Wut's ur opinion on athletes who cheat on their wives/gf's???

Originally Posted by NeonDeion

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Speaking of loyalty

PackerS&LonghornS&LakerS& SteelerS

He's not a fan of the teams. Just the color yellow.

Im not gonna lie i am a bandwagon steelers fan but so are millions of people all across the nation.

whatever makes you feel better about yourself....
Originally Posted by NeonDeion

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Speaking of loyalty

PackerS&LonghornS&LakerS& SteelerS

He's not a fan of the teams. Just the color yellow.

Im not gonna lie i am a bandwagon steelers fan but so are millions of people all across the nation.

oh....no big deal then
Originally Posted by vctry20

Originally Posted by NeonDeion

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Speaking of loyalty

PackerS&LonghornS&LakerS& SteelerS

He's not a fan of the teams. Just the color yellow.

Im not gonna lie i am a bandwagon steelers fan but so are millions of people all across the nation.

oh....no big deal then

Y'all just motivated me to change my signature
yall r being brutalas hell to me,
at least y'all don't spare new niketalkmembers
every one has there breaking point, these guys have beautifull women throwing them selfs at them 24/7, eventually they gonna stray

and whose to say they wifes arent doing anything, word to personal trainners
They're bums. It's not fair that just because they are pro athletes they can have a pick of just about any woman they want. Most of them are uglyyuppies anyway. It's unfair for guys like me, who are good looking, but still have to play the game.
I couldnt care less.... Not my business. I would NEVER get married if I was a pro athlete

But, your a fool if you think these athletes wives dont cheat also
. The #!@$ that Ive heard
Originally Posted by kevin1479

every one has there breaking point, these guys have beautifull women throwing them selfs at them 24/7, eventually they gonna stray

and whose to say they wifes arent doing anything, word to personal trainners
It's a shame that media/social double standards allows celebrities to do as they please. In any conversation about a random Joe who cheats you'd hearprobably nothing but bad things, what bad people they are and such.

But as soon as celebrities are the ones who stand accused, the common response seems to be, "Oh, that's just the lifestyle"/"Everyone ofthat pedigree does it"/"It's the husband/wife's fault for staying in a faithless relationship."

Cheating in America has become a social pandemic.
Originally Posted by you big dummy

NeonDeion wrote:

I think a lot of athlets should learn how to be loyal period. Whether that be to their team(word to Lebron and Bosh
) , or their families( Malone)
Speaking of loyalty

PackerS&LonghornS&LakerS& SteelerS


Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

80JerryRice80 got a new screenname

Why is everybody on their moral high horse im sure you're all the greatest, nicest, most honest dudes around
. Karma is a B', Most of these dudes end up gettin it in the end anyways(noStrahan). Ask MJ, or any other high profile athlete, how much they enjoyed givin away half their money, child support, spousal support ect ect once theirdivorce was finalized.
An athlete that cheats is no different than an average man that cheats. The only difference is they are probably having more women thrown at them.
75% of the athletes cheat. i mean you are on a long road trip, hot babes are throwing themselves at you, you are 19-25 years old... you're gonna cheat, endof story.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Most of these women know that it goes on. They are accustomed to the life that they lead, and enjoy it's perks too much to really make a big stink about their husbands creeping.
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