X-Men:First Class Thread (First leaked Pic)

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

Originally Posted by AirCJ

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Looks like an entertaining movie, whether it sucks or not. I just read that in this X-Men storyline, Havoc and Cyclops aren't brothers. SMH.

are u kidding me, if there not brothers then whats da point of putting both of em in da movie then wow thats huge esp if they tryn 2 stay true 2 the comics SMH.

Would people stop saying this? It's a MOVIE.. a comic adaptation -- which directly implies that things will be altered for the sake of translating a limitless whimsical fantasy into a semi-believable film. Let it go.... just let it go..

I know what u saying but them not being brothers in da movie is big,they would have been better off puttin one and not the other.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

Originally Posted by AirCJ

Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Looks like an entertaining movie, whether it sucks or not. I just read that in this X-Men storyline, Havoc and Cyclops aren't brothers. SMH.

are u kidding me, if there not brothers then whats da point of putting both of em in da movie then wow thats huge esp if they tryn 2 stay true 2 the comics SMH.

Would people stop saying this? It's a MOVIE.. a comic adaptation -- which directly implies that things will be altered for the sake of translating a limitless whimsical fantasy into a semi-believable film. Let it go.... just let it go..

I know what u saying but them not being brothers in da movie is big,they would have been better off puttin one and not the other.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.


and I came outta lurking and signed in just to give you that.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.


and I came outta lurking and signed in just to give you that.
Originally Posted by ThaTruth89

Originally Posted by Ryda421

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.


and I came outta lurking and signed in just to give you that.
you were better off lurking. go smoke out or something
Originally Posted by ThaTruth89

Originally Posted by Ryda421

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.


and I came outta lurking and signed in just to give you that.
you were better off lurking. go smoke out or something
I know what u saying but them not being brothers in da movie is big,they would have been better off puttin one and not the other.

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.

Aight look... we can sit back nitpicking over deatails.. I'll start.

-Gambit should have had a bigger role
-The only character they NAILED was Nightcrawler in X2

-Juggernaut being strapped down in a van?

-The Fauxnix

So forth and so on..


We can be satisfied that the @!#* we grew up idolizing and intrigued by has made it to the big screen in such a way that we can see it with more than just our imagination. I guess because I'm not a "Comic Book Guy" like the rest of you, it's easier for me to have an open mind to some of these adaptations. But the main cats hollering "Worst. Movie. EVER!" are the one that get the luxury to live in an age where they can go see Hal Jordan in 3D in like 2 weeks. So what if it sucks
. It beats the campy +%$ 60s Batman series.....admit it! IT DOES, DOESN'T IT? Don't be so snobby fellas.. just enjoy the ride... the age of superheroes is finally upon us... so I'm cool if they change a few details..
I know what u saying but them not being brothers in da movie is big,they would have been better off puttin one and not the other.

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.

Aight look... we can sit back nitpicking over deatails.. I'll start.

-Gambit should have had a bigger role
-The only character they NAILED was Nightcrawler in X2

-Juggernaut being strapped down in a van?

-The Fauxnix

So forth and so on..


We can be satisfied that the @!#* we grew up idolizing and intrigued by has made it to the big screen in such a way that we can see it with more than just our imagination. I guess because I'm not a "Comic Book Guy" like the rest of you, it's easier for me to have an open mind to some of these adaptations. But the main cats hollering "Worst. Movie. EVER!" are the one that get the luxury to live in an age where they can go see Hal Jordan in 3D in like 2 weeks. So what if it sucks
. It beats the campy +%$ 60s Batman series.....admit it! IT DOES, DOESN'T IT? Don't be so snobby fellas.. just enjoy the ride... the age of superheroes is finally upon us... so I'm cool if they change a few details..
Originally Posted by ThaTruth89

Originally Posted by Ryda421

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.


and I came outta lurking and signed in just to give you that.
  I would say that stoneface is well deserved.
The movie could be good and entertaining which is the point of a movie.  You have to expect there will be a few tweaks in these comic movies.  Comic book elitists like you sound extra dorky and mad.
Originally Posted by ThaTruth89

