Wrestling Thread September 1st-3rd/ Weekend Edition/ Mae Young Classic Available Now First 4

:frown:Noooooooooooooo!!!! Keep him as far away as possible from a feud with Cena. Any monster booked vs Cena is a career killer. Look at the recent ones like rusev, Bray, and even corbin. :smh:
even booking cant **** that up. braun will squash cena in a fued. hes the future. big and he sounds like hulk hogan. vince must be in heaven
Vader in 97 SMH. The total disrespect, may as well have been a WCW World Wide jobber

Shotgun Saturday Night :pimp: :pimp:

anybody got that link of all the horrible stuff moolah did?

A copy and paste from May '17

Happy Mother's day, brehs. Let's celebrate this holiday by thanking god that piece of ****, The Fabulous Moolah, was not any of our mothers. It really bothers me seeing how women's wrestling pays homage to such a terrible human being. This stupid ***** actually set women's wrestling back almost three decades because of her disgusting, selfish tactics. This ***** was low key a criminal, ruined a lot of lives but still gets celebrated today. It's ******* disgusting.

Just to preface this thread - this won't be like the others. There won't be any funny gifs of botches, bad promos or stupid faces. This will be more discussion based about how terrible of a person Moolah really was. I'm breaking this thread up into a few sections.

Introduction to Moolah's Character:
Since it's Mother's day, let's get things popping off with the type of mother this cuntbag really was. Moolah had one biological child, a daughter, that eventually became a professional wrestler too. Her name is Maryetta Carroll, but she wrestled as Pat Sherry. Just for reference, Moolah's real name is Mary too. She named her daughter after herself. Anyway, Moolah's daughter didn't last long in the business. Want to know why? Just look at this newspaper clipping, and that'll pretty much tell you what kind of mother The Fabulous Moolah really was.

Baby of Sweet Georgia Brown

Moolah's Strangehold over the Business / The Wendi Richter Story:
Want to know why Moolah was a women's champion for 30 years? Moolah had a strangehold over the entire women's wrestling industry. She made sure no one got over, so that she could have top billing & no one could leverage her power. She had these ladies come to her school to train, and basically strong armed them into agreeing to allow her to book them to wrestle. She made deals with Vince McMahon Sr. to get these women onto the WWWF cards. We know from Sweet Georgia Brown's account that Moolah also pimped these ladies out to other promoters and the boys. There are other women who have spoken out about this including Ida Martinez and Luna Vachon. Luna's aunt (who was also a wrestler) called out Moolah for ******* her students herself on the side. Moolah had a lesbian wrestler she was training that said Moolah made her see men because she was against homosexuals. Yet, Moolah is ******* these girls herself on the side. Sounds pretty Republican, don't it :dame:

Let's move onto how Moolah ****** these ladies' money up. The most notable person to speak out against Moolah was Wendi Richter. Wendi Richter was a pretty big star in the 80's. Just like almost all the other big women's wrestlers at the time, she trained at Moolah's school. Wendi Richter didn't actually train with Moolah though. Moolah was advertising that she would train these ladies herself, take their money and pawn them off on the other, older female wrestlers at the gym (people like Leilani Kai & Judy Martin). Oh yeah, she also didn't pay those women to train the new wrestlers.

Moolah got hip to the game and made these girls sign contracts. These contracts basically made Moolah their bookers & gave Moolah 25%-35% of their earnings. She would also deduct money for travel expenses & food, which were not included in the 25%-35%. Moolah also made her wrestling school students live in a duplex she owned while they were training, so they had to pay for rent & utilities on top of that too. So, she basically hustled all of these women out of their money AND made sure they never went over. Sound familiar? :hhh:

Anyway, let's get back to Wendi Richter. Wendi Richter was a budding superstar, and one of the most over wrestlers (men and women) in the Rock-n-Wrestling era of the WWF. She had that crossover appeal because she was pretty good looking & was involved in the feud with Cyndi Lauper/Lou Albano & Moolah. Since Moolah was a heel, she dropped the title to Richter since Richter had Cyndi Lauper in her corner. This made Richter into a star. Richter was on the Saturday morning cartoons & in Cyndi Lauper's music videos. Finally, someone overtook Moolah's strangehold over the business. Moolah couldn't let that last though :francis:

This leads into the original WWF screwjob. The story is that Wendi Richter couldn't agree to terms with Cokeboy on a new contract. She was also the WWF Women's Champion at the time. Sounds familiar, right?. Richter wasn't sweating it because just like Bret, she was still under contract. She wasn't leaving with the title and never had intention to. Anyway, Cokeboy calls up old *** Moolah to wrestle Richter under a mask. Richter saw Moolah in the arena beforehand, but had no idea she was going to be wrestling Moolah later that night. Moolah also didn't tell Richter, her most successful student, what she was planning to do that night. Also, this sounds ridiculous today, but Richter had no idea it was Moolah under the mask. The video of the incident is below.

