Wrestling Thread Feb 6-12 | 2/12 TNA Against All Odds PPV | BREAKING NEWS - RUSSO OUT (p55)

Oct 15, 2000

Last night was the 25th annual Royal Rumble.  While most years the Rumble is one of the most anticipated and exciting PPVs of the year, the consensus from most fans was the show was a royal dud.  We definitely have an early candidate for worst WWE PPV of the year.  Sheamus won a Rumble match full of jobbers.  This was a swerve from as most thought Jericho or Orton would win the match.  Sheamus and Jericho had a good final battle before Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick to knock Jericho off the apron.  Based on the picture above, I'm going to be very annoyed just as I was last year with constant camera shots and wrestlers looking up at the WM 28 sign.  Here's my quick review of the show:

  • Daniel Bryan d The Big Show & Mark Henry to retain the World Heavyweight Title in a Steel Cage Match. - I didn't expect much out of the opener since Henry was injured, but it was still a cage match so maybe they could work some cool spots.  Nope, it was a nothing match.  At least Bryan retained.  They really just need to let Henry take time off because he could barely move in there.  The ending spot of Show losing his grasp of Bryan climbing out of the cage seemed very anticlimactic
  • Beth Phoenix, Natalya, & The Bella Twins d Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, Alicia Fox, & Tamina. - Divas match was better than normal, but still not very good.  At least Beth went over.  Kelly Kelly managed to not kill anyone with her top rope dive to the outside.
  • Zack Ryder showed up backstage in a wheelchair with a back brace on.  He said he had to be there to watch Cena's match.  Laurinaitis was there to give him his own dressing room.  Eve came back and cut some awful dialog yelling at Laurinaitis.
  • John Cena and Kane fought to a double countout.  It was alright in the ring, but I could never get into the match because of how stupid the storyline has been.  We get a double countout which means this is probably going to continue.  Kane and Cena fought backstage, and Kane took him out with a steel chair.  Then Kane went in Ryder's dressing room, used the claw, brought him out to the ring, and Tombstoned him.  Cena came out late for the save, but ended up getting chokeslammed.  The crowd was cheering for Kane, laughing at Ryder, and booing Cena.  The exact reactions I'm sure WWE wanted.....  Then the burial of Ryder continued.  Could this guy have looked like anymore of a geek with his back brace?  I hope Ryder is off TV for a long time because I'm so sick of his character.  I wish Eve would go with him.
  • Brodus Clay d Drew McIntyre - My mind was blown when Drew McIntyre got a singles match on the PPV.  I know it was just for him to get squashed by Brodus, but hasn't this guy got fired multiple times now?
  • CM Punk d Dolph Ziggler to retain the WWE Title. - I was really hoping that Punk and Ziggler could save the show, but that wasn't the case.  I knew we wouldn't get a wrestling classic with Laurinaitis involved.  I groaned as soon as we got the ref bump.  Punk showed his stupidity trying to make covers with no ref which he has done in the past.  Plus, Ziggler was basically buried getting beat over and over and over until we finally got the real finish.  I have no idea what the point of Laurinaitis coming in to count the cover was.  Sure, Ziggler will be back in the main event at Elimination Chamber, just because WWE has such a sorry roster, but they did him no favors last night trying to take him to the next level.
  • Sheamus won The Royal Rumble Match entering at #22 and making the final elimination of Chris Jericho. - The Rumble Match did one thing, and that was to expose how pathetically thin WWE's roster is.  Until Sheamus entered at 22, there wasn't a legitimate contender in the match (I didn't count Cody or Miz as contenders).  It felt like the WrestleMania pre-show battle royal instead of the Royal Rumble.  I don't have a problem with Sheamus winning, but if Jericho wasn't going to win The Rumble, then he shouldn't have been in the match.  It feels like his entire return is a waste now.  He finally spoke and promised the end of the world at the Rumble tonight, and all he did was get eliminated.  I don't get it.
  • Throw in absolutely awful announcing, constant Twitter mentions (which I hoped were done with after this past Monday's Raw), and commercial after commercial after commercial, it made for an awful show.  I was dumbfounded that there was a commercial for tomorrow night's Raw during the PPV.  The show gets a HUGE thumbs down from me.
As for Sheamus winning The Rumble, it's fine.  He's not a WrestleMania main event caliber star, but he doesn't have to be since Rock vs Cena, Taker vs HHH, Show vs Shaq, and Punk vs Jericho will all have higher billing than Sheamus's Smackdown Title Match, whether it be against Bryan, Orton, or a three way.

