Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

^Cause NTWT >

whats tnn???
or did u mean tnt???
my bad I'm so outta the loop
last wrestling thing i seen was a wrestle mania match
only thing i REALLY remember is the rock doing like 4 rock bottoms on stone cold
oh and hulk hogan and vince mcmahon doing a fight
and roddy piper knocking one of em upside the head
no i think i may have seen a few after cause cena came after that right???

You must be talking about Wrestlemania 19..
the olympic dude
with that catch phrase "its true.....its true"

yooooo what about the dudley boys
they still on there
awww damn im reminiscing now
they still do that elimination chamber thing???
or them ladder matches
my bad for all the questions
The Dudleys actually came back in 2015. They had a short nostalgia run and retired about a year ago.
Elimination Chamber is still a thing. It's a separate PPV now.
The fat samoan dude that rubbed his butt in people's faces was Rikishi.

Keep the questions coming!
Woot woot.
Great read on Van. The end where he says when people recognize him just reminded me what Kidman told me when I met him recently. When I recognized him I asked if he was Kidman and he replied "in another life, yeah I was."

I don't think as fans we mean disrespect when we meet our heroes or people we look up to and idolize, but when is it ok to separate the character from the person? Outside of the ring I know these people's real names and some things about them, even if I am not a person that relates to them in a more intimate way or know them on a more personal level, so how are to really address them when how we know them in most ways is the "character" they play yet is certainly an aspect culled from their own personality or self.

I got in an argument with a buddy of mine who is a big wrestling fan as well because I refer to many of the Japanese performers I have followed for years by their in ring names in Japan and not the ones they use here, though I flip flop from time to time. So Kenta, Kana, Kairi Hojo, etc. He takes offense to that saying I am disrespecting them by NOT using their new domestic personas but in many of these cases, that is ACTUALLY their names.

Sorry for the philosophical rant guys, this is how my brain works lol.

I had that thought too. It's a weird line with all the promotion/name switching, and some of these guys having actually gone by their real names at points. For example the first time I met KO and Daniel Bryan in during their WWE runs, I called them Mr. Steen and Mr. Danielson. Neither one even flinched. Same with Karl Anderson, and me actually knowing him as Chad. I don't think I could call him Karl if I tried. Next time I see him, I may try to pick his brain and get his thoughts on it. He's different too, because he's pretty much only ever been known as Karl Anderson with the bigger Indies.

As for the Punk thing, iirc, he was more irked about the way the guy approached him than he was about being called Phil. I guarantee if dude approached him respectfully, and called him Mr. Brooks, or just said Punk, he would've been less of a dickhead.
I had that thought too. It's a weird line with all the promotion/name switching, and some of these guys having actually gone by their real names at points. For example the first time I met KO and Daniel Bryan in during their WWE runs, I called them Mr. Steen and Mr. Danielson. Neither one even flinched. Same with Karl Anderson, and me actually knowing him as Chad. I don't think I could call him Karl if I tried. Next time I see him, I may try to pick his brain and get his thoughts on it. He's different too, because he's pretty much only ever been known as Karl Anderson with the bigger Indies.

As for the Punk thing, iirc, he was more irked about the way the guy approached him than he was about being called Phil. I guarantee if dude approached him respectfully, and called him Mr. Brooks, or just said Punk, he would've been less of a dickhead.

Your final point is exactly how I see it. If you approach them respectfully, I am not sure how big a deal it is. I suppose asking how they want to be addressed is truly the way to go, but I would think if you are not a total *** about it, I cannot imagine they would be that upset either way.

I remember meeting KO in O'hare by accident while waiting for my transfer flight to Tokyo 3 years ago. My buddy kind of marked out and told me he thought it was him, going by Steen at the time. My friend went to get something to eat and I was getting coffee and there he was in line. I asked if he was Kevin Steen, he said yeah, and I told him I was a fan of his but my friend was afraid to bother him for fear of being a mark. Ended up coming back to the hot dog joint we were sitting killing time at and saying hi to my friend really quickly before his flight. My buddy nearly hyperventilated lol.

I find if you treat people with respect, majority of the time it doesn't matter what you call someone, regardless of fame or not. We are all humans trying to make it.
Your final point is exactly how I see it. If you approach them respectfully, I am not sure how big a deal it is. I suppose asking how they want to be addressed is truly the way to go, but I would think if you are not a total *** about it, I cannot imagine they would be that upset either way.

I remember meeting KO in O'hare by accident while waiting for my transfer flight to Tokyo 3 years ago. My buddy kind of marked out and told me he thought it was him, going by Steen at the time. My friend went to get something to eat and I was getting coffee and there he was in line. I asked if he was Kevin Steen, he said yeah, and I told him I was a fan of his but my friend was afraid to bother him for fear of being a mark. Ended up coming back to the hot dog joint we were sitting killing time at and saying hi to my friend really quickly before his flight. My buddy nearly hyperventilated lol.

I find if you treat people with respect, majority of the time it doesn't matter what you call someone, regardless of fame or not. We are all humans trying to make it.

My thoughts exactly. And KO was unbelievably cool with me...of course I was there for winning a charity auction, but I was still amazed at how gracious he was that night and going forward. Respect is the key. Treat them how you'd want to be treated, yourself.
Man I'm watching the Aug 4th G1 show.

This dude doing commentary literally sounds like death. :lol:
I encountered CM Punk and Lita at an Atlanta Braves game one time. This was back when they were dating and he was off tv with an "injury".

They were in line to buy tickets and I happened to walk past and recognized his tattoos out the corner of my eye. I turned to them and said hey I'm a huge fan and appreciate both of their work. Asked for a picture if they were willing. Punk simply shook his head no and went back to looking at his phone. Lita smiled. I said well enjoy the game and walked away.

Was disappointed in the interaction but I understand their position too. They are public figures but deserve a private life like the rest of us get.
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