Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

This tournament would have meant so much more if 75% of the guys in this tournament hadn't beat Big E repeatedly in the past few months.  Why couldn't Big E be in a little winning streak?

And why is this a "2nd round match" and not a "Semi-final"?
No reason that segment should have went 20 minutes. Was just bad. How do you take Kane serious at all?

Sheamus should do the job to Barrett.
it couldve been looked at him getting at DBry's dad or the news of DBry's i guess serious injury

who knows..
I think BNB was referring to the beatdown DBry just got, but he shouldn't have mentioned him at all.
I hope the bearer of bad news gets that W. He was originally slated to get the MITB that dolph disappointment won. If Wade stays healthy I think he's due for a push.
Really afraid this is gonna be a Rey Mysterio Jr title reign 
I'm afraid you are right. I get a feeling more like Ziggler.
Nah, Daniel Bryan at least knows how to wrestle.
Yeah, no way BNB was going THAT low.

Had to be talking about the tombstone three-peat D Bry just caught.
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Haha Barrett's jab at Bryan was definitely referring to what Kane just did...He's not about to be out here making fun of his dad dying.
This tournament would have meant so much more if 75% of the guys in this tournament hadn't beat Big E repeatedly in the past few months.  Why couldn't Big E be in a little winning streak?

And why is this a "2nd round match" and not a "Semi-final"?

On Superstars, Titus O'Neil beat the **** out of Big E for 4:50, then Big E dropped the straps and hit the Big Ending to pin him in 5 minutes :lol: :lol: Big he has been a booked as a complete joke during his run.

14-8 Memphis with Tony Allen making plays again
We know what BNB was talking about, but the vague reference was uncalled for..WWE's writers have to be more conscious of what they have their talent say..
I'm sorry but this Kane v D Bry out of no where storyline is what's wrong with WWE right now.

Throwing S at the wall...with it going no where.

What's the point? Why put the champion in a "feud" for a month....it makes him feel so unimportant.

Meanwhile....HHH is in the spotlight taking his friends to the main event, again and again.
I can't agree more.  Daniel Bryan gets his first legit title reign (don't tell me about his two other reigns), and he's already in an afterthought program in his first PPV where he won't even be in the main event.  There isn't a person on earth that believes Kane is going to beat Bryan.  Plus Orton loses the title without getting pinned and doesn't even care.  If WWE was serious about Bryan, they would be pushing him hard as champion.  Shield v Evolution could have waited another month.
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