Wrestling Thread March 1st-31st/ NTWT Mania Survey In OP/ WrestleMania This Sunday/ WWE Hall Of Fam

peep use to wear this shirt in high school 3 out of 5 days of the school day week

Got called today and told that I have to have my Nuerostimulation Implant removed because it's not working correctly..:smh: ..Gotta have surgery 3 weeks before I fly out for Mania..Kinda bummed and a little pissed off..
hey if white guys in blackface imitating african american stereotypes is your kind of entertainment more power to you

Man, the owner of the company has said the n word on national television, but that hasn't stopped you from enjoying his show every Monday night.
Got called today and told that I have to have my Nuerostimulation Implant removed because it's not working correctly..:smh: ..Gotta have surgery 3 weeks before I fly out for Mania..Kinda bummed and a little pissed off..

Damn dude, sorry to hear that. Keep us posted!
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