Originally Posted by Ryda421

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.


and I came outta lurking and signed in just to give you that.
  I would say that stoneface is well deserved.
The movie could be good and entertaining which is the point of a movie.  You have to expect there will be a few tweaks in these comic movies.  Comic book elitists like you sound extra dorky and mad.
Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.
Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.
yes i understand what you are saying. However nolan is way better story teller. at least if these directors would take some hint that comic book movies are not happy go getter type. they are dark and graphic. but i understand this is not marketable.

yeah the thing with me is, i hardly watch new movies. and am a comic book fan first. that is why when these studios choose to butcher the characters it really gets to me. like making nick fury black. or making deadpool a guy who shoots plasma out of his eyes. i just remember being a kid hearing about how there will be comic book movies soon. i would geek out hard as well. skimming through the wizards. constantly visiting the comic book shop. those were the good ol' days. pencil drawings instead of this new cell shade crap that looks way too perfect. Never would i have imagined this atrocity which is going on right now in the comic book world.

sure you are happy, but at what price ? these studios are just recycling actors and shoving it to the public and labeling it "GOLD" then you see all these kids flocking to theaters and purchasing merchandise like sheep.

and to be quite honest, even though those 70's-80's marvel movies were cheesy they were at least true to the story. i prefer that then some fancy 3D crap with recycled actors and cheesy one line jokes.

have you ever seen the fantastic four movie that came out in the 90's? well that is a good example for my justification of rejection to all of these recent marvel movies.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.
yes i understand what you are saying. However nolan is way better story teller. at least if these directors would take some hint that comic book movies are not happy go getter type. they are dark and graphic. but i understand this is not marketable.

yeah the thing with me is, i hardly watch new movies. and am a comic book fan first. that is why when these studios choose to butcher the characters it really gets to me. like making nick fury black. or making deadpool a guy who shoots plasma out of his eyes. i just remember being a kid hearing about how there will be comic book movies soon. i would geek out hard as well. skimming through the wizards. constantly visiting the comic book shop. those were the good ol' days. pencil drawings instead of this new cell shade crap that looks way too perfect. Never would i have imagined this atrocity which is going on right now in the comic book world.

sure you are happy, but at what price ? these studios are just recycling actors and shoving it to the public and labeling it "GOLD" then you see all these kids flocking to theaters and purchasing merchandise like sheep.

and to be quite honest, even though those 70's-80's marvel movies were cheesy they were at least true to the story. i prefer that then some fancy 3D crap with recycled actors and cheesy one line jokes.

have you ever seen the fantastic four movie that came out in the 90's? well that is a good example for my justification of rejection to all of these recent marvel movies.
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by ThaTruth89

Originally Posted by Ryda421

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.


and I came outta lurking and signed in just to give you that.
  I would say that stoneface is well deserved.
The movie could be good and entertaining which is the point of a movie.  You have to expect there will be a few tweaks in these comic movies.  Comic book elitists like you sound extra dorky and mad.
so let's say they make a movie about 'shogun' i take it you enjoy his fighting. and they leave out the fact that he has a brother who also fights. or the fact that he won the grand prix in japan and instead was in america. or something like to those lines. would you be happy ? if you say that you are, then you are just a bandwagon and accept things for what they are and therefore lose all credit with the die hard fans
Originally Posted by shogun

Originally Posted by ThaTruth89

Originally Posted by Ryda421

the only people who will enjoy this movie are the newbies who never grew up dedicated to marvel. proclaiming that it does not matter however, it does. the reason why you decide to joy the bandwagon is because you notice the sea of people who wear their hot topic shirts and brag about how cool the 'new' comics are just as good. but in reality you know little of comics and are only saying this movie is gold because you do not have a critical mind, and therefore just eat up what these movie studios shove into your face.


and I came outta lurking and signed in just to give you that.
  I would say that stoneface is well deserved.
The movie could be good and entertaining which is the point of a movie.  You have to expect there will be a few tweaks in these comic movies.  Comic book elitists like you sound extra dorky and mad.
so let's say they make a movie about 'shogun' i take it you enjoy his fighting. and they leave out the fact that he has a brother who also fights. or the fact that he won the grand prix in japan and instead was in america. or something like to those lines. would you be happy ? if you say that you are, then you are just a bandwagon and accept things for what they are and therefore lose all credit with the die hard fans
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.