Look at this ********. Moolah quickly botches a ******* small package (HOW IS THIS ******* ***** CELEBRATED AS A WRESTLER), and the ref rings the bell. Richter kicks out at ******* 1 too. Also, it's absolutely hilarious how Cokeboy tries to spin this as THE SURPRISE RETURN OF MOOLAH. Also, Wendi Richter is a ******* bo$$. She ripped Moolah's mask off, gave her the beats & jumped in a cab to the airport & flew out of New York immediately after the match. She never reconciled with Moolah either.

Wendi Richter eventually got blackballed and didn't even get brought back until that piece of **** Moolah finally croaked. I'm glad Wendi Richter finally got her recognition because she actually deserves it. She was a pretty good wrestler, and a much better person than Moolah ever was. It's just sad that we never got to see Wendi Richter have a long feud with Sherri Martel, Madusa or any of the AJPW women's wrestlers at the time. After that incident, the women's championship had basically become a joke. They tried to revive it in the 90's with Madusa, but we all know how that went. It wasn't until more recently that the women's division was given another chance.

Just think, that entire incident set women's wrestling back almost 30 ******* years.

Death of Women's Tag-Team:
So, I guess Judy Martin & Leilani Kai got inspired by Wendi Richter or something. By 1988, both of them were no longer working with Moolah. Both of them were in the WWF too as the Glamour Girls tag-team, feuding with the Jumping Bomb Angels. At the time, the WWF actually had Women Tag-Team Titles and they were actually defended regularly.

So, anyway back to the Glamour Girls - Moolah was upset she was no longer leaching off these women's money and never would again. At the time, the Jumping Bomb Angels were the tag-team champs, feuding with the Glamour Girls and they were headed off for a tour in Japan. Moolah knew about this, and she actually called the girls in Japan and told them the office wanted the Jumping Bomb Angels to drop the titles back to the Glamour Girls before returning to the USA. No one could get a hold of WWF management in Japan to confirm, so they went through with the title change because they didn't want to catch heat. When they got back to the United States, the Glamour Girls got mega heat because they put themselves over in Japan when it was actually Moolah that sabotaged them. The Glamour Girls plead their case, but of course WWF management didn't listen to it since Moolah has been working with Cokeboy's family since the 60's. They eventually killed off the titles because of that. Leilani Kai mentioned in her shoot interview, linked below, that they had a big Wrestlemania IV match planned but it got killed off because of what happened in Japan due to Moolah. She basically cost 4 girls their huge Wrestlemania pay day and killed off women's tag-team wrestling in the process.

Neither of these teams are in the WWE HOF, but both of them deserve to be. The Jumping Bomb Angels were ******* dope too. And if you're wondering if I'm just gassing them up, this was some of the stuff they were pulling off in 1988. Just think, we're almost back to that level of women's wrestling almost 30 years later...

Plus, they were over.


I've spent enough talking about this stupid *****'s life. Moolah was and had always been a terrible wrestler. She's never had a classic match. Can you name one Moolah match that didn't involve Wendi Richter or anything in the Attitude era? She basically exploited people who were far more talented than herself. It's embarrassing that she gets credited for pioneering women's wrestling. The only reason she's celebrated is because she manipulated all of these women to work for absolutely nothing for Vince McMahon Sr. and Cokeboy back in the day. When someone else got over, she quickly put a stop to it. No wonder Stephanie McMahon looked up to her. People say she was a woman surviving in a man's world, but she was a sociopath who got off on ruining other people's lives. **** her.

I'm not even going to touch how terrible her Attitude era run was. Speaking of the Attitude era, **** Mae Young too. She's basically Joe Paterno to Moolah's Sandusky. These *****es lived with each other for decades and now are buried next to each other. You can't convince me nothing was going on there.

I'm going to end this thread with Moolah getting the **** beat out of her. Rest in piss, you disgusting piece of garbage :tongue:acspit:

Cheat day so prolly go to the movies/food/drink

And nah but I'm rooting for Floyd

Nice! I'm going for Conor, but I'm a huge mma fan.

The women going for conor too! :evil:

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