Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Wait, so when Brock lost his first UFC fight did he lose all his drawing power then, too?

You complain about the finish yet once again you're completey missing the big picture, 4w.
Big picture? You're an idiot.  I know for a 100% fact you disagree with me just to disagree.  Go troll somewhere else.

How %+#%#@$ dare. I know we don't agree on everything, but there have been times where we do agree.

Quite frankly, though, you're the idiot. Oh, no wait, me and all 12,000 in Chicago who gave Cena a standing ovation are the idiots, right? *#%# you, man.

You're sitting here *****ing about the result without giving any praise or thought to the story we were given in the ring. Brock destroyed Cena's %**!, to the point that he just started toying with him. He could have ended it so much earlier, but didn't. He was so ludicrously confident that he repeated a spot (big no-no in itself) that he almost took himself out with the first time. And he paid the price for his arrogance. And lost because of a set of steps that he himself left in that ring to use to hurt Cena. He wasn't flawless, he wasn't an amazing pro wrestler, and he wasn't the victor, but he was able to help accomplish some things we just don't usually see, including a smark crowd turned silent, and then turned to favor Cena.


You %+#%#@$ impatient arm chair booking smark. If you're calling Cena/Lesnar bad just because Cena won, you have your priorities as a wrestling fan completely wrong.

Should WWE just fire Brock? Cause according to you he can't draw after losing to the biggest name in the company.

Hell, if losing to the most over guy there kills all his heat they probably should of rehired such a jabroni in the first place.
Hey chief... pro wrestling isn't real.  Maybe that's the first thing you need realize.  Or maybe you don't get it because you're either high or can't see the screen clear enough through the sunglasses you're always wearing.
Brock did try to end it earlier.  He went as far to bring the ref back into the ring after he was knocked out the first time.  He made the pin on Cena after the F5 but there was another ref bump, so he continued to the match.

Brock wasn't meant to go flying outside the ring after that first flying forearm.  Anyone could see that.  He had too much momentum.  It carried him to the outside, and he took a nasty bump on his knee.

Brock did nothing to beat himself in the match.

I loved the match up until Cena kicked out of the F5.  At that point, I knew it was over for Brock.  My priorities aren't wrong at all.  WWE blew a huge year long storyline of who can defeat the evil monster outsider Brock Lesnar in one night.

Should WWE fire Brock Lesnar?  Of course not.  They have to pay him his $5 million either way.  He'll still be a draw, but not a draw like he could have been.  Now he's just another WWE Superstar.  You guys will say, oh, Raw gets a good rating tonight.  Oh, Summerslam does 350,000 buys.  Oh, WrestleMania does 1.3 million buys.  The point is... if they knew how to book things, Summerslam would be doing 600,000 buys and WrestleMania would be doing 1.75 million buys.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by bmkten

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

%%@% it. I won't bother writing a Raw preview tomorrow since I have nothing positive to say.

It's %%@!%%% stupid enough that WWE writers come up with this $$%++#@+, but it's even more mind boggling that you guys go along with it.
you talk down to us like we're all a bunch of stupid marks. but honestly i'd rather be a mark and enjoy it
I don't mean to speak down to anyone, unless they personally come at me like Lobo or a few others.
I'm just still venting over what a terrible business decision it was to have Brock lose last night.  Personally, I can't enjoy stupid booking and business decision.  This isn't UFC.  This is a scripted show where you have 100% control over what happens, and WWE still blows it the majority of the time.
This is complete BS. I didn't even attack you. I just asked you why you wern't looking at the big picture. YOU attacked me first and insulted me. Something I truly do not appreciate. Why are you so convinced Brock didn't need to lose? You already decided in your mind he should go on a streak til' WM. You decided that should be his storyline.

Hell, I'm reading all the feed back on 4fwonline.com and people are on both sides. That's fine. But there's no doubt that there's a patter of people who are in complete disarray with the finish. The 'business' types. "I can't believe it but it can't be denied that wwe's main goal isn't to make money anymore, but to prove to the fans that they were "wrong" for knowing a finish or angle or thought someone was a star. Who the %*$% runs a business where the number one priority is to put the fans/customers in their place. It's completely embarrassing and pathetic how they screw up every major angle handed to them." Types.

You know the business aspect so well, yet you didn't address the fact that Brock losing to Mir in his first UFC fight didn't kill his draw. The idea that someone is going to think to themselves "You know, I want to see Brock vs. Rock/Taker but damn, Brock lost that one match 11 months ago so I have no interest in seeing him now" is just wrong.

All I'm saying is you're not even trying to look at the big picture and it hasn't even been painted yet.

Edit* And one again there you go sending out shots when you've only seen two pictures of me maybe. Don't go around calling me high either. 1.75 million buys guaranteed because Brock would be undefeated? Okay, guy.

