Wrestling Thread Apr 9-15 | 4/15 TNA LOCKDOWN - All Cage Matches - Roode vs Storm, Angle vs Hardy

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

We saw it with Punk vs Cena at Money in the Bank.  We saw it with Rock returning at Survivor Series.  Brock vs Cena needs to be saved for SummerSlam.  Yes, the buyrate will increase for Extreme Rules, but it will be a fraction of what it would increase for SummerSlam after months of build.  Just for the purpose of an example, it may send Extreme Rules from 100,000 to 140,000 buys, where it would send SummerSlam from 250,000 to 400,000 buys.
1st sentence had to be a typo. I'm sure you meant Punk vs. Cena at Summerslam when Punk was rushed back after 8 days of "being away". 2011 Money in the Bank was almost flawless, probably the best PPV WWE's had in the last 5 years.

I do agree with you about it being a mistake if they have Brock vs. Cena at Extreme Rules. Brock vs. Cena needs to be at either Summerslam or next year's Wrestlemania...anything else is a mistake.
I meant business-wise.  It was an all-time classic match, but the buyrate only was about 20-25k higher than a normal B show.  They need to save "special" matches for either Summerslam, Rumble, or Mania to get the biggest bang for their buck.
they showed the "Ditto.' guy.
I can already tell this crowd is gonna suck.
so I'm assuming that Lesner dominates Cena in a feud...no way he can lose to Cena then go into a feud with the Rock
I love how they feature the guy with the Ed Hardy shirt in the package LOL
--For those who actually believe WWE was unhappy about all the "Yes" chants, tonight in Washington, DC, the company has planted a ton of "Yes" signs for the lower bowl in front of the hard camera that people in the company made this afternoon.
Oh man, I can't believe they're bringing him out to START the show.  And Brock vs Cena @ Extreme Rules 

WOW, WWE was NEVER going to say UFC, and Cole says it twice to start the show.  Interesting.

I think Lesnar is the only WWE guy to ever have sponsors on his shirt as well.
lol was the guy with the "the next big thing is back" sign the same guy from last week that was overly excited?
John must have had a great trip to the arena today because the smile is back.
Damn, if they build this feud up right.. it will be great.
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