Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

Yeti, The Shark, Shockmaster, Fat Chick Thrilla, Glacier, Stewart Pain, Judy Bagwell on a pole match, Booty man, The Demon, Zodiac, Oz, Arachnaman, Glacier etc.

WWF had horrible gimmicks too but to say it was just them is a damn lie
I'm a WWF guy through and through, but when I found out about WCW when I was 6 years old in 96 I was like "WHAT?!!! There's MORE wrestling?" and was too excited. Then of course ECW, JAPAN (particularly FMW because of Hayabusa), and everything I could watch I would.

Just sitting back catching up on some G1 Climax and I realized, NJPW could be in their "attitude era." Heels are their top babyfaces (Okada, Naito, Omega, etc.). Okada's transition from heel to baby could be compared to Austin (even though I consider Naito the "Austin" personality wise). Omega is like Rocky as the guy on the mic with charisma and everyone hangs on what he says (He's nowhere near Rocky on the skill level, but he's also a better in-ring performer so he balances out).

The 90s in New Japan was like the 80s boom for WWF, then their 2000s was like their New Generation(even though their consecutive "dull" period lasted longer than WWF's period, WWF also had a dull when PG came so the total years probably even out) , and since about 2012 it's been their attitude era. I don't think they've ever been bigger and I can't wait to see where they go. Crazy part is, they're doing it with what we're all here for: WRESTLING.
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