (Meltzer) that he's ready to go.
Surprise guest for tonight's show?
Mick Foley has hinted on Twitter he may be at tonight's show.
It's not Wyatt's fault he's been booked like this. Still have faith it will all play out great for him.
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