Wrestling Thread Feb 6-12 | 2/12 TNA Against All Odds PPV | BREAKING NEWS - RUSSO OUT (p55)

I think the Taker build-up will be great!
I just hope it's not his last WM!
Don't want HHH to get the win!
He doesn't deserve to break the streak!

– Eve Torres was rushed to the backstage area immediately after she tagged out of the ring during the Eight Divas Tag Team Match on tonight’s Raw SuperShow. Torres was hit hard by a Beth Phoenix clothesline. She was severely bleeding from her nose and it is said that she suffered a broken nose.

looks like r-truth will be ok
Jericho's promo was the best I've seen on Raw since the promo when they first cut off Punk's mic
Originally Posted by PO2345

I think the Taker build-up will be great!
I just hope it's not his last WM!
Don't want HHH to get the win!
He doesn't deserve to break the streak!


I just got home from being gone all night. Someone rundown Raw for me?

*inb4 where is bkamc?*
Over 9000 commercials.
Terrible video packages.
No good matches.

This RAW was terrible.


What the hell is up with WWE'S characters? Why is everyone so beta?

Last week Cena beats up on Kane and he ran away like a %+*%%.

Jeritroll comes out, calls out Punk, Punk comes in, is practically LETTING him hit him with the mic, but walk out scot free.

Big Show ALMOST ran over AJ AGAIN, because we all LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE romance angles; and DickbuttByran just walks out, like a %+*%%.

Goddammit I miss the glorious past time of WWE where everybody just $*@*% others +*$! up. Today it's all, "I'M GONNA DO SOMETHING, BUT I'M TOO MUCH OF A %+*%%"

*%#% this beta-era.

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IN b4 alpha male comments.

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The opening segment and Jericho's promo were the only noteworthy things from tonight's RAW.

CM Punk is starting to annoy me.
If you haven't watched RAW, don't do it. It's not worth it. Watch this instead. TREAT YO SELF.
DAMNIT lobo, how the hell you gonna drop 3 hours of fantastic Japanese wrestling on us at 2:40 in the morning?..And it shows the greatest Japanese wrestler of all time, Jushin "Thunder" Liger, right off the bat..I hate you..
The best parts of Raw were the Punk/Jericho interactions.

Jericho sitting in the ring with the title=GOLD (though it would have seemed more meaningful if he had done more to Punk than simply toss him over the announce table)
Originally Posted by casekicks

DAMNIT lobo, how the hell you gonna drop 3 hours of fantastic Japanese wrestling on us at 2:40 in the morning?..And it shows the greatest Japanese wrestler of all time, Jushin "Thunder" Liger, right off the bat..I hate you..
Well, I did fall asleep during the Jericho/Punk segment. I cannot believe THAT is what they brought Jericho back with. What a complete letdown.

Why is Khali back? Ugh. Why even put this match on Raw?
The WWE Universe has been begging for the return of Shawn Michaels? That's the set up to bring him back? That's almost as bad as The Rock teaming with Cena because his Twitter followers told him to.

Well, it's not nearly that bad, but still.
I'm already sick and tired of the camera shots with the WM 28 banner. It loses the effect when you do it 20 times a show.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

No one wants to remember half of The Undertaker's WM matches


*sidenote* are my brother and i the only ones who don't count taker at 9's DQ win over Giant Gonzalez as a victory???
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