Wrestling Thread May2-9/ The NEW ERA/WWE Black Friday/ Hornswoggle, Cameron, Santino, Zeb Colter, Al

Theres something wrong with my Struve 
Baron :rofl: see, he gets what being a 100% heel is

The VaudeVillians are great man. They are impressive on the mic since in nxt they didn't talk much.

On the flip side...

If they had Kalisto talk to test him out for bigger and better things, he failed miserably. Dude was ATROCIOUS on commentary. Stumbling over words, long pauses, super generic cliches. Yeah he was probably nervous, but damn man...that **** sucked.

Lowest moment might have been his brain fart over Rey Mysterio. He was making a reference to Rey, and I think he might have forgot mid-sentence whether he could say his name on TV. Then came the awkward pause before Byron Saxton's bum *** saved him. :lol: :smh:  

Yea that was abysmal, but I can't even fully blame that on him, cause the entire commentary team was atrocious, but I think we're all used to that. And shockingly JBL was the worst instead of Cole and Byron.
So Dave Meltzer said that Ryback had a meeting regarding a new contract (the current one is expiring in few months) with HHH or Vince. Ryback didn't like their offer, and apparently the discussion ended with Vince suggesting him going home. Unless there is a reconciliation, that's it. He is going to be paid for the rest of his contract. Dave said the CM Punk entrance and the "pre-show stopper" thing are signs that he is clearly not happy with his current situation. Meltzer said there are speculations of him going to NJPW, but they already have Michael Elgin, who has a very similar style.
LOL Ryback is in his mid 30's, he was like 23-24 when he was on Tough Enough
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Those @BigEgo24  posts be like when you tried out for the school team 

and the coach just posted the results on the bulletin board

and you slowly going from top to bottom looking for your name

I didnt make the cut 
Farewell Ryback.

Word is he asked WWE to pull him off TV.


I don't know if he thought he should be in the world championship picture....but lets be honest - he should have been happy with the spot he was given.
Ain't no Ryback section in the crowd b. Dude was boring at best.
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Nah dont reward him.

He didnt grace the thread with 48+ quotes in a single comment for payback.

He's on probation 

You are right b. I have sullied my reputation and did all of NTWT a disservice by not providing my usual after the fact commentary... :smh:

Those [@=http://niketalk.com/u/132610/BigEgo24]@BigEgo24[/@] posts be like when you tried out for the school team 

and the coach just posted the results on the bulletin board

and you slowly going from top to bottom looking for your name

I didnt make the cut |I  
Damb b. I don't know those feels. Started JV and played Varsity hoops. Senior year i sprained my ankle 3 times trying to come back too soon. Dat dedication. :smh: Now my right ankle sounds like Rice Krispies when i wake up. :frown: :smh: :x
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Nah dont reward him.

He didnt grace the thread with 48+ quotes in a single comment for payback.

He's on probation 


You right.

Ego slippin, b :smh: he's like Knicks era T-Mac right now :smh:
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Nice to see people coming around to the Vaudevillains :nthat:

Jericho putting Brock Lesnar guy in his place :rofl: :smokin
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