Same here. GRACIAS.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.

Same here. GRACIAS.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.

Same here. GRACIAS.
same here ?

you just stated this

We can be satisfied that the @!#* we grew up idolizing and intrigued by has made it to the big screen in such a way that we can see it with more than just our imagination. I guess because I'm not a "Comic Book Guy" like the rest of you, it's easier for me to have an open mind to some of these adaptations
that's a contradiction. so are you or are you not a comic book guy ?
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.

Same here. GRACIAS.
same here ?

you just stated this

We can be satisfied that the @!#* we grew up idolizing and intrigued by has made it to the big screen in such a way that we can see it with more than just our imagination. I guess because I'm not a "Comic Book Guy" like the rest of you, it's easier for me to have an open mind to some of these adaptations
that's a contradiction. so are you or are you not a comic book guy ?
Originally Posted by Ryda421

Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Ryda421 so is it safe to say you are against all comic book to film adaptations? Because I thought you were a TDK fan, and to be honest, Nolan has taken a lot of liberties with the characters in the Batman universe.
IMO, as long as the film stays true to the essence of the character(s), I am willing to see a fresh interpretation. I get caught up with the details as well at times (as my previous posts about First Class will show), but really, I'm a movie fan first, so I'm actually just happy to see a film that has comic book ties.

With all these comic book film releases churning out every summer, I know it's tough for people to remember how it was before (especially in regards to Marvel films). In the mid-90's when the Fanatastic Four movie was in development (which essentially was a B-Movie) I'd anxiously await to see any updates in Wizard and remember the first promo shot and was eeked. Then a couple months later it was shelved which was a complete bummer. Hell, I even draged my folks to Wherehouse (which was essentially like Blockbuster) trying to rent Dolph Lundgren's The Punisher because I really wanted to see a "comic book" film.

So as a former comic book geek to a present day film aficionado, even with the failed comic book adaptations we've seen in the past, I'm just happy to see the characters I followed as a kid in "real-life" on screen.

Same here. GRACIAS.
same here ?

you just stated this

We can be satisfied that the @!#* we grew up idolizing and intrigued by has made it to the big screen in such a way that we can see it with more than just our imagination. I guess because I'm not a "Comic Book Guy" like the rest of you, it's easier for me to have an open mind to some of these adaptations
that's a contradiction. so are you or are you not a comic book guy ?

If you'd have quoted the whole bit, you may have caught the reference. I said:
I guess because I'm not a "Comic Book Guy" like the rest of you, it's easier for me to have an open mind to some of these adaptations. But the main cats hollering "Worst. Movie. EVER!" are the ones[sic] that...

Note the quotations.I'm definitely not "A comic book guy".

I was alluding to a Simpson's character that takes comics WAY too seriously. And you seem to fit the description right now. I only dabble in the source material. Because the comic book era dwindled right around the time I became interested in the characters, I'm more familiar with the video games and cartoons of the 90s than the literature of the 80s and prior. So no, I don't let the old sources define how satisfied I am with newer iterations of the same characters and events. You probably shouldn't either. It's a waste of time. If you want major motion pictures of your fav. heroes, expect changes to be made so that their stories appeal to a major audience. That's just how it works. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Originally Posted by HOOSIERdaddy282

-Gambit should have had a bigger role
I'll never get the love for Gambit.

From what a remember as a kid watching the cartoon and occasionally reading the comics, Gambit:

Wears purple
Can make playing cards explode (heavy Jubilee look)
Is French (Cajun, close enough)
Carries a stick (not unlike Donatello, obviously the worst TMNT)
Is not smashing (can't touch Rogue)

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