There was never a script to have John Laurinaitis win The Rumble.  However, there was a script under consideration of John Cena winning The Rumble.  He would then have to decide between a match for the WWE Title or his dream match against The Rock.  Thank God they didn't go with this plan.  Titles are already worthless in today's WWE, but this would have really flushed their meaning down the toilet.

The big hook for tonight's show is that HHH is returning to give the Interim General Manager of Monday Night Raw, John Laurinaitis, a job review.  Real quick, in this story....

  • Vince McMahon was the COO of WWE
  • The Board of Directors relieved Vince of his duties which Vince was unaware of despite being Head of the Board.
  • HHH became the COO of Raw.  I didn't realize Raw and WWE were separate companies.
  • The roster walked out on HHH because Miz and Truth caused havoc by doing a run-in at a PPV.
  • Vince McMahon came back to relieve HHH of his job.
  • John Laurinaitis became the Interim Raw General Manager.
  • It was then announced that HHH was just relieved of his duties as the Raw General Manager.  He was still the COO despite having no role on TV.
  • HHH is now returning to give a job review to the man that relieved him of his job but didn't really.

With HHH returning to TV tonight, many people are thinking The Undertaker will also make his return to Raw tonight.  I've heard he won't be back for a few more weeks, but anything is possible.

Last week on Raw, Jericho promised "the end of the world as we know it at The Royal Rumble".  This morphed into Jericho coming out at #29, lasting for 11 minutes, and getting eliminated by Sheamus to be the runner up in the Rumble.  He didn't speak and the Earth is still spinning today.  He's promised to speak tonight.  I really, really hope they have something big for him, because right now I feel like this past month since his return has been a complete waste.

It was announced on WWE.com today that the main event for the Elimination Chamber PPV is CM Punk (c) vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston vs The Miz vs Chris Jericho vs R-Truth for the WWE Title.  Again, it now looks like Jericho is just another guy.  And God knows Miz, Truth, and Kofi have done nothing to deserve a shot at the title.  While it's not official, it is also being talked about that Cena will take on Kane in a Last Man Standing Match at Elimination Chamber.

Kharma returned in The Rumble last night.  We'll see if this gives some juice to the Divas Division.  When Kharma left last year, she promised revenge on The Bellas.  Hey, I have no problem if it means The Bellas get more TV time.
NTWT Royal Rumble Pool Results

Pool A

Royal Rumble Winner: #22 StillIn729 (Sheamus)

Longest Time In The Rumble: #1 masondid.support (The Miz)

Most Eliminations: #4 iLLoQuent aka DSK (Cody Rhodes)

Pool B

Royal Rumble Winner: #22 kb8 3qwick (Sheamus)

Longest Time In The Rumble: #1 CHICHAN (The Miz)

Most Eliminations: #4 jQQQQQ (Cody Rhodes)

$10 donations will be made to StillIn729's and kb8 3qwick's charity of choice.

$5 donations will be made to masondid.support's, iLLoquent aka DSK's, CHICHAN's, and jQQQQQ's charity of choice.

Please contact me with the charity you prefer.

I also want to give a special thanks to Hombrelobo for contributing to the funds to donate to charity.

NTWT Royal Rumble PPV Prediction Contest Results

There were 1,000 possible points, but because two of the questions became void, there were actually 900 total possible points (Cena/Kane ended in a double countout, and Brodus Clay was not in The Rumble voiding the Clay vs Rhodes duration question).

