Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed

Miz's parents look like meth heads...

Pumped for Raw tonight, in the company loge, even if raw sucks, going to bang out all the free food and liquor :smokin
Just from reading stuff about Slammiversary, seems like it was a good PPV minus Anderson/Storm, the Knockouts match, and BroMans/Von Erichs.
:pimp:  yes i am ready

Haven't read any of the "sheets" lately, but this would be really cool. Jericho can hold onto the titles as a heel while DBry gets healthy. When DBry gets back, he and Jericho can have a good feud where he eventually gets the titles back. Jericho always states how he's always seen something in DBry and even gave him his first match at NXT. Also, by doing it this way, you are able to put the titles back on DBry without burying the up-and-coming talent in the MITB match (Bray/Cesaro if they win). Also you're not rehashing a feud with Randy Orton, Sheamus, or Cena (if he's the other entrant).

Jericho could also use the whole "I was the very first undisputed champion" gimmick.

At the same time, if he doesn't come back, I guess they can let ADR win and have him drop the titles to DBry.
Haven't read any of the "sheets" lately, but this would be really cool. Jericho can hold onto the titles as a heel while DBry gets healthy. When DBry gets back, he and Jericho can have a good feud where he eventually gets the titles back. Jericho always states how he's always seen something in DBry and even gave him his first match at NXT. Also, by doing it this way, you are able to put the titles back on DBry without burying the up-and-coming talent in the MITB match (Bray/Cesaro if they win). Also you're not rehashing a feud with Randy Orton, Sheamus, or Cena (if he's the other entrant).

Jericho could also use the whole "I was the very first undisputed champion" gimmick.

At the same time, if he doesn't come back, I guess they can let ADR win and have him drop the titles to DBry.
cant be mad at that,jericho is my dude,gut and all.wouldnt mind him as a heel champ right now just to hold the belts,everyone wins,except super cena,can only hope
yea i think jercho would be the perfect choice,his mic skills alone would carry a feud with dbry even if dbry isnt wrestling,it would keep him relevant and in the mix until he can come back and beat jericho. 
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