Xbox 360 NBA 2k9 League Fantasy Draft- Draft 10:30 Eastern Thurs 4/23

I'll play you DJ in 5 mins after i'm done taking my beating


This is jsut funny now I'm laughing... I get your guys to pumpfake and I take WIDE open j's... and nothing but misses... its unreal

And the amount i've been outrebounded...


D12 for Granger
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'll play you DJ in 5 mins after i'm done taking my beating


This is jsut funny now I'm laughing... I get your guys to pumpfake and I take WIDE open j's... and nothing but misses... its unreal

And the amount i've been outrebounded...


D12 for Granger
My dude, that was just brutal, for real. I seriously was just SMH at how horrible DH12's rebounding was. GG though?

EDIT: Actually DH12 had 17 boards, I think it was just that no one else was contributing.
Come on dude... you suck with Granger... thats a FAIR trade I offered

And Grizzlies

Its not even the rebounding thing..

Seriously how can I miss so many wide open Jumpshots... it was so frustrating.. I couldnt even feed it to D12 he missed as well or got stuffed
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Come on dude... you suck with Granger... thats a FAIR trade I offered

And Grizzlies

Its not even the rebounding thing..

Seriously how can I miss so many wide open Jumpshots... it was so frustrating.. I couldnt even feed it to D12 he missed as well or got stuffed
Yeah I know man, gay. I was
when you put Nash and BG in,I know you were like "man F it, might as well."

And by the way, Josh Howard's shot is really weird, you gotta release way before you think you should.
I did good in the first half of both games... adn then it just went to hell

And no more games for me until I can figure some sort of trade
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