We had 78 entrants which was a new record and great way to start the year.  Hopefully everyone sticks with it through the entire year so we can have a great competition.  I am creating two new Google Spreadsheets.  One for 2012 NTWT Members and one for 2012 PPV Prediction Contest.  Both will be in my sig within the next few days.

Of the 78 entries, the average score was 392.  Only one person, SHAUNHILFTW49, correctly selected Sheamus as the winner of The Royal Rumble Match.  Two entrants, StillIn729 and 3dgarfly23, correctly picked entrant #22 as the Rumble winner.

And finally, congratulations to the winner of the first PPV Prediction Contest of 2012...


Elimination Chamber is 20 days away.  That contest will be worth 500 points.


I don't even wanna see my score

I'm at an all time low with RAW after last night, but I am a tad bit interested in seeing what is done with Jericho.

I just really hope Undertaker isn't back to face HHH. Dude must really hate living in the shadow of HBK if he really wants to face Taker again the same way Shawn did.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

There was never a script to have John Laurinaitis win The Rumble.  However, there was a script under consideration of John Cena winning The Rumble.  He would then have to decide between a match for the WWE Title or his dream match against The Rock.  Thank God they didn't go with this plan.  Titles are already worthless in today's WWE, but this would have really flushed their meaning down the toilet.

Originally Posted by Naija Nitemare

Originally Posted by im that one

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]you guys are killin me...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Yes. Let's make the WWE or WHC even more worthless. it's devalued enough as it is, they dropped the ball already with Jericho not winning the rumble. Also dropping the ball with the Rumble absolutely sucking. They should have switched it if that's the case. Takers WM record should Not mean more than the Title(s). Sheamus should be saying this " I didn't get to win the Rumble and have a chance at the biggest prize in the biz fella. But I want something that's almost important fella... yadda yadda yadda fella. "...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]what's the Royal Rumble for... To headline WM and Gain a championship Match. They's already devalued the Rumble by the things they pulled last night... 3 announcers, a woman, and scrubs galore. Also having about 50 commercials in there as well.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]so... What's he doing? (if this happens) Pretty much saying The championship(s) does not mean as much as Beating the undertaker at WM.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]With arithmetic we can deduce that he is saying the Top Titles do Not mean more than A match against Undertaker.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I mean, at this point what's it matter? *** monkeys and clowns running things anyways. I don't give a sh-t anymore. Just let DB hold the WHC for a year. Entertain me at least.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that is all... [/color]
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

(Results are done, I just have to get to the gym now before Raw starts)
Curling and shoulder pressing your cats isn't enough of a workout?
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

(Results are done, I just have to get to the gym now before Raw starts)
Curling and shoulder pressing your cats isn't enough of a workout?
Jeeze they don't even have qualifying matches to be in the Elimination Chamber anymore?
All you have to do is job for a good portion of the past year, get suspended for smoking spice, lose the tag titles to primo and epico, come back and not do anything for a month but get eliminated from the Royal Rumble, and you get a title shot?
I am not a fan of the Elimination chamber being in between the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania.
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

(Results are done, I just have to get to the gym now before Raw starts)
Curling and shoulder pressing your cats isn't enough of a workout?
But if Club said it, it would be


Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by theDEEK

I am not a fan of the Elimination chamber being in between the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania.

Me either. I think it devalues the Royal Rumble as well.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by bkmac

Curling and shoulder pressing your cats isn't enough of a workout?
But if Club said it, it would be

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]fk him too, but at least half of what he says is lulz. this is your first time here and you are already getting buried. assclown.[/color]
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by im that one
But if Club said it, it would be

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]fk him too, but at least half of what he says is lulz. this is your first time here and you are already getting buried. assclown.[/color]
Jeribkmac will rise, and the rise will be high above all of you pimple-nosed assgeeks.