Edit* And here's the thing you don't seem to understand. Wrestling ISN'T real. We're being told a story. I get that. You're looking at the match as if it was a UFC/Shoot match.
If the HHH vs Lesnar feud doesn't come into fruition who do you guys think is the next person?

From a storyline and even real life scenario, after seeing what Lesnar did to Cena in that match I don't think anyone wants to step in the ring with him.

Do they bring in Taker for a Summerfest match (yeah, I know reports are that Orton vs Lesnar is the match) since it was clear that he still can go in the ring or save that match for a WM?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Looks like a man with huge fake %!**.  Legit disgusting.

You're going to see a male r&b singer alone and have gotten laid as much as rusty. No room to speak.


Don't act like this is the first time anyone has taken a shot at anyone in this thread. At least my comment was light hearted. You legit just call people idiots.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

OH MY GOD @ THAT NECK BREAKER.  Brie's lucky she didn't break her damn neck.  My God that was brutal looking.  Please don't let the divas do moves that they don't know how to execute properly.
I definitely welcome more Jericho vs Punk matches but how do they keep the feud fresh with the storyline?

The best in the world match was at WM.
The personal match was at ER.
What is the beef now?
Originally Posted by YardFather

-- Word at last night’s WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view was that the feud between CM Punk and Chris Jericho is not over.

I'd like to see a ladder match between the two.

Loser leaves town match since Jericho is going on tour with Fozzy?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by YardFather

-- Word at last night’s WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view was that the feud between CM Punk and Chris Jericho is not over.

I'd like to see a ladder match between the two.

Loser leaves town match since Jericho is going on tour with Fozzy?

This works.

Punk has nothing left to prove against Jericho. Jericho demands one more shot at the title with the stipulation that if he loses he'll leave.
Originally Posted by YardFather

-- Word at last night’s WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view was that the feud between CM Punk and Chris Jericho is not over.

I'd like to see a ladder match between the two.


how much longer are they going to go with this?

They put on an AMAZING match, but where to now? It's especially weird because Jericho keeps losing in the big matches. If this continues, you gotta let Jericho win...right?

A ladder match might work for the belt, what about hell in a cell?
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by YardFather

I'd like to see a ladder match between the two.

Loser leaves town match since Jericho is going on tour with Fozzy?

This works.

Punk has nothing left to prove against Jericho. Jericho demands one more shot at the title with the stipulation that if he loses he'll leave.

God, I hope not..I hate loser leaves town/loser must retire matches..They should do some sort of IronMan match and have Punk win..Then have Jericho show up the next night on Raw and just simply say that he can't stay in the E knowing Punk has bested him again, and then drop the mic and walk out..That way he can go out the way he came back this time, which is saying very little and leaving the fans wondering what's going to happen next..Or something along those lines..
Finally caught up with everything. My biggest complaint is that we won't be getting Monday Night Raw starring Brock Lesnar
Some random quotes off different forums/boards about the Extreme Rules:

- That match made both men look fantastic. Great psychology, wasn't overbooked, ring work was fantastic. Sheamus has really stepped his game up. A match like THAT is why I thought he could be Undertaker's streak-breaker.
- Jesus. Are they punishing Miz for Rey's wellness violation?
- Randy Orton is my cure for insomnia. Kind of like WWE is using Brock to make people actually cheer for Cena, Orton makes me cheer for Kane.
- Orton and Kane just wrestled every Sting match in the last three years, only without blood or somebody getting slammed against a TNA poster.
- Good match, but makes you wonder what the point of Jericho's return was.
- WCW should have booked Sting vs. Hogan this one-sided.
Wow I dont see nor do I understand the purpose of having Cena beat Kan at the Rumble, then lose to the Rock but beat Brock, they just should have had him lose, skip town on some HBK smile loss thing and then come back Old School John Cena. I know they did it for the kids but that ultimatley took away all crebibility for Brock being a monster.
One of the reasons Cena is being taken off TV was thought to be that he would be the star of the new "The Marine" movie. This is not the case. The star of the movie will be.......


Filming will begin in June.

Sorry, but I don't see him as a badass action star.
-WWE Studios' "The Marine: Homefront" will star The Miz, who is replacing Randy Orton as the lead actor in the film.The film will tell the story of a Marine trying to rescue his kidnapped daughter from a terrorist. The film will shoot in June for several weeks in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Oh god, The Miz doing the role of a Marine just doesnt work in my mind
I think David Arquette would be a better marine; I can't even see the Miz pulling off Dewey from Scream 
One of the reasons Cena is being taken off TV was thought to be that he would be the star of the new "The Marine" movie. This is not the case. The star of the movie will be.......


So does this mean we get more Cena?
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