Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Barber (to Kane): What do you put in your hair?
Kane: What are you talking about? This is my natural hair. I treat it with juices and berries
We know what BNB was talking about, but the vague reference was uncalled for..WWE's writers have to be more conscious of what they have their talent say..
Understandable, but what percentage of people watching Raw do you think know his dad died today?
Not sure if ya'll remember, but when Benoit won the title, then followed up with a title defense against HHH/HBK again, guess who he was relegated to feud with while HHH took up the top of the card............Kane.

Ever since 4W became Mexican, he's been watching RAW live with the rest of us. It's a welcome development. VIVA THE CHROMECAST
Not having a DVR is brutal 

I will be more involved in the thread this week.  And I know it's 2 weeks late, but I am honestly working on the WM PPV Prediction Contest results.  There were 121 entries.  It's taking a long time.
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