Spoiler [+]
For real though, with Jericho, I can't see how the writers can make things right by him losing the Rumble last night. This program took a turn for the worst IMO.

Raw should be interesting tonight, in a not-so-looking-forward-to-it-way. I'll be at the gym the entire time probably actually, so I'll re-cap in this thread when I get home.
Taker needs to return. They need to start building his program with HHH.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

However, there was a script under consideration of John Cena winning The Rumble.  He would then have to decide between a match for the WWE Title or his dream match against The Rock.  Thank God they didn't go with this plan.  Titles are already worthless in today's WWE, but this would have really flushed their meaning down the toilet.
I read that too. I dead $!# would've stopped watching if they pulled off that garbage. Should have fired whoever thought up of that mess.

To Sheamus' credit, he's
  • been a very good in-ring worker and underrated on the mic. Doesn't get enough credit for his promos...he's not gonna "wow" you but it's straight to the point and "believable".
  • took the humbling from Kevin Dunn (still don't know 'till this day why Dunn continually buried Sheamus) and bounced back from it. Didn't complain.
  • has handled media appearances well. Old school approach, keeping in-character most of the time.
  • made a good transition to babyface. Didn't change his character too much, didn't become overly cheesy like a lot of today's babyfaces.
  • and of course he's Triple H's boy and we all know HHH loves putting his guys over.
So I'm cool with him winning since the 'E desperately needs to create big stars and he has the potential to be their next Batista. He's well on his way there. [Stephen A. Smith] HOWEVA... [/SAS]

It shouldn't have been this Rumble.

They've pretty much flushed 3 months of build-up down the drain.
Not sure if it's been mentioned anywhere but last night reminded of the Jeff Hardy "whodunit?" storyline they had with the mysterious attacker a couple years back. Hardy was main eventing at the time and in a feud with Edge for the World strap. They had a perfect storyline in place with Christian (who hadn't re-debuted yet after being gone for years) being the mystery attacker, returning heel and helping his brother BFF Edge. Potentially setting up a Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian Wrestlemania money match or any combination that would've made sense. So what happens? They swerved everyone and had Matt Hardy as the attacker, going an entirely different direction in the storyline. The brother vs. brother feud sucked and was a letdown from what could've been. All for the sake of not being predictable.

Christian debuts randomly on ECW and is pretty much a non-factor until last year's main event run vs. Orton.

Yes I have no doubt Jericho will make whatever %#*@ he has thrown at him work and will NEVER doubt his ability to put on a show. But it's another case of management being too smart for their own good and +$@*$!% up something that was entirely fine the way it was, predictable or not. Same way they botched the whole Summer of Punk program last year too. It's going to take a lot of work from Jericho and whoever he's feuding against to salvage the past few months of dope $!# promos and intrigue.

I selfishly hope tonight's RAW bombs in ratings...your Royal Rumble winner should've cut his highly anticipated promo tonight explaining everything. Tying in the videos and displays of phoniness with his Rumble win and what his plans are. But nah...makes too much sense.
Like I said last night, I wish that Jericho came in when he did and just clean house. just with him as the last in the ring, the countdown goes and BAM, Surprise (Taker,Batista,HHH,and Edge like figure) Just to eliminate him and continue the troll gimmick. this was just too cut and dry.

Now with Jericho announced for EC, it takes away from whatever he says tonight unless it is something big. I just can't imagine that they would throw away PPV's like this just because they got their payday with WM.
Just read 4w's OP.

So they're not even gonna have qualifying matches for spots in the EC match?

It's like Vince and co. just said "aww @*!* it".
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

This better be the best Raw of the year to make up for what i witnessed last night.

This. Sheamus is my dude and all but he shouldn't have won last night. Terrible ending to a terrible show. 
WWE.com has announced that Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler will take place on Raw tonight.

In a video posted on the company's website, Ziggler demanded that John Laurinaitis give him a title match tonight, but instead he put him in a match against Orton.

Ziggler's gonna get beat again tonight.
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