Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Tell me Wiki is trolling..

Due to repeated head injury and several severe concussions sustained during his wrestling career, Jason cross is now generally considered to be mentally ******ed. His return to wrestling is unlikely
LOL dudes be so wreckless.
If Bryan and punk shine as faces and become even bigger than they are now, does cena come back as a heel?

What's the point of these ppv matches if they just have rematches the next night n raw.
They do this all the time
"shut up pal, we already have your money. We'll do what ever we want"

also: shut up BeeMomee

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They do this all the time, so that the person they should have gone over at the PPV can go over on TV.
THey think it will just erase the fact that the other wrestler lost 24 hours ago.
When really it just shows us that none of these matches mean anything.
Ala Wade Barrett and Miz
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