Wrestling Thread Jul 16-22 | 7/22 NT Money in the Bank PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted p19!

Originally Posted by hymen man

Cubano voting for Diva's title 34,000 times, smh.
He just a regular %+% dude now
 May as well keep him on Superstars & NXT and let him wrestle hidden gym matches.
Every week that US Title dies a lil harder with Santino being in possesion of that belt.

They can't give it to Dolph or somebody? A feud between Dolph/Jericho feud over the US Title would build that title back up and Dolph in the process.

I refuse to believe people actually voted for Divas title
Did Brodus just spend the past 5 minutes dancing in the ring during the commercial break?
Why does JTG get an entrance?  Brodus selling to JTG?  C'mon.  Brodus Clay needs to get off my tv.

WWE hasn't promoted it, but Bret Hart will also be on next week's Raw.  There were many rumors about The Undertaker but since he hasn't been promoted, I'm assuming he won't be on the show.  There's no reason for him to be a "surprise" appearance.
WTH... Did Brodus tell one of the chicks " you haven't see this one yet" while doing that suplex?
Apparently CM Punk used a time machine after his promo to come back and dance with Mr. Clay.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

part time wrestlers coming in and over shadowing the week to week feuds is ruining the WWE 
#Rock #Brock #HHH
There's plenty of other things worse than that. The Brock and HHH thing hasn't overshadowed anything...it's always in the 10 PM spot, not ending a RAW show.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Jericho should have walked away with his head down to give Ziggler the shine.
I think he had the right reaction...it's just like VC3 mentioned:
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Jericho doing his best Shawn Michaels impersonation there.
WCW Worldwide Spoilers 

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I forgot about the Cena *announcement*. So Punk gets knocked out by Big Show at the end...Cena's music hits, everyone thinks he's cashing in, he teases it...then Cena announces he's officially cashing for next week or Summerslam.

Big Show to fan "SHUT UP YOU FAT COW."
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I forgot about the Cena *announcement*. So Punk gets knocked out by Big Show at the end...Cena's music hits, everyone thinks he's cashing in, he teases it...then Cena announces he's officially cashing for next week or Summerslam.

Big Show to fan "SHUT UP YOU FAT COW."
I can see it with my eyes closed.
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