Wu-Tangs Million Dollar Album


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The Wu-Tang Clan is attempting to further prove the value of hip hop music as a respected artform. The Wu– Once Upon A Time In Shaolin  is set to be the group’s next album and will only be released as a single item worth one million dollars.

“We’re about to sell an album like nobody else sold it before,” RZA said to Forbes. “We’re about to put out a piece of art like nobody else has done in the history of [modern] music.  We’re making a single-sale collector’s item. This is like somebody having the scepter of an Egyptian king.”

The album will go on a tour in museums, galleries, festivals like many other art exhibits and patrons can listen in for what’s expected to be between $30 and $50. If you can’t make it to one of these exhibits you’ll probably be out of luck waiting on a leak. Visitors will be searched of recoding devices before entering and will probably be forced to listen on headphones.

Once the album is finished touring, the Clan plans to sell it up for up to $1 million where, if bought by the right person, could the be put out for normal purchase. 
I really like this idea. I'm assuming this is inspired by Nipsey's $100 mixtape. But if this is in fact touring a variety of museums and galleries this is on another level.
I really like this idea. I'm assuming this is inspired by Nipsey's $100 mixtape. But if this is in fact touring a variety of museums and galleries this is on another level.

clearly a piggy back off the NH $100 album
The taking the album on tour and it being the only way to listen to the album is an amzing idea... I obviously don't think the music won't leak but if it somehow doesn't do you know how many dedicated WU fans would go to hear never heard music.

Hell DRE should do this with ALL the tracks he has got recorded for Detox & then allow you to purchase any song you want for 1$ a piece. Either way this takes the idea of making your music an event and experience to a whole different level. Imagine as an artist you being able to dictate the tone and mood your fans will be placed in before hearing New music. Once again if they somehow find a way for the music to not leak this idea is incredible.
I wonder if this will be the future. Imagine how much money biebs would make if he did this for his next album
Classic idea
This won't leak as long as they search people
Oohhhh I can't wait
Didnt nipsey do this?

He gave out the album for free also... what they are trying to do is completely hold the music from releasing unless you do it through the museum/showcase. I'm not big of a WU fan but if one of my favorite artist really have a project and i have NO OTHER way to hear it i'll gladly give up that 30, assuming that much more will also be presented in the unveiling of the music.

I like this simply because although all music hasn't been GREAT, the great projects don't get the longevity or praise they deserve because we live in a world where moments fly by and aren't cherished, this would give u a feeling that you would remember for your entire life... that's great art.
I wonder if this will be the future. Imagine how much money biebs would make if he did this for his next album
Have all types of snow bunnies and teeny boppers at your local Starbucks
I wonder if this will be the future. Imagine how much money biebs would make if he did this for his next album

All it takes is for them to open one email or file or wander where they shouldn't on whatever computer the album is located and it's a wrap.

Now that they said its only going to one person whom then decides it's fate they made it a hacker challenge. Game on b.

Watch recorded, necklace recorder, bracelet recorder, mini glasses recorder, all types of way to bust this.
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I like their music but talk about delusions of grandeur 
Where's Big Ghostface to make sense of all this?
Innovative idea that really pushes the envelope. For thirty they might as well just perform the tracks like a concert or something. If people love the song, they're gonna want to hear it again.

It's got a few wrinkles to iron out but it's an interesting concept.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a dumb *** idea
Not to mention the recent talk from the chef about how the wu is divided
And how it's basically rza being 1 of the reasons
Miss me with all that about it being art
That's a ******** thing to do and treat fans from day 1
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