Wrestling Thread Jul 16-22 | 7/22 NT Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted p19!

Just watched this match.  Freaking awesome.  The crowd is insane the entire time.  And JR saying "Grant Masta SEXAY" cracked me up.

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I remember this :wow: , what a main event/segment!
Holy hell...forgot how long it took to make avys...This one showing of Rock Austin is the first one I make since last Year and it took me a good 15 minutes just to fit NT rules. I may make some for the NTWT Universe (LOL) next Monday so just be aware of that.
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Holy hell...forgot how long it took to make avys...This one showing of Rock Austin is the first one I make since last Year and it took me a good 15 minutes just to fit NT rules. I may make some for the NTWT Universe (LOL) next Monday so just be aware of that.

Holy hell...forgot how long it took to make avys...This one showing of Rock Austin is the first one I make since last Year and it took me a good 15 minutes just to fit NT rules. I may make some for the NTWT Universe (LOL) next Monday so just be aware of that.

:pimp: dope I'll pm you bro
As of yesterday, the plan for Monday’s Raw 1000th episode is to feature key spots at the top of every hour. These key spots include, a Rock segment, Brock Lesnar and Triple H segment, and the John Cena vs. CM Punk match, meaning the wedding is the odd one yet with the less than choice segment.

Plans are expected to change several times before Monday, as nothing is set in stone.

Sources have confirmed that The Undertaker will make his return to WWE TV at the 1000th episode of WWE Raw this Monday in St. Louis. Several week’s back reports circulated the WWE was planning on holding off on his return until the Survivor Series pay-per-view.

At this time there are no other leads on Taker’s involvement for the show. He is among other Legends set for the show including The Rock, Degeneration X, Brock Lesnar and Mick Foley.
^^^Didn't Read, I Want To Be Surprised

Punk won't go heel, he's the second face to Cena who still is due for time off
Holy hell...forgot how long it took to make avys...This one showing of Rock Austin is the first one I make since last Year and it took me a good 15 minutes just to fit NT rules. I may make some for the NTWT Universe (LOL) next Monday so just be aware of that.

:pimp: I dig it...I'll PM tomorrow
Holy hell...forgot how long it took to make avys...This one showing of Rock Austin is the first one I make since last Year and it took me a good 15 minutes just to fit NT rules. I may make some for the NTWT Universe (LOL) next Monday so just be aware of that.
NT WWE Money In The Bank PPV Prediction Contest Results
  • Entries: 78
  • Possible Points: 500
  • Average Score: 268
  • Only 1 entry selected ADR to drive a BLUE car
  • Picks on the winner of the WWE Title Match were almost split 50/50 with 38 for Bryan and 35 for Punk
  • 77% incorrectly predicted that AJ would attack someone during the match
  • 68% correctly predicted Dolph Ziggler would win the Smackdown MITB
  • 82% correctly predicted John Cena would win the Raw MITB
  • 73% correctly predicted the MITB would NOT be cashed in during the show, although Ziggler almost did.
Congratulations to the winner of the NT WWE Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Winner - fx2!

With another strong showing in this contest, Gambit215 remains the overall 2012 leader.  Overall standings are available through the link in my signature.

The contest will be back on August 19th for Summerslam which will be worth a possible 1000 POINTS!

4W, Lobo, Peep, Man_Of_4_Holds, Deek, what do u guys think the big angle will be?

Ziggler cashes in his MITB on Sheamus to become World Heavyweight Champion
then he spends the rest of raw challenging every other champion in WWE
win's all the title's single-handedly
Ziggler walks out Undisputed champion of Everything

he then loses them all to this man, end scene, hhh standing tall with all the titles.
Part of me thinks that it's just going to be something completely out of left field by the WWE. Whether that's a good or bad thing is unknown.

Pretty much this. Since this is the 1000th Raw though, I think I have confidence that it will be way more good than bad. They couldn't possibly bungle whatever they have planned tomorrow. Now July 30th and on is a whole different story. I fully expect Cena to stack Punk, Bryan, Jericho, and Big Show on his shoulders for a monster AA.
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